The art of putting together a recap video

May 31, 2023

And before you know it, the weeks of preparation are over quickly In the average, organizations need 3-6 months to prepare and promote a small virtual event. Making videos of event recaps is the best way to make sure your content lives on, even after the celebration is finished.

Event recap videos are also a way of boosting the visibility of your brand, encouraging the next event, as well as reaching a wider potential customers.

In this blog, we'll share the best practices, tips, as well as examples to help you create videos that are shareable that not only help attendees remember the highlights as well as encourage them to sign up for your next event.

In this article

  1.    What is an event video recap?
  2.    Why make and distribute recaps of events videos?
  3.    How to create and distribute event recap videos
  4.    Event recap video best practices
  5.    The wrap-up

What is an event recap video?

Event recap videos are usually about one-to three minutes long. The purpose of these videos is to provide viewers with an idea of how it was like at the event.

The edited videos are added to on-brand images, and music to create memorable images of the day. Here's an instance from the event that was held in collaboration and The Vendry in Los Angeles.

Why create and distribute event video recaps?

Recap videos help marketers capture the essence of events. The attendees can revisit the event even those who were unable to go may feel motivated to sign up next time.

Event recap videos also help the production budget of your event go further, so your event can continue to be entertaining or educate after the final curtain call.

Make sure you maximize your return on investment and produce evergreen Content

After months of plan, you'll want your event to be forgotten when it's done. Videos of recaps can help increase your event's exposure and ensure that it stays at the top of people's minds.

They're also a way to reuse event videos into evergreen content and getting greater value for the initial investment. Make use of event recap videos to create social media posts, website news, or newsletters for the future campaigns for promotion.

Boost the reach of your event, and boost your conversions

If you share videos from your event to a larger group of those who did not take part in your event. People who couldn't attend or who weren't aware of the event can be able to enjoy the highlights of the event, get an idea of its importance, and maybe be convinced to attend your next edition.

An increase in engagement can be the cause of conversions, such as event registrations, subscriptions, or sales.

Latha Youngren, the CMO of the event management software Tripleseat Latha Youngren, CMO of event management software Tripleseat the video recap of their annual conference EventCamp assists them in their various digital marketing campaigns and for promoting their company values.

   "Beyond the actual recap content The video also serves different reasons. We utilize it to promote the next EventCamp in emails, social media posts, blog posts, as well as paid content. It's an excellent method to demonstrate our commitment to customer care and our company's culture while applying for event awards."

Show the success of your occasion

Recap videos are a visual representation of a successful event. Through displaying testimonials from attendees as well as positive reviews, and an overall positive vibe of the event, organizers are able to establish trust and worth in their event. For those who haven't been to an event before have the opportunity to discover what they've missed and unable to experience.

How do you create and distribute event recap videos

A captivating footage of a recap of the event is involved in preparing. Decide on the story you would like to convey and how you will do it prior to creating. Create a thought out strategy for distribution to get it in front of the right audience.

Plan your recap video before your event ends.

Before the event, make sure you have a plan in place for recording the key moments you want to include in your recap video.

Latha of Tripleseat says that the key to a successful video recap of an event is a lot of preparation. Before the company's annual conference begins, they have an idea of their post-video content.

"At Tripleseat, the planning is well before EventCamp commences. We determine the kinds of images we'd like incorporate into the video and the most inviting venues within the event as well as the most prominent speakers and attendee reactions", she says.

"We hire a local videographer and brief them about what they should film and the mood of background music and the scope of work, and deadlines."

Find out who you want to reach and the the key messages you want to convey

A video of a recap event created to relive past events may look differently than one intended to encourage future attendees to register. Before the videographer starts filming decide on the goal of the video and also the intended audience.

Is it the highlight reel or social proof? Or a teaser of the year to come or a different idea? When you know exactly what messages you'd like to send with your recap video, it'll be much easier to develop your storyline.

Nebojsa Savicic, co-founder of the video automation software Simply The event recap video should make the audience feel as if they were there.

