What are the best apps to make profit? 10 Proven Strategies - (r)

Jun 17, 2023
People standing around learning how apps make money

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With millions of apps being available worldwide (and growing) It is important to consider: how do apps earn money?

Although not all apps are designed to generate revenue, even the simplest apps can have a few efficient ways of earning money. It doesn't matter if it's display of a tiny display in a calculator, or offering subscription-based tiers to an advanced health-monitoring app There is a variety of ways for apps to earn cash.

The strategies used that are used to make money from apps can differ just in the same way as apps themselves. In this post we'll discuss the fundamental principles behind app monetization, look at the methods used to monetize your app and go over different strategies for making the most out of your app. Also, how to make the highest amount of money.

How can apps earn money?

The apps may employ a variety different methods to earn money, and this does not stop at just making an upfront payment. Actually, "free" apps can be some of the most profitable apps out there!

What does it do? What can an app that is free earn thousands or even millions?

A chart showing that worldwide app revenue is expected to reach over $930 million in 2023.
App revenues worldwide are expected to surpass 930 million by 2023. (Source: Tekrevol)

The solution lies in the strategies for monetizing apps. The term "app monetization" is precisely as the name implies: making your app earn money (in other words, making it profitable). Although charging an upfront cost may be the simplest option to earn money for your app, there's a variety of options available.

Before getting down into business, we must look at the way to monetize applications.

What exactly is app monetization?

It is the process which generates income from app users.

While strategies for app monetization may differ, the majority of enterprises that have been successful in monetizing utilize a range of methods for monetization. A successful strategy is based on knowing the user's needs and the reason that they use your app, as well as, obviously how your app works at first.

In-app ads are one effective form of app monetization
In-app advertisements are a successful method of monetizing apps ( Source: Creatopy)

Some applications earn revenue by advertising at the top of the screen. They reward users with points after watching the commercials and even permitting an ad company from a third party to gather user information for analysis or subsequent campaign marketing.

It's not the only one method you can earn money through apps. Certain apps have built-in monetization feature. The apps could be personal shopping apps or those that are mobile extensions of existing online shops (such as eBay as well as Amazon).

So, anybody looking to create an application for the purpose of monetization will have to consider alternatives to phones and mobiles. Although mobile devices are likely to offer the best opportunities for interaction (read that monetization) over the next few years, in the time in the future, other gadgets may already provide more opportunities to sell certain items, like services or even experiences.

No matter what the fact is that app monetization is an important topic. Before we get deep, you're likely to be wondering what you could be able to earn.

How much can these free Apps Make?

A long story in a short amount of time The answer is: it will depend on.

There are a lot of apps that are totally free and produce millions in annual revenue however, this is usually not the the general rule. But that shouldn't deter thousands of free apps from earning at minimum hundreds of dollars in revenues every month.

But, what is the amount you expect to make?

The exact number will vary based upon the application and its specific monetization method (revenue-per-click or revenue-per-thousand impressions, etc.) differing between types of apps in addition to the quantity of users, device(s) used, along with the origin country.

The advertising and app's owner or owners use the concept of eCPM (effective cost per mille or effective cost per 1000 impressions) as the key metric in determining the impression-based income.

A chart image showing global average eCPMs by country and device
Global average eCPMs per region and device. ( Source: Appodeal/Business of Apps)

In the year 2020, the median cost per click for banner ads on mobile applications within the United States ranged from $0.37 for Android apps up at $0.46 to iPhone applications. It means that an American-based iPhone application that displays ads that have 5,000 impressions each day could earn the average for a day of $2.30.

Free vs Premium vs. Freemium Model

What is the point of offering free apps instead of charging customers upfront and generating income in just a few minutes?

Free apps may get more downloads but not always more engagement
The apps that are free may receive greater downloads but aren't necessarily more popular. (Source: CleverTap)

It is possible to download apps without cost can provide a range of benefits. In the first place, it allows them to download more apps and more likely to be praised for their work due to the absence of any fee to access.

Creative revenue streams, however, can only be half of the battle with regards to commercialization of apps that are not free. Developers also have to contend with uncertainty inherent in the revenue stream and an overall decrease in interaction with their users. Furthermore, because the vast majority of apps already being completely free, it may be challenging for new apps to get noticed, or even be able to make it to the top spots in app stores.

