Which Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 9, 2022

If you're just beginning to explore the realm of eCommerce there's a good chance sure that you've thought about creating one or two social media profiles for your business. Social media changes like the breeze, and if consider that a Facebook page suffices to connect with your clients... then you could be in for an unexpected surprise.

There are ever increasing possibilities. Every network comes with their own advantages and pitfalls, not to mention guidelines to follow.

This week, we'll examine what you need to consider when deciding which social media platforms are best suited to marketing your eCommerce business. We'll discuss why it's crucial to select carefully as well as a close examination of the most popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest along with other platforms so you'll know whether or not they're the right fit for your business.

It is crucial to select the most appropriate network

If you are a proprietor of a business Your time is valuable. There are many other tasks you need to complete and not include social media in the mix. But because it's become such a crucial part of every well-rounded marketing strategy, and you're expected to be there from your clients, it's a necessity for your business.

It's not the case that says you have to be on every and every social media site but. In fact, in some cases, it could be seen as unimportant to have an account on Pinterest account or LinkedIn profile because people who visit their sites do not utilize the apps or social networks. In addition, wasting time is something is something you should beware of, as it prevents focus on actions that bring you the greatest amount of money.

That's why it's so important to pick the most appropriate social media networks for your business. Choosing the networks where you stand the greatest chance at connecting with your ideal audience and even with your current customers will mean you'll use much less time and earn more profit. There's no need to battle for the same amount of time to achieve the results you want. Think of it as picking the "path of most resistance" -- which path can you choose to go so that you'll need to do most work to see the most return?

By evaluating each network carefully and selecting the best one for you-- based on where your clients are already, and where your business is most appropriate -- you'll be able to maximize your time and ensure you get the highest return on your investment. In this regard there are a few things to take into consideration for each significant social media site, including who utilizes each to what kinds of content can be made successful.

Facebook is a great platform for targeted advertisement of your business

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image from Pew Research Center)

Over the last two years, Facebook has slowly reduced the reach of its organic pages. The result is a drastic reduction in the amount of exposure their posts receive on the News Feed, a change so ire-inducing that the network had to publish an FAQ on the subject. Some reports estimate that the vast majority of organic brands posts can now only reach about 2% of their fans. That means less visits, clicks, as well as a decrease in revenue generated from the items or posts that you share in your Page.

However, this doesn't mean that you must give up Facebook, however. If you've built up an Page that is full of likes or you're noticing that your existing page is growing with a regularity it is possible to profit from this fan base. The best method to do it is through .

In the present, when Facebook is no longer reliable in providing even the most intriguing products and news content to your customers, the best usage of this platform is to deliver your most important news through paid means. It could mean boosting a post on your site or, in other words the process of paying for it to be pushed into News Feeds. Or it might mean specifically advertising to website users via an ad that urges them to return to your website so they won't miss out on the best deal.

An example of a Facebook ad.
An example of a Facebook advertisement.

The good thing about this type of Facebook usage is it means that virtually any company can use it and have a similar chance of being successful. Also, boosted posts and remarketing adverts are shown to existing fans and those who have already visited your website, so it's highly targeted, relevant material -- and much better than an ad that is shown to someone who's had no exposure to your brand previously.

One of the drawbacks it is that you need to spend money on advertising. If you have the proper material, ads that are well-written can perform very well and potentially make you a lot of revenue.

Twitter: best for clever conversation, content, or social support

19 percent of the adult population use Twitter According to Pew study, with the majority of them under age 50. This network, which limits the length of your tweets to 140 characters, has long been used by companies, if not because the majority of their clients are on Twitter. But does every brand need to be on Twitter? Are certain businesses able to achieve more success here more than others?

Rather than specific types of companies that have been successful on Twitter, it appears that specific types of brand content influence how effective you are in this social media platform. A study showed that videos outperformed images, links to how-to and blog entries beat all other types in terms of the number of retweets they received. Another study found those who shared quotes gained 43% more followers than the ones who didn't.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
You'll get additional RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)

So if your eCommerce brand isn't based on what you sell Tweets about fascinating content, tweets pictures, and sometimes gives inspirational quotes (provided they have something in common with your business that is), you seem to stand a greater chance of receiving clicks, retweets and new followers than those who don't do any of these.