"You have to come up with a plan. Think about what you want your audience to take away from your video. Are they looking for the best of the occasion or the main speaker or the action behind-the-scenes? When you've got a clear goal in mind, you can start mapping out the contents for your video."

If you want to help those who attended your event in the past remember it It is possible to highlight key lessons and highlights from Q&A sessions. However, a teaser to encourage sign-ups for future events could contain more testimonials as well as video footage that captures the energy of the event.

As an example, Snap uses their event recap video to generate excitement for their latest new feature launches.

Format it according to channel specs

What you do with your video is contingent on the distribution channels that you make use of. So, think about the vertical or landscape layouts work best on your chosen platforms.

Build a distribution strategy

The creation of a strategy for distribution can help get more eyes on the video. Before you hit publish and publish, make a list of the channels you plan to use to promote the video recap. Make sure to post it in the places in which your viewers are most likely to visit.

Presently, 60% of marketers utilize social media to drive virtual event registrations -- if your audience is spending time there it's worth posting your review video.

Latha Youngren explains the process by which Tripleseat shares the video in multiple places in order to increase the exposure of the video.

"We share our recap video with attendees in follow-up emails and publish them in several social media posts, ask employees to spread the word to their networks, embed it into an event blog post that recaps the experience, and on our EventCamp Website," she says. "We are also tagged participants and speakers in the video to make them aware of it and can show it to their network."

"We improved the quality of the video by making use of keywords such as'marketing conference recap,' 'industry insights,' and 'networking success. We then transcribed the video, created an SEO-friendly landing page for our website and integrated the video into an engaging blog post" she says.

"Our video recap went viral, making waves in the market and garnering thousands of views. The video increased the visibility of our brand and established ourselves as a thought-leader and also generated leads."   Maria Harutyunyan, co-founder & Director of SEO at Loopex Digital

It's time to get it right

How you publish your summary video will depend on the purpose you're trying to achieve. If you want to engage with recent participants and remind them about important lessons and highlights, you'll want to share your recap video within a few days of the event to ensure it's fresh in their minds.

If your goal is to encourage sign-ups for the next event you'll be hosting in three months time, you can post your video during the months leading up to the event.

Event recap video best practices

Are you ready to make an event-related video? Make sure you follow these 3 top tips before you get going.

  1. Short and sweet

Your event recap video is brief summary of all the events, but not a blow-by-blow account of all the events that took place.

Take note of the viewer's duration and their attention span. For instance, Nexus created a recap video in just two minutes and included perspectives from Industry thought-leaders who attended.

If you've got leftover footage, you can repurpose it into social media posts or promotional videos to reduce your production costs.

  1. Include social proof

Integrating social proof into your business helps you gain the trust of your customers. In the event that potential customers see favorable experiences enjoyed by recent guests, they may be more inclined to register for your next event.

Business community online, Change Your Biz, includes social evidence in their recap video by asking attendees and speakers to write about the highlights of their experiences.

  1. Showcase big names

If you hosted any well-known experts, brands or influential people, you should feature their names in your articles. It's a form of social currency which could make other readers subscribe to the next issue.

It also comes with the added benefit that when you include these individuals or brands in your content They may share the video with their fans which will increase the reach of your content.

As an example, the creative festival SXSW has well-known TV and film personalities such as Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen and Eva Longoria in their daily event recap.

A recap of events is expected to last between one and three minutes. It should be more similar to a highlight reel rather than an entire feature film.                 2. What are the advantages of videos that recap?

Video recaps of events have a variety of significant advantages that include:

  • Boost the reach of your event
  • Enhance the value of your event
  • Encourage the future participants to sign up
  • Build trust with your public

The wrap-up

Event recap videos can help those who weren't there feel like they were part of the event and encourage attendees to join next time. They're also a way to keep your event content relevant for participants long after your event is over.

From highlight reels and attendee reviews, videos of event recaps will help you promote your event to a wider audience. Follow these guidelines and ideas on your mind for highlighting your events' highlights, make social proof, and boost the number of people who sign up.