What was the result when Amy Lang Made $113,000 Helping parents educate their children about the importance of sexual health

Jan 13, 2023

Amy Lang assumed that when she was a mother and had children, she would know what to say to her son she had.

Being a teacher for self-employment with regards to sexuality and parental issues for over seventeen years She was a regular of discussing sexuality each throughout the day. However, she wasn't conscious of how uncomfortable, and insecure - the experience made her feel when the conversation about sexuality with the son she was raising. "I found myself embarrassed by my participation in "the conversation" with my son because I'm a teacher of sexuality," she says.

To find methods to become an effective and reliable person to serve the demands of her children and those of her whole family She began to study. She leaned on her background in applied behavioral research. She began to study more about talking to kids about sexuality as well as gender issues, which, in her opinion, very important, but is frequently overlooked. "We recognize that children require physical emotional, and social well-being, but it's not an everyday method to speak about sexual health because of the stigma of it being taboo" she says. "We are lacking knowledge about sexual health and health issues, and also the development of sexuality in young children."

As a result of her study and research it was possible to include more tools to her toolbox and was urged to assist parents as well as children within this field, but this time, she was able to offer online classes. The year 2017 was the year she launched her first online course: Birds & Bees Solution Parent Center. Then, she began her own program which she later called Preschoolers' Playmates and Private Parts. "My conviction is that knowing information can empower," explains Lang. "The more information you've got to be able to access and accessible, the better you'll be likely to be in more advantageous position to help your children ."

Her online courses present day are the primary source of her income. When she first started the course in 2017 it has earned more than $113,000 in revenues. What's the best part about it? Most of her trust is on her email lists and word-of-mouth to promote the product. "I did not have to think about the idea," she laughs.

"I'm earning money while I clean the dishes."

While her success increased organically, she was aware regarding the steps she took. Here are a few examples:

Skip ahead:

  1.       She uses
  2.       She develops an online database for email
  3.       She uses social media to promote, not sell
  4.       She creates a member course
  5.       She also creates an extra course
  6.       She creates content using testing and
  7.       She pinpoints her target viewers' needs and desires.

She uses HTML0.

Lang is running her business for over 10 years before she launched her first online class. While she's passionate about instructing in personand is a participant in many workshop and live events The idea of offering taking classes online was an easy evolution for her company.

Apart from the capability to communicate with parents as well as those who work with kids, she also desired that people have the option to take classes at their home. Talking about sexuality is challenging for certain people, but online courses offer students the protection they need in order to be able to understand.

The instructor chose to conduct her classes on a different technology than some other online learning platforms. "It was very welcoming and user-friendly, as well as cost-effective," she says.

She is an database of email addresses

When Lang started her online classes, Lang had built up an extensive email database that now has over 17,000 users.

The method she used to build the majority of her list was simple by the fact that whenever she was teaching live she would give their students an QR code, which would take to her sign-up email newsletter. Additionally, she would move her laptop around in the room in order to let them enter their email addresses by themselves. The method she used was to ask individuals' email addresses right in the middle of class, right in the moment when students were engaged and keen to know more.

The email lists continue to grow as she hosts live shows on her site. In her navigation bar on her website, it has a button which reads "free advice. After clicking the button, they're taken to a site that allows users to sign up with their email address in order to get an offer: 7 Tips to Enjoy Incredible Birds and Bees Talks. This freebie will be sent via email. It will also direct people to the school.

She has a huge mailing list but she also makes sure to remind online course creators for online course that this was not something that happened in a single night. "I've been doing this since 1997," she says. "That's 1000 people per year. It's not a new idea. It may take some time to design a lucrative plan in the absence of an established base."

HTML0She uses social media to market, however, she does not use it to increase sales.

Although she has a YouTube channel that has about 800 subscribers, and an Instagram account with more than 4,000 subscribers along with the Facebook community that has 10,000 members, along with an interview-style podcast she claims her email provides the best conversion rates. Actually, she doesn't utilize her social media channels to promote her classes, it's only the email lists she keeps. "It's much more secure when you receive an email. This is how it works," explains Lang. "Social media is primarily designed to be utilized for marketing rather than sales . My life ."

Although Lang doesn't rely on social media in order to market her courses However she has found the channels useful to market the course. In order to make things simpler, she posts the exact same content on all of her social media platforms each week. Also, the content is planned ahead of time. Each piece has an action call; Lang is encouraging people to sign up for her newsletterand to schedule individual talks with her which she refers to as"Quickie Consults. "Quickie Talk." To purchase one of her classes online, or to invite her to give live courses.

