What exactly is what exactly is a Community of Practice? (Definition + CoP Framework) |

Jan 28, 2024

Practice communities are efficient in organizing your organization's communities within the practice area. Practice communities that are effective offer members the chance to be insecure and ask for advice, in addition to learning and improving in the same area.

In this article, we will look at what is a practice community? What are the advantages of a practice community? Examples of community of practice
    The Community of Practice Framework. Community of Practice Framework


What communities are in use?

The Community of Practice (CoP) is a community of practice which shares common objectives, rules, interests or a professional area which members discuss their experiences, record notes, and communicate information. Communities of practice may be created to share knowledge on the most effective practices, techniques and ideas, helping people to develop expertise on the subject of their choice.

Communities of practice work since their theories of learning demonstrate that it's more than just the learning process. It's about interaction with other people. Therefore, joining a community of students, even in your adult years, is the most effective way to grow into something that is significant for you. Therefore, belonging to the CoP will enhance the value of your education and help to build a sense of belonging to the community.

The phrase "group of practice" is employed to refer to a particular group of practice with three parts:


  • Domain: The shared passion of fields, interests like. which connects people.
  • Community: A group of members who gather together to discuss ideas and share experiences.
  • Training refers to the activities performed by the participants of the group (e.g. discussions, conferences, Q&As, etc. )

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What is a community of practice?


  • may be able to help: A CoP offers help and guidance that guarantees that you won't need be a struggle in order to obtain the degree you want.
  • Promoting shared experiences: Members of the group discuss their experiences with each other and help them profit by learning from their experiences.
  • Offers new perspectives: Hearing of how others have solved the problems that you are facing can provide members by providing fresh perspectives.
  • Make a note of mistakes that others have made. Making mistakes, and then learning from the mistakes you make is a highly efficient method. If you learn mistake based the mistakes of other people or the mistakes of others, you're less likely to commit the same errors. There is a lower chance that you'll repeat these mistakes.
  • provides you with the sense of belonging It gives you a sense of belonging. CoP offers you the chance to build and sustain your identity. The CoP also allows members to be part of a wider community.
  • The development of fields New innovations, novel techniques and synergies of cooperation CoP could move fields to the correct direction.

Theory of learning embedded in communities of practice

The idea of a group of practice was first conceived in the words of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger in their 1991 book about learning in a setting. This concept was based upon the concept of theory of practice, and recognized the importance of learning in the everyday setting. It is because of interaction that is based on the power-based dynamic as well as the complex human interactions.

It's important to comprehend how important it is to understand "peripheral participation"--when individuals become used to the unfamiliar environment. This is essential to learning. This is why the CoP not only beneficial for people who are in the core however, it is equally valuable to those who are peripheral to the group.

"Learners continue to be part of learning community, and learning to develop the capabilities and capacities of the newcomer requires for them to take on full part in the work of their respective communities." "Situated learning" is explained in the work of Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger

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A analysis of the case of a Community of Practice


  • the community of eXd provides educators with means to establish an inclusive and transformational educational institution as well as schools.
  • nurses support nurse Provides nurses with the chance to get together in a safe area to exchange stories, and learn from each other.
  • The New Legal System: Learns people employed in various roles in the legal field about the methods by which technology and race can change the laws of the land in a positive way.
  • Indie Birth Association: The organization includes midwives, doulas and pregnant women or preparing for birth. They provide assistance and support for having an uninvolved birth.
  • Tuft the World A community on the internet that is totally free to all rug tufters, experienced or new, and people who are interested in the fibers of their choice and want to meet other members around the world.
  • PLANTSTRONG Community An online community offering classes and other resources that are paid to assist individuals who are looking to improve their well-being. Eat more vegetables and adhere the guidelines that are organic and plant-based.
  • Academy for Innovation in HR: Gives HR professionals opportunities to develop their expertise and improve their job opportunities.
  • Octo Member provides professionals in the UK finance industry the ability to develop in their career and personal life.

Common domains are used to organize processes


  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Technologies for information (IT)
  • Human resource (Human resources) (HR)
  • Management of projects
  • Communication and marketing
  • Financial and banking
  • Legal experts
  • Experts on sustainability
  • DEI & Inclusion experts
  • Social work
  • Urban planning
  • Non-profits
  • Entrepreneurship

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Learning collaboration

A lot of communities operate in the form of groups of practice with no knowledge of its members. Many traditional classrooms function as a groups of practice. There is also the possibility to locate non-profit groups. There is a good chance that you've been in a group of practitioners without even realizing that you were a member of the group.

