The latest course content is Dripping, a feature built into the course within courses.

Sep 5, 2024

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In the last few weeks, we've released several exciting new features that help make online learning more effective and easy to use.

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From exciting tasks to an organised gradebook, we've in the past several months building everything you require for an experience that will last forever.

The initial nerves of the first day have past and your students are beginning to get used to their new surroundings, now is the perfect moment to concentrate on the major assignments in your class. And we've got just the occasion to ensure that the class you teach is taking place in the correct place and in a timely manner.

Updated to the most recent version of the Courses section: built-in content dripping!

If you've got a strategy for your program with our new Dripping of feature will ensure that your students receive their education exactly at the time they need the most, when they're in the need of these features.

Do not overwhelm your students by forcing your entire curriculum all at once, or having students rush to be ready for their next lesson. Dripping helps you deliver the content of your lessons in smaller pieces to keep learners engaged and excited to know what's going on the next time.

New features are scheduled to evolve in line with your requirements and will simplify than before to manage and organize the contents of your online courses.

What does it mean to Course Content Dripping?

There have been times where these types of instances... watching every TV show over the course of a week, then going every page in a book, and then realizing that you've eaten a full box of choc chips... totally all by yourself ().

When we engage in activities we love, it could seem satisfying at first but you'll often feel unsatisfied afterwards.

Learning can be the most effective method. Students absorb an excessive amount of knowledge within a limited amount of time, it may result in:

  • Belief: Worrying they missed one crucial aspect or made an error.
  • regretted: Wishing they had been patient enough to understand the subject.
  • Zweifels Inquiring if people actually comprehended the facts.
  • Insanity You are overwhelmed by the quantity of data you'll need at the same time.

It's not the type of feeling you'd like your students to feel after they have completed the course.

This is the place where drips of content are made!

Instead of distributing to your students everything simultaneously with teaching drips, it is possible to give out content over a regularly, timed period. It allows your students to remain at ease with each lesson, remain engaged as well as learn more quickly.

What are the benefits that Content Dripping will Bring to Your Course?

1. Create Knowledge One Step at a time

Instead of allowing students access to the entire content at all at once, Dripping makes sure that each lesson is presented in a particular order, which allows students to acquire knowledge in a gradual way.

The step-by-step approach will allow students to be confident in their success as they progress across the course.

Think of the lesson in terms of a ladder, and each step is completely unique. It's essential to make sure your pupils understand the fundamentals before moving on onto the following. It is vital that they understand the basic concepts before they can take on more complex concepts.

2. Involve students in the process and ensure they're engaged

If students are aware the new materials are coming often they're attracted and amazed. Students are kept interested and eagerly awaiting the next lesson or class.

They tend to be making time prior to every lesson, which increases the likelihood of them having the same lesson throughout, from beginning to the end.

3. Produce Content Right at the Correct Time

The drip feature of the course allows you to be completely in control of the date and manner in the way you release your lessons plans. It also allows you to align them with your course's schedule.

If you're planning to showcase your idea which requires more attention or you're preparing for an important project that could be more time-consuming, using drips of content lets you alter the content you share according to the demands of your pupils as well as the purpose of the class.

4. Let everyone Learn while having amusement

Dripping course materials are an effective method of helping students progress at a consistent speed, so that no student advances too fast, or gets abandoned in the dust.

In releasing information frequently, it creates an environment that encourages learning where all students are progressing by learning.

Welcome student discussions 
 in  Courses

Furthermore, when everyone works together, it is possible to pinpoint and address any areas in the classroom where students might require more assistance and ensure that nobody is not left in the cold.

5. Learn to be meaningful and easily manageable

Learning should be a learning experience that learners enjoy, and not be one that is stressful. If the whole class is being taught simultaneously, students may experience excessive anxiety and stress.

The drip of information from the course aids students in delivering lessons with smaller and simpler parts.

Instead of having to learn everything in one session, students can learn in a more relaxed and slow pace, which makes learning experience easier and more personal.

It is important to separate your information, and allow the feeling of pride to your students once they have completed each lesson. It will help maintain your student's enthusiasm and keeps them excited to continue their learning.