In all honesty, Twitter is really the perfect platform for brands to engage in an open dialogue with their customers. Because it's accessible and widely-used and takes shorter time to write tweets than email, you're likely to receive inquiries, feedback, and criticisms on this page. If you answer quickly and in a timely manner, research shows that this good experience may help motivate more sales. Be prepared to watch these comments and be prepared to respond in a timely manner!

Pinterest: perfect for food, beauty, and fashion labels

Pinterest The social network, which allows you to search for, discover, and save "creative concepts" through pins is growing every year. The most recent statistics show that around 28% of adult Internet users utilize this website.

The numbers may not be impressive in its own right, but what's really significant concerning Pinterest is the demographic that is using it. According to eMarketer, 85% of the users of Pinterest is composed of women.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest has a primarily female user base. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Finally, take a look at this Millward Brown study and find the majority of Pinterest people -- with 87 percent have actually purchased items they discovered through the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest seems to be the one that drives majority of research-related Pinterest pins, and the subsequent purchases in the categories mentioned above. (Image source: Millward Brown)

What is this implying for your brand? The answer is, if your online business sells goods in one of these five categories, you're probably going to discover that Pinterest is the perfect fit for you. The majority of users discover and repin the content of these categories with an intention of buying, therefore when the images you're sharing look appealing and distinctive there is a chance to see higher purchases from Pinterest over any other platform.

Instagram: the best platform for brands with appealing physical items

Almost half of Instagram's 300 million active monthly users log in every day according to most recent research conducted on the image-centric social media platform. Its widespread use by users and its simple platform for posting images, as well as its its relative ease of use for brands and brands -- all posts are ever filtered, hidden, or shown out of order in your feed -- make it an ideal pick for many online retailers.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photos.

LinkedIn: suitable for business news, culture as well as for advancing your career

LinkedIn is currently utilized by 28% of all adult users. It's the only social network with users significantly more likely to be age 30-64 as opposed to those people in the age range of 18-29 The majority of users are by those who are university graduates.

The LinkedIn network can be a challenge for brands. Because most users rely on LinkedIn for professional-related things such as connecting with coworkers or locating jobs occasionally reading content -- anything that's not directly connected to your brand may fall flat. LinkedIn's Business Pages are actually designed to draw job-seekers and those interested in the brand you represent, therefore it's the only time when it's beneficial to promote yourself frequently.

Our LinkedIn page.
This is our LinkedIn Page.

This is why LinkedIn is best used for purposes of attracting people to your company from a commercial perspective. The likelihood is that your users would follow you on LinkedIn as they are looking to purchase from you -- they tend to be following you because they wish to work at your company or work with you in a different manner. Sharing company news, details regarding your work culture, or sharing job openings will help you build a positive image on this site.

These are the niche networks such as Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat Be cautious

It's easy to get immersed with the latest trends in social media. With every new and promising social media platform, you're likely looking forward to trying each hot new app for yourself. However, before you send pictures to customers or streaming live video for your website customers, think carefully about the long-term benefits from each of these new or small-scale networks.

An important aspect you must be mindful of is that new social media platforms are often created with no standardization, guidelines, or options. As they're made with users in mind and not for companies, brand features are often added later and could restrict your activities, or even put an abrupt end to the revenue stream you've come to depend on.

Like we've stated in the past it is important to take your time. Do not make a decision to spend money on an online social network just because it's cool or is trending. Invest in one that you know your audience will be drawn to, which has established expectations for brands, and has clear long-term benefits to your business, such as more revenue, or better communication with customers.

It is the best method to select the most appropriate networks

The right social media platforms on which you can promote your eCommerce business can be tricky. When you start, you might be fearful of investing too much time and seeing little to any return or marketing dollars that do not produce sales. If you are conducting your research prior to the start and knowing the features each platform can do for you and your business, you have more chance of succeeding in social media than a company which is signed up to any option.

The tips we have provided in this article have provided you with the best starting point to deciding how you can launch your social media profile.

If you have additional concerns about choosing the best networks for your business Contact us via the comments.