These could, for example, be considered practices?


  • Groups of parents play which keep the kids entertained, and parents share their feelings, emotions, and what they're doing to learn (hopefully this is the most effective method for your child to sleep all at night! )
  • Services to serve religious needs: participating in religious ceremonies could involve sharing the experience and knowledge.
  • Participation in sports teams as an individual member is an act of participating in the being part of an entire community. Gather together, talk about strategies, and participate with.

Each one of these cases includes elements belonging to the practices community within your local area. Every one of them has the characteristics of a group, domain or practice with whom they're actually connected. This means that many of the communities we are members of could be considered as a collective of practices. It's not something we are aware of.

     We think of communities of practice as being an organised group that is kept on the same level with the goal to serve. It's fine.

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Online Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are present both online and in the offline world, but let's take some time to consider online communities that are based on practice. Our teaching methods have been completely changed by the internet-based learning platforms. blended learning and asynchronous instruction and community-based learning have been revolutionized by the internet as well.

Communities that practice are also involved. The procedure is getting easier than it has ever been to discover websites for community online and also to develop digital content. This is why it's not to be a surprise that communities built by social media have been flourishing on the social media side and also in software specifically designed to meets the requirements of communities.

There are numerous advantages to the creation of an online network for practice:


  • Meet practitioners from around the world The most exclusive network of practice allows you to collaborate with fellow professionals from all over the globe. International perspectives are intriguing too.
  • Use asynchronous communications groups which are designed for professionals. Although groups for practice may be able to gather in person, and incorporating features like forums on the internet or discussion groups, this offers a wonderful opportunity to those who work all day to meet without the need of gathering in real-time.
  • Information sharing in real-time: There is no needing to wait for the next scheduled meeting of a study group. Online participation can occur at any time it is necessary.
  • Real and active Engaged as well as more engagement in real time as a result of their structure as well as their accessibility (e.g. through a community app) lets people participate.
  • Communities of Accessibility and Inclusion Practice that are online are much more welcoming and simple to access. Are there any difficulties with traveling to the event? What are the costs for the attendees when an cost is huge? Do meeting rooms provide access? How do parents be responsible in the care of their children? There's an array of issues with accessibility and inclusion, that can be addressed through meeting online.
  • The user-friendlyness: And even when there's not a accessibility issue in some cases, a practice online group might be more effective.
  • The benefits of having several practices in your area are incredible. However, there is also advantages to having multiple online CoPs and experiencing different perspectives of the world or different perspectives from various countries.

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Community of Practice Framework

There isn't a way to set up an association of practice, the structure that the co-operative of practice follows will help to begin the process of creating the new CoP or revitalising the one that you already have.

1. Learn more about the mission and goals

Each practice group has an annual rallying cry which is a particular reason for the celebration. The only thing which the group members are interested in and steadfast about.

If you're seeking to establish the foundation for a group of methods that are effective, the Large Obligation Large Obligation is the best way to begin.

Select a goal that goes beyond the format of your meetings. "We have meetings on Tuesdays, to discuss the counseling process" is not enough.

You can use the three components of a community procedure below to help break it down


  • Domains: What domains of expertise that this specific community cover?
  • Community: Who's part of this community? Which kind of person must be a part of the community?
  • Training: What types of activities for community members are they capable of?

If it appears easy, that's because it is. Achieving the motive need not be a challenge. The simpler the process is, the better.

Big Purpose- New Image

2. Select the best member

Every community is home to Ideal members. The ideal person is someone who must participate in the community and who has the highest effectiveness when it comes to making a positive impact on.

Make your own group of practice by selecting the right member for you. It is a great idea to have meetings with potential members. Find out what their issues are. Learn what they'd want to be aware of. Discover what subjects they'd like to talk about at a conference for them to impart their experience.

A couple of brief discussions could be a great assistance to create an efficient CoP.

Sometimes, it's mandatory. Communities of practice usually grow organically out of established groups, conferences that live as well as other such events. If you're a part of an Ideal Participant Community that has developed organically it could be the best place to be.

3. Leadership

Create your structure for leadership as an organisation of practice whenever it is appropriate. If you've got huge CoPs they could have an executive board or executive group. In smaller cities, this might be as easy as choosing an elected chairperson.

If your CoP guidelines are governed by an organization, you can hold regular meetings for members of the group to set goals.

