The best way to overcome overwhelm as a coach -

Jun 24, 2024

A lot of coaches I've talked to feel overwhelmed by all the tasks they have to complete.

It's hard to figure out which one is their target customer.

There are too many deals.

They do too many things to attempt to create the attention of others and also to influence.

It's not easy for them to work out the best way to sign up people for their service.

There are too many uses that require them to join with the use of rubber bands and zips.

They are too focused on their clients and end up burning out, even though they love coaching.

Do any of these resonate with you?

There are three types of stress I often witness coaches suffering from:

Strategy overwhelm

Overwhelmed Client

Systems are overwhelmed

We'll look through each.

Strategies that overwhelm

When it comes to strategies, the majority of coaches have several offers. They're trying too many different ways to get the attention of potential leads and gain their trust, but often, they're unable to choose what kind of client to go after.

The group is also unclear of the best way to lure people into their plans.

At first, you'll be playing around. That's okay.

It is imperative to master those Five Ones.

Five Ones: The Five Ones say that if you concentrate on...

One avatar

One source of traffic

One offer

One enrollment mechanism

The year that is about to begin

It is possible to earn one million dollars of revenue.

When you've reached your million dollar amount, you shouldn't be thinking about making a new avatar, another traffic source, another deal, or another enrollment process.

Coaches who don't make enough money to pay the salaries they'd like to think that they should to enhance their offerings, as well as more items like avatars, avatars, and many more sources of traffic ... each step in the hope of expanding their business to bring in more clients.

In the opposite actually it's the opposite.

The goal is to narrow it down. Be precise. Choose.

It's all about making the right option.

It's about making the right choice, and making it the right decision.

It is possible to make them work.

Select one you like, and then stick on to that until you reach the million dollar mark.

I know the difficulty of this.

With the proper guidance and support, you can make any of them succeed.

If somebody else has been successful in their endeavor, you could do it as well.

Then it's just figuring out the details.

Client Refusal

Although coaches enjoy coaching and appreciate our clients, sometimes there is a point when it's just too much.

When you're doing lots of one-onone sessions with clients it's no problem to get tired.

It's the identical phrases repeatedly and time.

This is the feeling you feel whenever you feel something amazing just coming out of your body during the course of an interaction with a customer, however you don't be able to pinpoint the source. It's a sensation that is fantastic!

Now you're upset that a lot of people will not be able to enjoy your magical experience, as you're speaking to them in a private 1:1 meeting!

Some coaches aren't only doing the work in a 1:1 manner, they're working for their clients. The model of a "done-for-you.

You can boost your fee so that you are compensated for more coaching, and perhaps take on less clients.

It's also not easily scaleable.

What is scalable is doing group coaching.

Develop a program for groups where you work with customers in a group.

The framework, the template and live group coaching as well as a community.

They not only get you, but they also exchange gifts for each other.

This means that, as the amount of customers you serve increases, so does the value of your program.

If you're not already offering group coaching, or an organized group coaching program isn't the primary focus of your organization, it's your highest goal, and must be the "One deal" in your Five Ones.

Systems Overwhelm

Nowadays, it's common to run five, seven, nine, or even more different programs to run your coaching business.

Webhosting host for example Wordpress or Wix

Email Marketing Software or an ESP (Email Service Provider) like MailChimp or ConvertKit

Shopping cart such as Shopify or Samcart

Platform for courses or LMS such as Teachable or Kajabi

Video host like Vimeo or Wistia

Funnel software is a page maker such as ClickFunnels or LeadPages

Community software such as Circle or MightyNetworks

Scheduler for example Calendly or SavvyCal

Survey Tools like TypeForm or SurveyMonkey

Affiliate tracking software for example Tapfiliate as well as Post Affiliate Pro

Pipeline for Sales similar to Pipedrive or

CRM similar to Hubspot or Ontraport

Zapier is a way to connect them all!

There's a bit of overlap in this list since a lot of these tools perform multiple things.

Other words are frequently utilized, but I did not make mention of them.

You see the list gets pretty long pretty quick.

This isn't just to the monthly cost.

It also implies a lot of additional effort and a lot of mental bandwidth.

Then there's the exhaustion in deciding which one to use. the tools.

In each of the categories listed, you can choose from a wide range of alternatives and they each have some advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, some of them are in several categories.

It is important to examine them every one of them, and finally choose which one you'll use. Then determine how they will work with the rest of your system.

The next step is connection.

Do they talk directly with each other, or do you have to utilize Zapier in order to "zap" them together?

This is another headache, as the connections are fragile.

It's likely to happen, particularly during the time you're away, and it's your obligation (or your staff should they have one and are able to resolve the issue) and then to fix it right.

There's also the psychological strain of having to switch between programs that are doing things in a different method.

This leads to a lot of contextual switching, where it is necessary to switch your working style each and every minute.

If your logo appears at more than four different locations, you should consider implementing a more effective alternative.

With NO zaps.

There's no glue.

There aren't any rubber bands.

Everything you do in the same place.

As if you were able to find your house on the other side of the fence.

Each component is able to communicate between them.

Clients you store in your database only need to fill in their details once, and you can store it stored in your database.

You can connect your opt-in form to them and schedule a strategy meeting with you.

Easy. Clean. Simple.


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