Eyal Avital joined in the Customer Happiness team in the year the age of six. Eyal Avital has a passion for providing customer service and enjoys food and travel, and is also seeking out innovative solutions to problems clients face. Discover more!
We would like to learn more about your education, your hobbies, as well as the work you do.
I'm a massive fan of the character Mr. Rogers and always wanted to assist others. It led me into 20 years of providing customer service. I'm in a position to help solve problems and cheer our customers on!

Eyal is always looking for the hottest restaurants
A friend's suggestion to look it up I opened an old-fashioned restaurant for six years. Until since then I've not even thought about an concept. If I'mn't serving my customers, or serving them food and drinks I'm searching for an exciting new spot or making plans for my next trip to the beach with my loved family members sipping coffee in one hand, and having a bite to eat and another.
What is your typical day at work here at En?
Everyday is an exciting adventure! I'm in a position to help customers across the world and assist them to solve their issues. If it's teaching them about benefits to members or delving into issues that are challenging to fix and I'm happy to be able to help and make things easier for my customers.
slowing down after a busy day of assisting customers
As AI is growing to become a more important tool in communication I am focused to keep our assistants at work, making genuine connections, continuously assessing their needs and making sure everyone is informed and supported, able to meet their goals.
Remember an event you have been able to cherish fondly with one of some of our (potential) customers. What problem or issue they encountered and the way you solved the issue
The client was looking to offer an incentive to their members that isn't available from the start. Instead of saying "no," (we do all we can to prevent) I devised an innovative solution using our API.
The option they selected meets their requirements and it worked flawlessly! We were all thrilled with what we achieved, turning into an achievement out of a slog.
What is your opinion about what makes a great membership company?
I believe that keeping your customers happy is the key for establishing the ideal subscription service. When creators have the ability to interact with their subscribers and their customers and members that is much more than just the transaction of money, It's about creating a culture that makes customers feel like a part of the company.

One of Eyal's favourite foodie favorites
In an era of chaos, these interactions can give security happiness, as well as the desire to remain.
What did you learn from ?
In the past, I've seen that clear and effective manner of communicating is essential for customer service, regardless of whether it's either in person or via the internet. While online customer support may seem easier to use, speaking in the wrong tone, or using the wrong tone could cause a lot of frustration for clients.
The PREACH method of communicating (Proud Reliable, Honest and Empathic, in addition to being well-organized and clear) is vital when the relationship with any client.

Eyal is currently engaged in an journey on her own.
It is a pleasure to work alongside my team of helpers, as everybody has similar quality when it comes down to dealing with clients. What's your most memorable learning? Communication is a skill which develops with repetition as well as determination to learn from any mistakes you make.
What are your top three things you'd offer to someone from your area or your department?
Three strategies for success when it comes to customer service
- Inquire about the client's needs, then ask further questions in order to better comprehend your client's requirements as well as identify the root of the problem.
- Make sure you contact them on a regular basis in the event that you do not receive a response. Your customers will appreciate your effort to communicate with them, particularly when everyone is working.
- You must keep your promise you make. Being sure to believe your promises to clients builds trust and ensures long-lasting satisfaction customers. They were promised you'd call them on a certain date. So don't miss it!
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