The Featured Customer: Bitesize Bio -

Jan 10, 2023

The Customer Showcase this month is BitesizeBio - A community-based platform that brings bioscientists together to share experience knowledge, insight, and wisdom. Bitesize Bio's aim is to facilitate better science by enhancing the technological skills, fundamental science the personal development of their employees and well-being career opportunities, as well as funding.

Bitesize Bio support their mission through empowering their members to share advice, tips, practical experience, training information, insights, and knowledge that scientists from all over the world. They provide this information in the form of useful articles, webinars and podcasts , and even courses designed by of course.

Let's look into the ways that Bitesize Bio utilizes their expertise to make useful knowledge and training information easily accessible, digestible and concrete to their scientists' community.

The Home Page

Right away on Bitesize Bio's homepage the courses are advertised in the upper right-hand corner of their webpage. This banner will entice users to sign up by explaining the advantages of the course. The course promises improvement on a skill which is essential for many scientists and academics and researchers, it's impossible not to sign up!

The banners that follow their courses contain numerous blog posts, podcast episodes and other materials that are accessible for anyone curious about them. The numerous resources available that are available on their homepage will entice users to learn the details about their courses and showcase the website as a reputable source of information.

In Action

Course access settings let you define some criteria to determine what a person can do to gain and maintains access to your course. It is possible to set your course to be completely free, without registration, with a only one-time payments, recurring subscriptions, and so on.

When setting a course to free, no payment is needed, however the user must be registered/logged in to access. This is a good choice if you want to manually enroll students in your course and capture their emails. By creating an email list, you can send out emails promoting your course options as soon as they become readily available.

Focus Mode Keeps Learners Engaged

When you enable Focus Mode, your main navigation and footer elements are removed from the page. Course navigation is always visible as a tray in the sidebar, and course progress is displayed in the center on the page. Control movement through the course by using Next/Previous, Mark Complete, or Back to Course. It is also possible to access your account in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Focus Mode is a fun feature that will keep your students engaged in the coursework, rather than other tabs of their computer. Paired with the gamification of progress bars, you should see higher participation and higher completion rates when you have Focus mode turned on.

Do More

Bitesize Bio has created a lively community of information , and you can too! There are numerous methods to incorporate it into your website. There is a cost-free course that is paired to Focus Mode just like Bitesize Bio did to help promote open knowledge sharing all while capturing emails and growing your audience.

How can help you achieve the educational goals of your business, students or product?

If you're ready to find out the details, go for a test drive through our demo. It's possible to experience the demo from either a learner's or a course creator's point of view in our no-cost demonstration. Once you're prepared to try creating your course, you'll have the option to move any content in your demo to your first approved course.