In short, drips of course are effective in helping keep your students engaged and focus. It's a simple and effective approach to modify the method you present your course so that learning becomes a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for all students.

NEW A NEW Dripping of Course Content: Simplifying the Guidelines for Courses

Dripping course content wasn't an easy job which required a number of actions and making. This method was effective to complete the job but it's evident that this wasn't the best way to do it.

We saw the need for a efficient solution that could be effective, so we've now integrated the Rules function in our Courses add-on. The process of making your calendars drip-based straightforward and simple.

With the built-in drip function, you'll have the ability create drip-based plans without having quit the building part of the program you're using. It's not just a way to speed up your time, but it ensures that the materials are used in your classes are secure and distributed as planned.

In addition, you're able to modify drip notifications in the setting. Your students will be able to find out when the latest version of the content are due to be released. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Our attention is paid to technical issues when focusing on the technical aspects which allows you to focus on what is most crucial to create high-quality material for your program.

How can I set-up the material of my Courses to flow seamlessly into my Courses?

If your students are racing ahead, it is important to organize your classes so that they stay in concentrated and on the right path.

Like we said before, Courses makes use of guidelines to control the movement of information.

HTML0 But, any drip settings applied through Rules can affect the Dripping feature, which is integrated into the course configurations.


  • offers a simple and simple experience: If you want your courses to be delivered on a predetermined date (like the launch of courses each week) using the built-in drip function is the most practical choice. It makes it easier to manage and ensures a consistent delivery without the requirement to setup another.
  • to have greater flexibility and control that is customized You want the possibility of making content available frequently or at extremely personalized times by making use of Rules can be controlled. This process requires patience and effort to set up rules which are not part of within the current Rules.

Keep it Simple We must ensure that our Drip Content runs smoothly!

In order to set the course's Dripping of the contents begin by turning on the "Enable Dripping" option in the course's settings.

The next step is select the way in that content is distributed either in segments or in each article. It is also possible to specify the time frame (daily every day, weekday or even every month) and the date on which it was first published as well as the time zone for the new publication.

Enable Course Content Dripping in  Courses curriculum

Do you have the devices that can help build the flow of your course's information? Check out the video below to get a detailed outline of the steps you need to take to begin.

What's coming up in the next program? What do we have to announce? What's New...

Course Dripping could be the newest and most exciting feature that we've added to Courses. However, it's far from the only one we've made.

Before you dive into drips, make sure to look over the additional amazing changes you've seen inside the plugin.

As we continue to improve the tools accessible to students in online classes, we came to the realization the growing amount of materials such as lessons or quizzes as well as assignments and the Gradebook required the use of their own space.

This is why we've made Courses its own menu item on the WordPress dashboard.

 Courses WordPress dashboard view

All aspects of your courses including creating a completely new course, creating your curriculum for the course, or changing the setting of your course can be managed through the Courses menu on the Dashboard.

The ability to separate courses from their own menu option allows you to manage your courses and manage the tasks related to membership separately and more effective, especially for businesses that rely on both.

If you're an avid user of our site, you've probably seen this small change. We're hoping you'll enjoy this layout that is cleaner and more well-organized!

If you're just starting to look into the realm of education and are looking forward to starting your education adventure, then you could be thinking about how you could gain access to these fantastic possibilities.

Open the plugin, open the Add-Ons tab and take a quick search of "course" to narrow down the list of possibilities. Then there are all the educational tools that you can use, which are more than what the plugin is able to do:

 Courses add-on

Watch out for new updates and features in the coming months. In the meantime you'll have the option of using our brand new course content drip feature, as well as explore additional improvements that we've implemented to make it easier for you to manage the layout of your courses than before!

Katelyn Gillis Katelyn Gillis Katelyn Gillis Katelyn manages the membership websites or online courses can pose difficult, however that's precisely where Katelyn is in a position to help. A professional with years of experience in education, as well as her job as of Content Manager. Katelyn is able to analyze the complexity of an issue and give advice that is similar to talking with someone who is capable of understanding the issue. If you're looking for fresh thoughts or a bit of security her blog articles will be of help.

This article was originally posted here.

This post was posted on here

Article was first seen on here