Utilize this template for Employee Coaching for Effortlessly Impactful Coaching

Aug 16, 2023

This employee coaching form template can help streamline your coaching process -- to track the development of your employees easily.

If your business is investing funds in employee coaching or training, then you'll want to be aware of how the program is working, don't you? A standardized method of planning and execution in place will help you evaluate the return on investment (ROI) for your employees coaching program.

This is where a coaching form comes in. It will help you streamline your coaching process in order to keep track of employee progress in an efficient manner. Let's explore more about the purpose of an employee coaching form template can do and how you can utilize one to meet your training requirements.

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What exactly is a employee-coaching model?

A form for employee coaching is a detailed document used to plan and conduct coaching sessions within an organization. The form outlines the objectives of your coaching program and how you'll achieve these goals, as well as the method for evaluating the performance of your participants as well as their performance.

The right form of coaching can transform your employees from passive to active learners. It sets their expectations early to ensure they are aware of what they're working towards and prepare ahead of time.

When the course, participants use the form to assess their progress, pinpoint points for improvement, and give feedback on the overall program.

Importance of using employee coaching forms

At first, investing in employee coaching forms may seem like a waste of time. However, a properly-designed form for coaching:

The standardization of your coaching processes

The employee coach form offers one consistent structure for coaching sessions. Anyone tasked with conducting coaching sessions for employees of the business will rely on the document for guidance through the process instead of designing a new program completely from beginning from scratch.

The standard framework for coaching lets provide a uniform experience across different sessions. This reduces the time to learn for the employees too -since they'll have to be less likely to need to adjust to different coaching methods.

Tracks learner progress

If an employee sign up for a 4-week coaching program, and you keep track of their weekly performance by using the employee coaching forms. When the time comes to end the course, you'll use the notes recorded in the forms of employee coaching to evaluate the performance of the employee over the four weeks.

Based on this information You can suggest next steps. The employee's manager can draw up an objective growth plan that will fill in the gaps in knowledge and skills.

Promotes accountability

There is no longer a time when the coaching program was entirely the trainer's discretion. With an employee coaching form, everyone (employees and stakeholders) know what they can expect from a coaching program ahead of time with regards to content and timelines for each session and assessment rubrics.

In articulating clearly the coaching goals, processes, and timelines it ensures both the coach and employee are aware of what goals must be achieved and how it will be done. The clarity of the form sets the tone for accountability and leaves no room for ambiguity or misunderstanding.

Employees can refer to the coach's form as the program progresses to determine if its execution aligns to the initial program. Say the coach indicated that they'd conduct formative assessments but use summative tests; employees can inquire about what the reason is for their deviation from rules. They can also record their observations on the section for feedback on the questionnaire.

The elements of a successful Employee Coaching Form

The particulars of an employee coaching form vary according to the goals of your company and coaching methodology. But, generally speaking, it contains these elements:

Basic information section  Basic Information Section

The section will be a summary of the coaching process and basic details about participants. participant(s). Anyone who reads it will be aware of what the program is about. Include details like:

  • The title of the coaching program
  • Name of employee as well as job title
  • Coach's name as well as job title
  • Department
  • Date of the coaching session

If you're planning an instructional program in communication for beginning managers. Your coach form's details section could look like this:

Program Title "'s Communications Skills Programm for Managers at Entry Level  
  Date  1 September 2023  
  Summary: This program of coaching designed for managers at the entry level aims to develop communication skills necessary for efficient management. Participants will develop active listening, leadership communication as well as conflict resolution abilities.
  The skills acquired will enable managers to connect with their team and promote a positive communication culture.  
  Department  of Marketing  
  Employee: Faith U. [Entry-level manager]
  Coach: Daniela O. [Communications Team Lead]

Action plan

The goal is what you want to achieve with your program of coaching. It must be centered around the employees- tied to the skills the employee needs to thrive in their current position or to advance in their career.
 An actionable goal follows this SMART framework. It is

  •    Specific  

The objective is concisely conveys a clearly. The more precise the objective more specific, the easier it is to develop a plan of actions.

Consider these two examples:

  1. When they finish this course, students will be able to manage the team, conduct meetings and coordinate sales outreaches across the company.
  2. After the completion of this program, participants are able to design and carry out an end-to-end marketing strategy.

Which of these examples is specific? This is the second! It goes right to the core and communicates an idea in one sentence.

  •    Measurable  

The objective is straightforward to monitor. Also it is possible to quantify your success. that can be used to gauge your progress.

One of the easiest ways to measure your goals is by putting a date on it. As an example, the goal can be: Participants would have planned and executed at least one campaign for marketing over the course of three months.

  •    Achievable  

It's a realistic goal that's achievable. While it's important to set ambitious goals however, they need to be aligned with what's possible -- don't push employees over a cliff.

As you set your goal take into consideration how much time and money you'll need. For example, don't say, "Participants will launch five marketing campaigns within three weeks," in the event that planning a single project takes around six months.

  •    Relevant  

The goal aligns with the employee's vision of their future and is compatible with the overall goals of your organization. In other words, if an individual isn't interested towards becoming a manager there's not a reason to take part in training for developing their skills that is designed for future managers.

A relevant goal makes the coaching program mutually beneficial. The company will be pleased to put its money into the program and employees will be excited to participate within the coaching program.

  •     Time-bound  

The objective has a defined timeframe or deadline. It creates a sense urgency and provides a clear target for the coach and employees to work towards. Also, it stops people from putting off work and allows for better scheduling and prioritization.

