Sync Up to Level Up to Boost Member Communications Campaign Refinery for Members & Members - WordPress Membership plugin - Membership Sites

Dec 21, 2023

The Sync Up process allows you to level up your communications: Invigorate Member Communications With Member + Campaign Refinery

Title image showing blue and purple soundwaves merging together representing the  Member Campaign Refinery Integration

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                 Amp up your member communications With Member and Campaign Refinery! Every click should resonate with your members and watch engagement grow. Read on for practical tips and top practices.        

Contents                                       Toggle

Every interaction counts. That's the same for your online membership just as it is at the grocery store.

How you interact with your clients (and whether you engage with them at all) will determine the level of engagement, loyalty as well as the chance that they'll decide to invest more in your services and products.

After a customer sign-ups with an email address, you have the possibility of having a straight channel of communication that has the potential to grow that connection and guarantee an greater lifetime value for your customer.

Through this Member, Campaign Refinery integration it is possible to realize this potential using specific, targeted messages.

Find out the ways segmented email marketing has allowed one company to achieve an 30% increase on sales during the Black Friday campaign.

I'll also provide other scenarios where you can use an Integration of Member with email for accurate and efficient communication with members.

At the conclusion of this article it will be possible to utilize email segments in order to increase sales, upgrade and increase engagement of your subscribers.

From the initial click to the lasting effects, plan the journey of engagement and development for every participant. We're ready to get started!

Introducing the Member Campaign Refinery Integration

 Member Campaign Refinery integration

The Mechanics of Seamless Synchronization

At its core, this integration enables you to based on a variety of member actions in member.

This is the complete set of actions that may create an added or removed tag automation feature in Campaign Refinery:

  • Addition: When a member becomes a member or is added to an existing membership level.
  • Refused:When a member stops or cancels payments to their membership level and no longer have access to protected content.
  • Uncanceled:When a member rejoins the membership after having cancelled, or after a successful bill rebilling transaction after it was removed from the.
  • Expired: When a member's membership expires after the trial period or once-off payment.
  • UnexpiredWhen a member rejoins a level by renewing membership after expiration.

Every one of these events can result in specific automated actions. The goal isn't only to track member movements; it's about responding to them to the most appropriate method that's possible.

Benefits: Precision, and personalization

Target with dart in center

        What is this implying in terms of communications for members? Precision. Personalization. Impact.

If you can segment your email's viewers based on these automatically generated tags, your messages are close to the point. Instead of just broadcasting data instead, you're forming a conversation, that is tailored to each member's particular experience and requirements.

Let's get started! (It's easy!)

Activate The Integration

In activating this integration, you get a piece of pie. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Member > Setup > Integrations > Mail Providers > Campaign Refinery.

Activae Campaign Refinery Integration

When the dialog box appears you can click on the slider to enable Campaign Refinery.

Copy your Campaign Refinery API Key from your Campaign Refinery account and you're ready! Two powerful tools now in sync and ready to roll!

Leveraging Keywords Automatic Engagement

It's here that it gets interesting. Through Your Campaign Refinery account, you can create tags to categorize members based on the actions they take within the Member.

Campaign Refinery Tags

If they're signing up to a brand new stage, cancelling their account and returning following the break, each step is assigned a specific tag. This allows for highly targeted and efficient communication strategies.

Let's say you have 3 members in Member: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Create 3 tags using Campaign Refinery so that you could send out emails only to those who are tagged "Gold" For example.

In this scenario it is possible to create automated processes that include to the bronze tag into Campaign Refinery when a member is accepted to your Bronze level, include a Silver tag when you welcome them to the Silver level and the list goes on.

Additionally, you may automatically eliminatethese tags when a person cancelstheir payment and ceases their membership.

In this instance, you can also adda the new "Cancelled" tag in Campaign Refinery to target these previous members for a re-engagement campaign.

The scenarios we'll explore further in the future.

The Outcome: Targeted Communication

When these tags are set with these tags, communication options are endless. It is possible to reach out to members who've recently cancelled using messages that are specifically tailored to draw members back or push lower-level members with compelling reasons to upgrade.

It's all about forming a dialogue which is intimate and pertinent to the individual's personal experience.

"The Big Picture: Beyond the Click

This integration is much more than a technical setup; it's a strategy for cultivating relationships with your members.

Keep an eye on us as we dig deep into ways to make use of these tools to more than simply communicate, but also communicate with your friends in an authentic way.

3 Strategies to Increase Member Communications Using Member and Campaign Refinery

We've now set the scene with this Member and Campaign Refinery integration, let's examine how you can leverage this incredible combination to improve the member communication.

