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Oct 6, 2022

With regards to online security, SSL certification, and PCI DDS, the stakes are exceptionally important for sellers on the internet and creators, and the path to compliance can be difficult. Thankfully, the e-commerce experts at can assist. This is a comprehensive guide to web security and security for creators and explains how to keep your compliance in the course of growing your sales online.

SSL is a must for Online Sellers

At the beginning of your website's URL, there will be either "HTTP" or "HTTPS." The last letter "s" is crucial to online sellers since it signifies that your website is safe.

SSL (Secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an online security protocol which encrypts the user's data when it travels between your server and a client's browser. This form of Transport Layer Security (TLS) keeps sensitive customer information protected. If you don't have SSL, hackers could get hold of the data (like the information about their credit card at checkout) and interpret it into plaintext.

    What Happens If Your Online Store Does Not Have an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates are necessary for online stores to operate websites, and owners of the site must renew them every two years. So what happens when retailers fail to renew their SSL certificate?

  • Search Rankings: Search engines and browsers search engines are known to penalize websites in organic search without SSL certificates by placing them in lower online ranking. This means your website is less likely to be seen by potential buyers. You can learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) through classes offered by CreatorU.
  • Security Alerts: Your website will be labeled as insecure and browsers like Google Chrome will inundate potential visitors with messages warning them against using your website.
  • Hacking threats: If your clients get hacked by hackers, you might end up losing the trust of the group and you may be financially accountable.

The solution is easy. When you work with a secure e-commerce website (like ), the platform maintains SSL certificates for each one of the sales pages you have supported.

Through maintaining SSL certifications, online platforms will help you to remain PCI compliant that is vital for sales online.

PCI DSS Compliance and E-Commerce

PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS is a global set of data security standards for every online retailer that accepts online transactions. They regulate websites' internet security to protect the payment information of customers. PCI standards are constantly updated to safeguard against the new threats to security of data Your e-commerce website should be able to adapt to the latest PCI DSS changes as they are released.

    What Happens If your E-Commerce Site is Not PCI In compliance?

Non-compliance with PCI DSS standards can financially destroy online sellers, especially small ones. Payment processors will begin hitting your bank with massive penalty fees (up to 6 figures per month of non-compliance), which banks will transfer onto your company.

There is also the possibility of bank account closures and higher processing fees charged by payment processors. The smallest amount of non-compliance penalties (starting with $5k per month) could quickly cause the bankrupting of small businesses.

Maintaining compliance with online requirements can be a challenge for all businesses. Therefore, it's obvious why many online sellers partner with an online platform with built-in PCI DSS standards of compliance .

Selling From Your Own Website

    Do websites have security?

The best part is that every sales page is entirely secured and compliant. Sales pages are equipped with security options, such as SSL SCA, GDPR, and SCA as well as PCI DSS compliance.