
Mar 11, 2023
the wonder jam

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam is "a brand portfolio of brands designed to help entrepreneurs who aren't big and innovative to increase their reach" Words have been popularized through Daft Punk"harder and faster as well as being more effective and more powerful. Wonderly, the brand's name Wonderly is a web-based company that creates websites as well as Tools to help you brand yourself visually, as well as membership software to help its customers "set their own unique". I spoke with Wonderly's Director for Operations Allie Lehman and developer Matt Hart to find out more.

Creative and fine art is possible to freelance to the maximum amount

"My roots are in the fine arts. My childhood was full of lots of drawing and painting with oil" declares Allie Lehman. "At high school I enjoyed an amazing art instructor who, in a hilarious way she told me that I was destined to be an artist or graphic designer. I didn't know what these words meant! I decided to get a degree in graphic design. I attended the school in order to study the field."

Allie quit during the recession in 2009, when she was hired as Web Hosting Support. "It was difficult, however I managed to learn a lot concerning hosting servers. I gained knowledge about the procedure of process by which WordPress was developed and the various aspects of running websites work," she remembers. "In 2013, We started The Wonder Jam, now The Wonder Jam is the company we run. I made the decision to quit my design job, and began full-time managing of the business."

She worked with Matt Hart for a couple months prior to the date of this. Matt Hart would create websites and she'd design the websites. Then, they began working together much more often: "We've been working together in the last 10 years, ever since their first day as freelancers. This was an organic collaboration. The focus now is on businesses that concentrate on the solutions to aid the design of WordPress websites." Allie adds.

Matt begins: "I do primarily WordPress development. This method was first introduced to me during the first 2010s. A lot of users were surfing the WordPress internet and thought"We must include CSS to assure that the website conforms to the proper colors'. It was boring and speedy!" He smiles. The introduction of web page builders such as Beaver Builder and Elementor came in to play, and allowed the flexibility needed "We could do things with a custom approach specific to the demands of our clients. We were able to surprise with our creative thinking."

As they have been working together, Allie and Matt have concentrated on "going personalized in a way that is cost-effective" according to Matt states: "We do only what our customers would like We don't offer things that our customers don't want to. Our customers care about. They don't want to be viewed as an unknown. They would like to feel secure. Utilizing these tools, let's achieve this."

Check out this post on Instagram

     A blog post which can be found by The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

Allie wrote: "In 2013, I joined The Wonder Jam with my partner after I started doing freelance work on my own. We were blessed to find Matt who became our developer consultant. We wanted to make an original design. We were determined to create our own unique style and we wanted to be a free entity." This is how Wonder Jam was born.

Systems, soils , and supports

"We are from Columbus, Ohio and it's an extremely friendly and welcoming place for any business of size," she continues. "Matt was moving to Seattle at the time we started working on local projects with our customers. we would go through the principal avenuesand then an overview of the businesses we've worked with." It was the year 2020. The Wonder Jam had been around for seven years. The Wonder Jam in addition to the following years, The Wonder Jam started expanding throughout all of the United States The company was the parent company of The Wonder Jam and it also owned three brand names. companies.

Wonderly is focused on firms which provide services, including chefs , non-profits, fitness instructors. They also have a brand known as Basis which focuses on retail and those selling goods. There is also an additional brand known as Studio Wonder, an events place and photography studio located in Columbus.

Check out this article on Instagram

     A blog post that was made public via The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

The three brands provide an abundance of creativity "It lets our team be focused on the objectives they'd like to reach and also the ability to design the processes that they'd like to employ," Allie says. "Because Matt and I started working together from the start in 2000, we've built up more than a decade of procedures that we've put into our arsenal. There are photos from 2017 that show the use of whiteboards for recording every phase of our process to make sure our clients receive the highest possible quality of advice.

"The Wonder Jam operates as the "soil" offering each service that a business of has any size needs in the background. Each one of its sister brands can "sprout" with a distinct way and carry out the work in line with whatever options are available. It allows all options to be evident without complications which could limit your capacity to be sole proprietors or a sole proprietor business," Matt continues. "We operate a number of companies that work in the same way."

Basis is a company that is focused on Shopify in addition to eCommerce. There's a point when customers wants to write but wants to design something distinct from the services Shopify can offer. That's why Wonderly can help customers of the base with areas that relate to WordPress. "We can support and cooperate regularly within an all-inclusive team. Everyone is able to be focused on one subject that's pleasant to everyone," he smiles.

"The Wonder Jam sits as an all-inclusive platform. No one is to give any advice on who we should work withor what amount of money we'll earn. It's entirely the person who is in charge of the project" adds Allie. Each partner has the exact tools, including software, an approach to oversee projects, as well as an experienced concierge service for clients. The managers are in a situation to protect the project. The team members can join the project and oversee every administrative task that is back-end , including invoices and contracting.