1. Encouragement of Upgrades for Members at Lower Levels


        Direct Approach for Updates:        

Use the tagging system to identify members at the lower tiers, for example "Bronze". Create and then send personalized messages highlighting the perks of higher tiers.

It is possible to showcase benefits exclusive to you and testimonials or even sneak peeks into what the "Silver" as well as "Gold" levels can offer. It's all about creating a visual of what's missing, and making the upgrade irresistible.

Result-Driven Communication:
       Concentrate on the outcomes as well as the experience of upgrading. Share success stories or case studies of members who've upgraded and experienced tangible advantages. The approach transforms abstract benefits into tangible results, which makes upgrading more attractive.

2. Reengaging Members Who Cancel


        Targeted Reengagement Campaigns:        

When a member cancels then, you automatically label them "Cancelled" and then launch personalized reengagement campaigns.

This campaign can address their possible reasons for leaving, offer special incentives to re-join or inform them of new features or content that might reignite their interest.

        Personalized Following-Ups:        

Send a personalized message that shows respect and appreciation for their membership. Sometimes, just a quick email seeking feedback or offering help can open the door for reengagement.

3. Cross-Selling to Product Purchasers

Cross sell

        Identifying Purchasing Patterns:        

Building a Community, Not Just a Customer Base

Group of people engaging with one another in conversation.

Each of these strategies is different from traditional communications for members. These are all about forming a community, where each member is valued and heard.

Be sure to provide information that actually benefits your customers, builds their trust with your brand and makes their experience more enjoyable.

The power of Email Segmentation: A Black Friday Case Study

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Take a look the way one company hit the ball out of the park in its Black Friday campaign, boosting sales by 30% with smart email segmentation. This story is a great illustration of what can happen when you do your member communications exactly right.

Strategy Overview

The brand was creative and split its customers into four distinct groups: non-customers, past customers and existing customers who are lower-tiered and the top-tier customers. Each group received emails crafted especially for them, based on the specific relationship they have with the brand.

1. Non-Customers"Show and Tell"

For folks who hadn't bought anything yet, the brand put on a red carpet. They shared the best parts about their products, topped with some glowing testimonials. The goal was to transform the curiosity of customers into clicks, and convert clicks into sales.

They also held a contest via the Raffle Press to enhance engagement and incentivize social sharing of their Black Friday offer.

2. Former Customers: Check for the latest news

Previous customers were informed about all the cool new improvements and new features. It was aimed at reviving their interest and bring people back.

3. Existing Lower-Tiered Customers: Sweet Upgrade Deal

The brand made a tempting deal to customers in lower tiers upgrading to a higher plan for less than the price for renewing the existing plan. This was an effective way to highlight the benefits of higher tiers to customers.

4. The Top-Tier Customer There's More to Love

To the faithful customers of the top tier, it was all about cross-selling. The brand offered products to complement what they already had and made sure that these recommendations added real value to their current investment.

Results and Reflections

This method of planning and targeting resulted in a significant increase in sales. Conversions, engagement, sales - everything went up. Every group was able to feel that the company was speaking directly to them, which is an enormous win in the world of marketing.

This Black Friday success story is an example of the power of ensuring your email's segmentation exactly right. Through a deep understanding of different customers' requirements and expressing their needs the brand achieved amazing results.

Wrapping Up: Making the Most of Campaign and Member Refinement. Campaign Refinery for Awesome Member Communications

A hand reaching for a smiling face indicating a positive review.

In this post, we've seen how combining Member together with Campaign Refinery really steps up your member communications, bringing new and innovative ways to connecting with your audience.

By blending the robust functionality of Member and the dynamic capabilities for email of Campaign Refinery, you have the potential to revolutionize your strategies for engaging members.

The most important takeaways

  • Customized Communication:With automated tagging and segmentation, you can be sure that every message you send is unique and relevant, deeply resonating with each member's unique experience.
  • Enhanced Engagement: From re-engaging past members to enticing current ones to upgrade their membership or discover the latest products, this integration allows you to make important connections that will drive retention and increase.
  • Measurable ResultsThe success stories, like that of the Black Friday campaign case study illustrate the real-world impact of properly executed, segmented communications strategies.

If you've got thoughts or experiences to share regarding member communications, or if you're just excited about these opportunities, please leave a comment below. We're always looking for feedback comments from our readers!

Also, don't forget that for additional advice and suggestions on member sites and strategies for marketing be sure to join our blog. Be sure to keep an eye out, be informed, and let's keep growing as a community.

We wish you the best in creating a thriving and engaged community!

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