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Jul 21, 2022

You've probably seen it. You visit an online site, searching for the product or service that which you are in need of at present and you're overwhelmed by ads, confusing texts, and unclear directions. It's not difficult to lose track of the exact product you're searching for, then leave the site without buying the item, and feeling disappointed and angry with the entire journey.

This is NOT how you want your customers to feel. Prioritizing the customer experience can stop such a thing from happening on your sales pages.

It is crucial to take into consideration User Experience (UX) in the creation of your sales site. UX encompasses every aspect of the interaction between the customer and the company that provides services and the products they offer, for instance, the feeling that customers have at ease on the site.

To help your visitors get the most out of your website , and get the most of their time on your page make sure you design your site with their minds. The way to accomplish this:

1. Learn more about Your Audience

Think about who may have an interest in what you offer to them. Then, focus on the needs of the customers who buy. Are they aware of the services you offer, or should you provide an explanation of your services on your home page? Do they require something you do not offer? And is it possible to creating a more user-friendly website in order to accommodate the requirements of the customers you serve?

Request feedback from your clients once they've finished online shopping. Be open to their feedback. It is impossible to know what information will give you a new incredible idea for increasing your profits!

When you have a better comprehension of your customer's needs and their needs to meet, you can enhance your sales page to direct customers to what they want in addition to removing unnecessary information that distracts users from buying.

2. It's Accessible

Accessibility is a major issue in the current UX field, but this isn't the only reason you should not design using it as a consideration. The ability to make the content accessible to those with disabilities expands the audience you reach and breaks off walls that could otherwise hinder access to your content.

Here are some suggestions for making your sales page easily accessible

  • Choose text that has a high contrast contrast and backgrounds. If your background on your site is white, you can you should use black text, and the reverse. Don't use colors as the only method to differentiate links- if there is a red link and another one is green, people with red-green colorblindness might not be able to tell the different. Another way to differentiate links is by using designs to guide users (ie: "Click the square button").
  • Include closed captions in your video or audio files. While manually writing captions might be a tedious task, but it's essential for hearing impaired people to have access to this option. It's good to know that there are AI software that can automatically create captions or you can engage a freelancer who can do this for your.
  • Do not use strobing lighting or quickly changing brightness levels as they can negatively affect people with photosensitivity as well as people suffering from epilepsy. A few websites are designed to be an event, but your sales page should not be among them.

Accessibility isn't just a one-and-done solution. It's crucial to take into consideration it when you're developing something new on your sales website. Review the Web Accessibility Initiative to make sure that your website is current and according to the most recent standards.

3. Keep it consistent

Use the same terms for your product throughout the site, so that your visitors aren't getting disoriented. Make sure you don't call your product an instructional manual, pamphlet or the entire non-fiction book, and guidebook companion all on one website. Make sure you stick to one label so people know the content they'll receive.

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Following these tips and you'll be ready to take a look at your sales website and ensure it is in line with your newly discovered UX requirements!

Our sales pages are already designed and pre-designed templates which have proven to work which you can test without cost with the 7-day trial. Start today to try it for no cost and see how many customers like you are making the change.

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