Pricing models that are free (free/premium) could be the best way to get around the disadvantages.

Freemium and premium can both work well, just in different scenarios.
Both premium and freemium apps can work, but in different scenarios. (Source: CleverTap)

The model of freemium lets users get basic functions of the app for no cost, however they have the option of obtaining high-end features at a cost. It is widely utilized on the market for apps which includes in-game purchase to subscriptions paid for.

A majority of apps that are free can be used with ease and can be a lucrative market. This allows app owners to offer a simple and basic service that is able to satisfy each user. However, they can also add additional features (and earn additional revenue) for different types of users that may require something more.

While freemium can provide an ideal blend of premium and free services but it's not the best selection to access all apps -- in fact it can be a good idea to use premium, which may offer the most value.

Premium apps are those which are extremely specialized that cater to a certain segment of the market that has specific requirements. If this is the situation, it's difficult to locate the apps currently available that meet these requirements. Additionally, future clients are more likely to pay some money upfront in order to obtain the features that they are already aware of.

Top 10 App Monetization Methods

When we've comprehended the core principles of app monetization, as well as the many kinds of apps, we'll be able to examine some of the most common methods of earning money through apps.

There’s a business model for nearly every app.
There's a model for commercialization that is applicable to almost every app. (Source: Itobuz)

There's a template for business and a revenue plan for almost every application. Take a look at some more well-known ones below.

1. Freemium Apps (Paid Features)

We've covered it earlier The ability to provide the combination of free and paid services- freemium is a common monetization technique.

Spotify is one successful example of a freemium app.
Spotify is one successful example of a service that is free.

To gain a deeper understanding of how this can be a problem put yourself in the shoes a potential user. With so many different apps that are in the market (and perhaps for the exact same thing) Wouldn't it be better if you could try outa version of the app before deciding to make an purchase?

These are basically what's known in the "free trial period" of the world of apps. Though the majority of people prefer using the free trial for the entire duration they're using the application, there's an opportunity that some users would opt to buy the premium version in order to earn steady revenues. As an example Spotify, the app that is free Spotify made more than $11 billion by 2022..

2. Premium Apps (Paid)

Developers often ask, "how do apps make profits with no advertising?" The answer is by charging users to download the application.

While not everyone wants to spend a significant amount to download an app, the majority of users don't hesitate in the event that the app they download is the one they require and if it's already well-known.

Therefore, using an expensive service typically requires a satisfying market niche with an established customer base. When a premium application is your "go-to" solution for a specific demands, it's not an problem.

The newest apps that do not have an established reputation can also transition into the premium version by providing trial-only trials that are only available for a certain time.

3. In-App Purchases

As with freemium, providing an application for free and that includes in-app purchases is an extremely efficient way of generating the revenue.

In-app purchases are a popular revenue stream for mobile games
In-app purchases are an increasingly popular source of revenue that game developers on mobile use. (Source: Intego)

Game applications are among the most common examples of this method, in which players make digital payments for game currency, or virtual objects in game such as special loot, abilities, or cosmetics. The game that is so popular Candy Crush Sagaearned more than $600 million in 2022 simply by employing this technique.

However, the reality is that this method of buying in-app items can work just as well with a game-free app. However, they're considered "extra content" which won't affect the experience of your default app.

4. Paid Subscription Models

Each user will have their own needs that's why it's crucial to be able to meet all their needs with different model of subscription?

An app offering various paid subscription plans
Spotify Paid subscriptions

Apps with a lot of features that cater to a diverse variety of users often use the subscription model to provide a better experience for users. Alternatively, some subscription apps might offer a trial for a limited period of duration prior to having to sign up for an agreement with an online subscription service (kind of like a certain amount of articles for free before needing to sign to the subscription services to receive news).

Subscriptions can be an extremely effective method to keep clients for long periods of time especially if they're of the correct value for the right cost.

5. In-App ads and Sponsorships

The model of in-app advertisement is employed by the vast majority of apps for sale, either in some way or other.

Full-screen pop-ups and other ads are found in most apps
Full-screen advertisements and other advertisements can be found on most applications. (Source: GermaniaVid)

From simple banner ads to full-screen ads and reward programs for video apps can be found in all forms and sizes -- and so do the different levels of revenue.