"It might help folks like Matt and me stay focused in what they are doing." Allie smiles. "I believe we've built an ideal work environment. We'd love to make sure our clients enjoy excellent experiences. We'd love them to get in touch with us by email and receive prompt replies. Feel comfortable throughout each step."

Matt states: "We say we don't design designs exclusively in the interest of. We create designs in collaboration with you. We do not go on long periods of time to design the perfect solution to meet your specific needs. We meet regularly and people can observe how we create from the beginning until completion. It's a lot better than having to go into the workshop only for a few hours to make things by hand!"

Contexts and Clients

Matt as well as Allie Have had the privilege of working with a variety of companies that require their websites to be accessible via various ways. "Some of our clients include non-profit organizations. They are extremely robust websites. They are mostly intricate or have been around for some time. So, we are inclined to combine or simplify these in order to simplify them," Matt explains.

"We're working with those looking for membership sites as similar to ones found that are in the industry of food," Allie continues. Wonderly's clients tend to be people who do human-service-oriented work: "They're fighting for equality, they're looking to talk to their audience a little differently. The clients we work with have invested lots of passion along with their time as well as money to run their businesses," she adds.

It's crucial to understand that Wonder Jam and Wonder Jam brand names are capable of working with any type of organization whether it's large-scale charitable organizations or people who want to pursue full-time employment as a business owner. "We've developed structures that can satisfy the specific requirements of different organizations. We're working to figure out what scale will be most effective and how best to approach with a different approach in cases where the scale is vastly differing. It's an interesting thing to study!" Matt smiles.

The author writes "With charities, they usually have an established structure and can figure out the legal hurdles they had to cross. This is how to achieve our objectives as we don't need to create a new structure." The organization might rethink the problem and create opportunities for individuals to make the process easier.

At our initial meeting and with each customer regardless of organisation or size of the site and the Wonder Jam team talks about how we can give the best services to our customers. "A website is a device that is very efficient in boosting sales. However, it could prove very successful in bringing customers back, or even as an asset. One of the most frequent inquiries we get from "Is the product an asset or capable to generate VIPs? This is the group of people that are thought as the primary clients for small-scale companies," Allie explains.

Matt and Allie Both agree that websites don't have to meet the needs of all. That is the reason it's crucial to be prepared. "Whenever we're creating an online membership website, the most important thing to think about is the desire of those who join for us to stay with us with confidence knowing they've got the most value they've had." Matt adds.

The case is being investigated by experts: Simi and Molly

Allie states: "One of our clients, Simi Botic, has an exercise class that she takes part in. She also participates in Unmeasured that is all about how you move your body. This is called"the Barre Method. It's so empathetic. It's so empathetic "Just Get Moving" without looking for ways to "punish" you or your body. There's an array of alternatives in line with your mobility."

When Simi first signed up on Wonderly there was only the most basic amount of videos that were uploaded to the website. It was possible to refresh it every week. "It assists in keeping things organized, and also help her manage her work timetables" Allie confirms. "After about two or three years in operation, we have seen our list of members rise and this gives an opportunity for her to give her employees greater value that is just amazing. We're very proud of the way we adapt our strategy when the requirements of our clients shift; we have to revise our design and doing small adjustments before turning our designs into the reality we're doing."

Another customer, Molly Baz, wanted to move from her previous website to one that will be more unique and stimulating. "Her branding's visual identity as well as branding are distinctive and exclusive for her. The intention behind the brand that visitors to her site to enjoy the experience of browsing the website through this method. They received recipes, information as well as every other type of content they're accustomed to, but with an authentic fashion and authentic persona," Allie explains.

Molly's networks are now crucial for her network has become extremely important to. "To allow us to arrange the site according to the style she has used on other sites. The design has changed of the site from "Oh sure, that's an image taken of Molly Buy the cookbook' and makes it more visible for both the outside and inside of members. There are many benefits that come with this." Allie muses.

"Something that we've been trying to assist our clients in thinking about are the issues they'll be able to identify as having a connection to their personal lives, even if they're not speaking to their clients for hours. We're working to make sure that they're armed with the right processes and procedures that allow them to use our tools in order to aid their clients. Molly's tale is a great illustration that illustrates this." Matt agrees.

Further information as well as the ideas to come up with ideas for the future

Matt and Allie work with businesses and sites that need "a massive-scale accessibility lens" for those with disabilities. "We're working with some of the most amazing organizations which are developing the models, and sites that are embraced by those with disabilities."

A majority of their clients enjoy having them as clients "It's wonderful working with individuals who are truly excellent. Clients we work with feel comfortable and always feel a sense of being part of something," Allie concludes. "We have the privilege of working with people who's beliefs guide their decisions. It's an honour to make objects that appeal to them." Matt smiles.

Find out more regarding Allie Lehman and Matt Hart along with their collective and look into working together at thewonderjam.com as well as withwonderly.com.

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