Notes from a coaching session

It's tempting to try to capture every detail of your coaching session. But this process is time-consuming and can distract the focus of your coaching session. Instead, divide your coaching session into segments and record three to five crucial observations for each.

In real life You'll get something that is similar to:

NOTE FOR EACH CLASS: The Marketing Strategy Coach Program  
   Session date: September 1, 2023  
   Coach: Daniela O.  
  Coachee: Faith U.
  Segment 1: Present Marketing assessment  
  Observation 1: Faith relies on traditional advertising methods like printing media or billboards. This suggests a skewed understanding of the landscape of digital marketing.
  Notice 2: Faith's advertising messaging centers on product features and specifications rather than customer benefits.
  Segment 2: Target market analysis  
  Observation 1: Faith has yet to establish her perfect customer profile (ICP).
  2. Faith has discovered a gap in the market that can assist her in increasing sales for her product.
  Segment 3 Strategies for plan and execution  
  Observation 1: Faith requires to expand her knowledge of key indicator of performance (KPIs).
  Second observation: Faith's allocation of budget for marketing activities is imbalanced. The majority of the budget for traditional advertising however, digital marketing and other innovative strategies received limited investment.

   Next steps  

  • Conduct additional market research in order to determine the best customer profile, understand their needs, and tailor marketing efforts to meet their needs.
  • Create a detailed marketing plan which includes specific goals, objectives and KPIs. This will ensure an approach that is measurable to achieve.
  • Set the marketing budget in a strategic way to include a balanced mix of traditional and digital marketing channels.

Tracking progress and following up

Tracking learner progress is how you evaluate the success of the employee-training program you have implemented. There are three methods to measure this:

  1.    Conduct assessments on a regular basis  

Use formative or ongoing assessments to evaluate the employee in real time. You can, for instance, you can ask questions that are open to interpretation at the beginning of a coaching session so that you know how much knowledge the individual has of the topic. This allows you to tailor your coaching content to address specific knowledge gaps.

  1.    Collect feedback  

When you have finished every session, you should ask the person to fill in a short feedback form in order to record the things that went well as well as the areas that need improvement. This information will allow you to create a better experience for your coaching for the next time.

  1.    Assign take-home projects  

Learning should not end in the classroom. After each session of coaching, give mini-projects to the employee. They will be able to use their skills to solve real-world context problems independently.

Employee coaching form template that is free to download. Form template

Creating a well-designed template for coaching from scratch is difficult, and we've taken care of the heavy lifting for you. Our printable coaching form template lets you easily organize and control employee-led coaching sessions.

The HTML0 template in its current form or tweak it to suit the requirements of your business.

Four great practices to employing forms for employee coaching Forms for employee coaching

If it is not used correctly the coaching forms could have a minimal or no impact on your coaching process. Four things can help you get the most advantages of this form:

  1. Fill out and distribute the form for employee coaching to program participants as well as other stakeholders in advance. So, they will can take the time to familiarize them with the guideline and also ask any concerns.
  2. Ensure that your coaching process is in line with the instructions on the form. If you must make any adjustments, inform the participant(s) in time and let them know what the reasoning behind your decision.
  3. Use the coaching form as a communication tool for the client and the coach to discuss goals, progress, and comments.
  4. Use the coaching form as a way to reflect and self-assessment. Inspire the employee to become involved in the development of their career. This is by giving them part in their objectives and advancement and holding them accountable for their performance.

Three advantages to using technology for employee coaching forms Three benefits of using technology for employee coaching forms

If you are a small-sized business that has a small staff You may be able to handle employee coaching by using the use of paper forms. As you expand and put more effort into employee education, paper forms become inadequate -- they are expensive as well as difficult to maintain as well as prone to destruction.

Now is the time to move to online forms. Benefits include:


It is possible to fill out and download online forms, making it convenient for employees and coaches to complete them at their own pace and from any location. Some documents also support offline access -- meaning people can fill out the forms even when they don't have access to the internet.


Form builders online have analytics dashboards where you can see important data on your employee coaching form. You can see, for instance, how many people have viewed and completed the form and demographic information on the respondents to your form including gender, age as well as location.

This allows you to keep in touch with employees. Say you discover that only half the people who filled out the form You can then call those who are yet to assist in removing any obstacles.

Automatization  Automation

Online coaching forms automate the time-consuming components of your coaching.

For example, instead of asking employees to pick up the form and complete it on the spot, share it with them via email or QR code. When they've filled it out then they'll electronically submit the form.

You can also integrate the form into your learning management system in order to get real-time feedback throughout coaching sessions. As an example, PaperForm lets you embed forms for coaching online to facilitate seamless data collection.

Enhance your employee-coaching knowledge

Get the "Employee Training Templates, Models and Coaching" resource now and empower your team to rise to higher levels of efficiency.

Employee coaching form template FAQs FAQs for Employee Coaching Form Template

Find answers to common employee coaching questions.

Can I customize my employee-coaching form for my business's requirements?

Yes, you are able to modify the form to match the specific requirements of your coach.

Is the employee coaching form template appropriate to different sectors?

Yes, it is. Professional coaches from all fields are able to tweak our coaching template.

Are there any software or programs for coordinating employee coaching?

How often should coaching forms be reviewed and updated?

Make sure to go through and edit your coaching forms at least once a quarter.

Do I have to use employee-coaching forms to evaluate performance?

Employee coaching forms can form part of your performance evaluation process. But you should not rely completely on them to evaluate your employee's growth and performance.