
Dec 27, 2024

Ben L Collins, the Google Sheets expert behind the educational website benlcollins.com Ben L Collins is extremely happy with his business that is based around membership as well as his contribution to the market of digital media across over the world. "When you're working on something - whether you're an artist or you're creating a technical training course, or building a membership - and some random stranger is willing to open their purses and hand your money, you'll realize that you're blessed to exist at this moment and be capable of doing this type of thing, and connect with millions of people.

"If you're spending your time first to take a look at my products and decide to make a purchase, I want to make every effort I can to make the experience the best it can be for the individual," he continues.

Ben likes joining because it's far more than just a one-time expense: "We're not talking about an agreement for consulting where clients engage you to do something which is written and structured and everybody knows what terms of the services they're getting. This is more of a partnership with the individual who says, 'I want to join your team for the coming year, month or quarter. I appreciate what you're doing and would love to contribute to with your work and be part of the fun."

The membership program gives you the motivation you need to become the best that you can possibly be as well as to strive to create great products. "People are expecting me to create quality products, but I would really prefer to make this for them, and also for myself. "

Ben says that it is important to build a positive bond with your friends "I believe I'm helping people rather than an unidentified person purchasing the course, however you will not have any idea if people even look at the course. It feels more immediate with your membership or a closer connection. This is about creating a more enduring relationship that goes beyond being an exchange."

From "always ever" to microdeliverables

When the covid-19 pandemic struck, Ben had been delivering courses on manipulating data using Google Sheets for 10 years. "I taught around 15 different courses using Teachable which could have as many as 25 launch dates, due to certain courses being renewed. When teaching the course, you have to honestly dedicate as you can, if not more - to marketing the course. Although it's fascinating, I'm not a fan and this isn't something I find enjoyable."

Ben L Collins Ben L Collins had delivered online courses for 10 years prior to when the covid strike.

Ben was aware that he would rather concentrate on spreadsheet technical content as well as helping others. "People approached me to say "How could I do this?' and that would be interesting to solve.

"Membership is something I've thought about two, maybe even three, times in the past," says Ben. "I loved the idea due to the fact that it's a steady source of income. When you join, you're not having to come up with an item every time you want to earn money. You can get a huge increase, and then no money." According to the author, it's a more stable platform, that allows the developer to concentrate on the creation and establishing a relationship with their users, not being required to handle marketing.

"For several years, I'd flirted with the idea of membership, but never got past the research. I was concerned about the feeling of being always in the loop when I followed this approach where I was always performing something. I always pulled back and kept on going with the classes." He was however, done with his goal. accomplish.

"I'd nearly completed everything I could have covered with my complete-courses. It was difficult to find an alternative course that wasn't becoming increasingly specific and the market gets smaller with the more expensive options," he continues. "There was no economic reason to take a look at any of the classes I could consider."

Ben insists that he felt a sense of exhaustion. "I thought "I've been asked to write 100 videos that must be a large, coherent piece. It was hard for me to come up with the energy to create the entire thing in one go. You don't even know how many customers will be buying the product. "

Ben explains that electronic courses must be published by the author of the course prior to marketing the course. However, there is no way to tell what will occur if the course proves to be a success. "It could take anywhere from three to six months to design a really good course. If the course does not succeed in the market it won't be able sell the course tomorrow, " he adds. "I discovered that I required a continuous connection to my customers that would include microdeadlines as well as microdeliverables."

Chess Playing a game of chess using Google Sheets

It was a sudden leap of logic to join. "I'll subscribe to the daily news, and there are guidelines and templates. However it is not necessary for them to form part of an overall area, and linked to one another. Information could be bit smaller and more manageable for me. It's also simpler for people to comprehend."

From the perspective of a customer In a consumers' perspective, few students take their classes online "It's daunting to pay for the class that contains 10 hours of video. It's hard for students to squeeze in 10-hour video, and which is why you leave and do not ever. Whereas, hopefully if you only receive one email each week, you'll be able to take 30 minutes for a break during lunch and gain plenty of value from over the course of a week. Then, you'll forget about it the following week." Ben explains.

The year 2024 began and Ben began to think about joining. Through the course of summer, he laid down and sketched out what kind of membership he wanted before beginning the process in September.

Email is the king

When he talks about his work, Ben is keen to acknowledge his coworker. "I'm extremely fortunate to have wife has done all this prior to. She's owned her own company and has launched a variety of products and was able to create an email list." Ben was given a great deal of tips early in his membership career "that was extremely helpful" - One of them was the need to establish the email lists.

The wife of Ben's was working in the field of content marketing when he was starting to build his own online community. "She was the owner of an agency that did marketing for clients. They also created blogs, SEO posts along with social media. This was extremely helpful, evidently for the work I was trying to do in the moment," Ben adds.

   Google Sheets

"Emails are the primary means of communication or interacting with your customers," He continues. He admits that it isn't as important to younger people, but the author says: "The problem with social media, especially modern platforms such as TikTok, is that there's that gap in communication between your audience and you.

When you create content and the platform shows whatever is viral as well as what's trending. regardless of whether or not you have thousands or 100,000 followers when the content does not rank according to algorithm, not all users will see the contents. It's a tension. You are subject to the rules of the company. If they modify their algorithms, or fall out of style, the social media sites that go under, so building an email list is crucial.

Tips for those who want to become membership managers

"If anyone were starting the process of joining a club, I'd advise them to "Just get started!" Ben smiles. "With retrospective thinking, I'd like I'd had it done two years back. It's the things that take long. If you can get started and get going more time you get to spend."

Ben at Zoom Ben hosting an online chat with clients

It's possible to conduct a bit more research "You can convince yourself that you're missing something, or you can find a different method of doing the task. I've done that before. Once you click "Go to the world's web and you put your idea in the real world and begin interacting with real people and other people, it's a complete new experience. You then begin to work on problems you must overcome, rather than the hypothetical ones."

The author suggests members not think too much about it: "If you're addressing someone's problem - or is in need of solving a issue that your group is able to help, get out! It can be improved in time."

Additional information

For further information or to join Ben's daily Google Sheets tips, go to benlcollins.com.

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