While she doesn't belong to any communities that her kids can be part of, she is able to create a sense of community through her social media -- specifically through a program she calls "Help Another Parent. In this program, Lang asks parents questions in return for parents to give kind and helpful tips. "I have a habit of playing along with a lot of other users who offer helpful tips for parents who may not be very fortunate," she says.

Lang suggests course designers to adapt their material specifically for social media in order to address the needs of customers. In addition, taking into consideration how to market with the right thinking is vital.

"Believe that the information that you've shared can be helpful."

Apart from social media, as well as her email lists, her fans have increased organically via the word of mouth. Many people students who attended her in-person sessions or online classes have recommended her to teachers at their schools and parents.

She creates a member course

She is a primary source of information for the parents of children who range from 5 to 12 years old, as well as professionals who are mostly early elementary school teachers.

The training she gives is specifically designed for parents. Birds & Bees Solution Center for Parents is available via an online platform that permits members to join at $89 USD per year. It was not clear what the cost would be until she decided on what she would like to pay; she wanted it to be as easy as it could be. "I would rather not have to think about the cost," she says. "I would like to have that as an unambiguous"yes ."

Lang means "course" as the concept of "library," which refers to a range of documents that includes handouts, documents, as well as videos, audio recordings, topic-specific webinars along with additional sources, and weekly meetings referred to as "Hump hour of the day. The sessions consist of a portion of the class that runs for 10-minutes, then individual training. "These classes are one of my most-loved activities, because they're live and I'm able communicate with my pupils" Lang says. Lang.

This program was designed by the teacher using an approach to library study because most parents have the same issue. Instead of having to go through hours and hours of information to look through to solve that specific issue solved The library allows students to choose and select the subject they want to learn about. "With libraries, there's no reason to fret about whether the content is appropriate to children or is research-based the manner it's designed," Lang says. Lang. "People often tell me "Thank me for making your life much simpler' .'"

The program's content is created and changed to the program on a periodic schedule. "I have the ability to help the parents of many and not need to attend in the sense of needing to be there," she says. "It's only one advantage of having a platform that lets users to be members ."

She creates an extra course

As well as aiding parents, she also works alongside professionals, typically early childhood educators to help in the fight against sexual assault.

The next course, Preschoolers: Private Parts and Playmates, is targeted towards the pre-school group of kids. She will teach sexual behaviors for children that focuses on things that are normal and not common, in addition to what to look for in a sign that a child may require help.

     Additionally, it gives companies the possibility of employing her. "Some businesses aren't financially able to pay for me." the actress says.

After students have completed the classes they take, she does not make any sales. The goal for 2023 is to be to invest more emphasis on selling her 'Quickie Consult' as well as her publication Sex Talks with Tweens How To Tell and What to say and how To Say it.

She develops content via conducting tests and

It took her some time to comprehend the procedure in creating content to create her online course- and the process involved many trials and failed. If Lang examines the process of creating an online course , it's evident that the most difficult part was creating the perfect length of the video as well as how many handouts she would include (and the extent to which they could be beneficial) and what type of content that would appeal to those she wanted to attract.

When she thinks about the work she wrote She wishes she'd done an audit during the first year of her career to observe what she was watching and then made changes based on the feedback. Though she's modified her material since then but she's of the view that getting feedback will help to improve her writing skills.

The video was originally created by her which ran for hours within her class. However, she realized that they were excessively lengthy. Then she cut them smaller and easier to understand since her viewers are comprised of parents with busy agendas who don't have a lot of time. "I will make it accessible and straightforward," she says.

Her family does not help her in making material. Instead she is a person who is always up-to-date with her studies, and let parents' concerns help her create new information. There are also colleagues whom she meets that assist with the development of concepts as well as offer advice.

HTML0 She decides on her viewers' needs and wants.

If you're considering making an online class, she recommends that the creators determine the reason they'd like to create the course. The creators can then identify a target they can take on in smaller amounts.

Lang also stresses that it's crucial to identify the needs and demands of a particular population. People want and need. "What you think they'd prefer and would like isn't necessarily what they actually want or need," she explains.

To understand the desires and requirements of potential customers, Lang advises that creators request their clients to complete surveys and then use the results to guide the development of their online course. "Be vigilant and attentive and. Remember that it's not all about the instructor. Your people are what matter most," she says.

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