The Way TCommerce Powered the Tongue-Tied School to raise money for Charity

Jul 4, 2024

in Birmingham, Alabama, pediatric dentist Richard Baxter, DMD, MS can help dentists to identify and treat tongue and lips relationships.

This path, sparked by twins' birth during 2014, culminated in the creation of Tongue-Tied Academy, a school dedicated to addressing a common yet underrecognized issue.

Since the beginning of the course in the year 2020 The instructor seen over 1500 people sign up. The instructor has was sure to give any profits made to charities, including international as well as local..

The author describes how he created the online course company, and how TCommerce was instrumental in boosting the company's success.

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He found his niche

When the girls were young and he noticed the existence of tongue ties that were affecting their ability to nurse. After finding a dentist who could perform a laser treatment to the tie on their tongue and they could have a more relaxing nap. "The dentist told me to keep an eye on tongue ties among children because they're more common than most people are aware of. About four out of five kids have one" Baxter tells .

In the following months, people began asking him questions about his tongue and lips ties. Looking to know more about the topic, he read all of the books and classes on the subject, but was disappointed to find that there was a lack of resources to choose from. After that, he was able to perform the tongue tie using lasers. After providing treatment to patients and addressing the mother's queries and concerns and concerns, he started writing a blog post about it. An increasing number of patients came to him seeking his advice and he finally decided to write and publish the book, Tongue Tied, in 2018. "People who have read the book but still wanted to learn more," Baxter says. Baxter.

The next stage was to start his own academy online . After the dentist's office stopped operations due to the flu pandemic He had completed his over 200-page course script. Then, he hired a team of film makers to record the flagship course of 25 hours while the office was closed.

He signed up for

The key to the success in the success of Tongue-Tied Academy is the partnership that it shares with the creation of an efficient system of course delivery.

"What's nice about is the possibility of arranging the lessons into modules." Baxter shares.

He could present his material in small bites and add quizzes to the end of each section. In addition, he can add chapters of his book into the software. "I consider it advantageous to include different kinds of materials in the class rather than just videos," he reveals.

The instructor is a regular user of its function that lets the automatic creation of certificates to his pupils. "I can do not have to worry about doing any of the work for my course in a day, other than answering the discussion questions since all of it is automated" the instructor says.

He made it easier to checkout with TCommerce

Moving to TCommerce over Stripe helped in improving the process of checking out for Tongue-Tied Academy's participants. He believes that using TCommerce has made him lose more sales. But, after a move off of the Stripe integration process check-outs are much simpler according to Baxter.

The company supports a range of payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Pay, Baxter says that TCommerce allows transactions to be seamless, offering accessibility and convenience to users all over the world.

"You have the ability to simply click a button, utilize your ID using your picture, and then purchase the course you want," says Baxter. "It's and a lot easier alternative to putting everything you know into a ."

Moreover, 's automated calculations of sales taxes feature helps reduce the burden of administrative duties, while also ensuring that the standards of regulation are met across different states. Baxter states that the cash that he earns through his classes can be easier to deposit than the earlier payment firm.

"I do not even think about this because it's easy," he says. " Payments handles everything for me The money appears in my bank account ."

With plans to launch an new version of his most popular course this spring, Baxter plans on using the option of ordering bumps and allowing customers to purchase additional courses at less cost and without speeding up the process of paying for courses.

The impact he made was through charity

When the funds are deposited in his account at the bank, the person who banked it donates 100 percent of the proceeds to charity.

Apart from supporting clean water initiatives in Africa in addition to Asia for rehabilitation as well as combating human trafficking, Baxter's dedication to the welfare of communities exemplifies the Academy's broader purpose of providing social assistance. "I do not need any additional stuff," he says. "We own a home, we have a car, we're fine ."

"If I am able to help the baby that couldn't feed before or was difficult to feed and has a hard time, then it's worth," he continues.

He introduced various versions of his program.

To meet the varied demands of the populations he served, Baxter launched a condensed version of the course designed for professionals such as speech therapists, lactation specialists and other. This LITE Version course, priced at $495, is an accessible, yet efficient study of the topic, catering to a broader spectrum of students.

Each course includes an evergreen design, meaning that students can sign up whenever they'd like. "Teaching the course online makes it accessible as possible," he says.

In addition, the classes offer American Dental Association-approved continuing education credits. "We employ an approved CE provider. This means that the students can utilize it for renewing their certificates," Baxter explains.

While the cost of the flagship course is $2,600 and the course's content, along with CE certification, helps students see the ROI.

He designed a straightforward customer experience

In spite of his successes, Baxter says that he doesn't have much of an approach to marketing.

The typical customer experience starts when the reader reads the text. Then, if they want to learn more about the topic, the book will guide readers towards Tongue-Tied Academy.

When he speaks at events and conferences, usually, those in the crowd are likely to sign up. When people join his mailing list, they'll be received an email via MailChimp which directs them to his website.

He was the person who defined success

Baxter says success is being able to increase the knowledge he has. "It's not just me in this." he states.

"We have over 1500 students who have taken our class. If each of them sees even one patient a each day, that's more patients than I've ever been able to treat on my own. ."

Further the definition of his achievements lies in the education of doctors, helping parents and ensuring that more people receive treatment--all while using funds to fund charitable causes all over the globe.

In the process of creating an online course, it is advised that authors find their passions. "It could be anything," he declares. "And regardless of what it is, you could design the route you would like to follow with it. ."

"Just be yourself," Baxter encourages. "I'm not an online course guy. I'm a dentist. The only thing I did was launched my course on the market, and last year we had the honor of being among the top ten classes on ."

Prior to the launch of Tongue-Tied Academy, he created two courses by his own. They were priced at $99, which roughly 10 students were able to attend. "I have learned directly from this" he says. I got higher-quality video and designed a flagship course via Tongue-Tied Academy ."

"You could fail on a number times," he adds, "but that's just one part of learning. There's no way to avoid a mistake when you don't learn from it ."

As Tongue-Tied Academy continues to evolve through a unwavering dedication to education and service, its legacy of altruism and empowerment acts as an example of motivation both for teachers and students.

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