Similar to this, a lot of apps utilize the sponsorship or partnership model of a company method of generating income in the beginning. The sponsorship model can provide new apps with the necessary credibility and credibility.

6. Email Lists

7. Ecommerce

Ecommerce apps can offer users a more engaging shopping experience.
The E-commerce application can offer customers a more engaging shopping experience. (Source: Dribbble)

8. Market Texts and Mobiles

Because apps are often placed on smartphones of the users who use SMS or text messages, it are often an effective strategy to improve engagement.

SMS marketing offers a quick and easy way to reach mobile users.
SMS marketing is a fast and simple way of reaching mobile users. (Source: Mayple)

Even though you don't receive compensation by sending texts to your customers It is possible and effective to quickly send reminders, updates, alerts as well as marketing messages to every users audience.

Texts are a great way to draw your audience to use the application in a manner that creates revenue by allowing them to view the latest videos ( and watch ads) and look up the cost of a particular product ( and buy it) or try different options ( and then subscribe).

9. White Labeling

The newest app developers along with large corporations are more able to provide more than they think.

White labelling in a nutshell
White labeling permits developers to market their app under a different brand. (Source: FourWeekMBA)

In the end an app development company can turn on existing business owners who purchase their app and put it on their own label. Developers are provided with quick sources of revenue while also offering existing business owners an intriguing product.

10. Data Licensing

The users can become ideal source of revenue especially their personal data.

A chart showing third party data licensing on apps
A variety of popular apps sell user data to a third-party. (Source: PCMag)

The power of data is that drives everything. Increasingly, more companies are spending big bucks for the best data from their clients. With mobile devices being an excellent source of information about behavior The most well-known apps could quickly become valuable for businesses that wish to study patterns.

As tempting as it may be however, take note that your app' data on users could be protected by national or international laws unless they agree to a user agreement which allows you to own.

Which is the Best Monetization Strategy

There many apps to earn money But which is right for the needs of yourapp?

Choosing the right app monetization strategy isn’t easy
Finding the right strategy for app monetization isn't easy. (Source: Mind Inventory)

It is, however, depends on the application and the value it provides the user. There's not a either or neither, but having a look at these suggestions could help determine a viable method of monetizing.

Identify Your App's Unique Value

The reason for your application and the benefit it offers the users are the primary factor when it comes to determining the best method to make money from it.

In the case of an ordinary calculator, it would not wish to require users to pay in advance. In that scenario you could make it monetized with banners of a small size or sponsorships by the maker of calculators, or an educational website.

Alternatively, an advanced graphing calculator could legitimately charge an upfront cost when it has high-end tools and features that could can mathematically justify the cost.

Study Your Users

Be aware of your customers the needs and desires of your clients and their behaviour is a crucial aspect.

Different types of users will respond differently to monetization methods
Different users could react differently to ways of earning money. (Source: CleverTap)

A monetization strategy that might be right for a particular app may be wrong should it not be a good fit with people who are active. Particularly, phones that have smaller screens may be unable to handle endless pop-up advertisements which block their screen, and Android users are unlikely to want to pay additional money for the integration of iPhone content into their apps.

The habits of your customers' spending can affect the choice you choose to. Examples include apps to help shoppers find discounts for groceries aren't likely to be benefited by the option of paying for additional contents.

Find Out What's Working

If you're not sure, it is always a good suggestion to look at similar apps to take a look at the apps that are successful. It also enables you to take a more deep look at competitors and the trends that are happening in the market for mobile apps and help you fine-tune the value of your app and also strategies for revenue generation.

Reviews from users can help in facilitating this process, as they can provide insights into user experience and problems. A user, for instance might have left an unfavorable review due to irritating advertisements or an unsatisfactory quality service. Positive reviews, too, could be an gauge of what users react positively to.

Think about Hybrid Strategies

Most successful apps don't adhere to a single method of monetization. Many aren'tbecause leveraging only one method usually won't generate enough revenue to deliver a solid return.

There are a variety of options to use the use of mixed strategies. As an example, a freemium application might show ads in the free version however, it can also offer the option of in-app purchases as well as premium content. The same application can also keep users updated via messages or emails, and also provide the information of its users to third-party companies that are interested in their information.


Once you've seen the way apps can generate income You'll be able to see how app monetization can be an arduous procedure. And, most important of all, you must stay flexible.

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