It is crucial to think about ways you can make your leadership more flexible and fluid. Communities of practice are invaluable with no elaborate plans for leadership. The power of leadership is greatest when it's focused on the CoP in its entirety, rather than management responsibilities.

4. Establish a platform

Your CoP is required to get together in some way.

If the gathering takes place held in person, the participant can arrange for the location and timing for the event. This could comprise:


  • A typical event (or gathering) (e.g. an industry meeting)
  • A place that is compatible with the CoPs Agenda (e.g. A workplace CoP could meet during the lunch break)

If you're planning to hold a meeting via the web It's essential to figure out the method you'll use to organize and conduct Asynchronous or Synchronous meeting as well as the conversations.

As an example, think about:


What is the most suitable selection for your family as well as your neighborhood? It depends. When you've been through the procedure of finding your perfect partner You'll get a good understanding of their needs along with their most preferred choices when it comes to relationships. Select a person who matches your needs.

5. Create a Framework and Guidelines

A number of communities have gained from having guidelines for residents to set the fundamental policies and guidelines. Although it's tempting to view the procedure of creating regulations as being a burden, it's actually a fantastic approach to create a community, which allows individuals to feel comfortable and participate--IF they're properly defined and enforced. If you have a business that is connected to the internet, it's crucial to add moderated behavior in addition.

When people feel safe and are protected from bullying, harassment or ridicule, and are more likely to be. They're much more likely to contribute to the community positively.

Another possibility to consider is the possibility of establishing a group structure. Every community of practice is unique and is unique in design. However, there are some instances of what you could imagine incorporating for:


  • Regular set meetings
  • Special guest speakers every month
  • Workshops and sessions for training
  • Working groups and task force
  • Open discussion forums
  • Community "listening"
  • Mentorship programs for friends or mentoring
  • Feedback sessions for the participants
  • Themes that work well for themes that are monthly or quarterly
  • Workshops to learn and develop skills
  • Social and networking occasions

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6. Promotion and launch

After everything is done, you are ready to establish the social circle around your business. You can think about an online or live launch, which brings the entire crowd together and generate excitement. It may involve the participation of speakers or a space for socializing. It must be able to deliver the results that make this occasion successful, but it also serves as a foundation for subsequent actions.

How you plan to promote the practices of the community you live in is dependent upon the objectives you've set. If you're looking to grow you can use a variety of methods to market your locality of practices:


  • Make contact with individuals directly (especially those who appear to appear to Ideal individuals you've spoken to).
  • Webcasts may be made for a nominal fee or a formal occasion.
  • Request an industry expert to give a talk.
  • Existing email lists, or subscriber lists.
  • Place ads in trade publications or on the relevant websites.
  • Make a stand at an appropriate gathering.

7. Make a database of information

Some groups of practitioners opt to create a knowledge database to collect and sharing the knowledge. This could be achieved via sharing of materials, course notes and other content, or an instructional guide which is shared.

A group of practitioners can be a fantastic source for fresh ideas and ideas for new approaches to solving problems. Knowledge databases can be used to:


  1. This involves creating the concept of an "institutional memory"
  2. The members who are new to the group are reminded of past discussion
  3. working with previous sessions in order to solve issues that come up

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8. Get feedback

If you're hosting the group of practitioners and you want to collect the opinions of the participants on what's going on and how things are not going. One method to gather feedback is to use using an anonymous approach, particularly for a large CoP.

You can:


  • Use an online survey service like SurveyMonkey to get anonymous feedback.
  • Use the tools available on platforms (e.g. polls and questionnaires) for gathering comments.
  • Participate in interviews with members as well as the feedback sessions, which are not formal.
  • Live sessions provide feedback.

9. Celebration and recognition

Certain communities of practice select to honor the most outstanding practitioners in their area with awards or awards. It could be to recognize members of the group in order to acknowledge their hard work. It may also mean recognizing an organization or company from the local community who have accomplished outstanding work before recognizing the individual.
    The idea is that when you are proficient, you reach the top in your area, you will recognize that excellence inside your own organization as well as in the wider world gives you a chance to recognize individuals as well as groups that work hard in their area of expertise.

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10. Expand and improve

A community that is prosperous is one with progress and growth. Goals change. The members evolve and develop. Club members are welcomed by new members with fresh visions.

The practice community may change as you practice, constantly changing to accommodate the demands of the members. it.

Are you ready to get started?

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