Social Login is announcing Seamless Log-ins to Your WordPress Site - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Websites

Jun 20, 2024

We are introducing Social Login to allow Seamless logins on your WordPress Site

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        Give access to users in a flash! Add social logins to your WordPress website using Member. You'll enjoy the advantages of a more pleasant users' experience as well as hassle-free administration.

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You know your members are frustrated because you've been through the same frustration. You go to log in on a website and find that you've totally forgotten your password.

And, even more importantly, you're signing in on a new device and you're not allowed to access the password manager. In addition, why did you need to create a 12-character password for your coffee account anyway?

Micro-frustrations could be the difference between a successful log in and a user opting out entirely. And that can spell disaster for the bottom line of your business.

There's an easy and growingly popular solution for the problem. And now it's available for all Member Pro and Elite users: social login.

Created to simplify registration It improves the user experience and, in turn, boosts member engagement as well as loyalty.

We'll look at how the social login feature could benefit your company, and how to easily install it within Member.

What exactly is Social Login?

Asana Social Login option
Asana offers an option to log in with Google

Social login is an authentication method that allows individuals to log in to a site using their already existing accounts on social media, for example, Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

Instead of recollecting another password and username, users need only use their social media credentials for access to their current accounts.

For WordPress sites, integrating social logins means offering a seamless smooth, easy-to-use experience. Account holders can login rapidly, eliminating the friction that can result in abandoned logins and lost engagement.

No more forgotten passwords or difficult recovery methods. A simple and easy log-in experience that keeps users coming back.

Benefits of Offering Social Logins on Your WordPress Web Site

This may seem like something that isn't too significant, but the addition of social logins to your website could have significant impact on the bottom line. There are multiple advantages which make it a no-brainer to your company.

1. Maintain Members' Satisfaction with Streamlined User Experience

We're neck deep in the age of convenience. From 5G internet access to Amazon Prime, the average consumer is expecting everything to come today.

To be fair or not it is increasingly difficult for people to tolerate of any form of friction in relation purchasing goods and gaining access to services.

For membership sites that rely on frequent visits, having a poor UX (UX) simply isn't an option.

If you'd like your company to stay afloat and even thrive it is essential to invest the effort to make it as effortless as is possible for your members to get to your website.

        Fewer clicks, more comfort, that's the main thing to a better experience. It all begins with the login.        

Social login is the term used to describe how users don't need to exert any kind of mental energy trying to retrieve their password and username from their memory banks. All it takes is just a few clicks and they're in! It doesn't get any smoother than it.

2. #Hassle Free Admin

There's no doubt that no one enjoys dealing with password resets, or the dreaded account recovery process. In reducing the issues with social login, it also decreases the stress on your support teamand ensures that your customers are happy and engaged.

In short, social login can cut down on administrative headaches that can take time and money.

3. Increased Member Confidence - Trust in the Trend

Social logins add a sense of trust and reliability for your website. Users feel less irritated when something seems safe and familiar.

When users see options like Google, Facebook, or Twitter and Twitter, they are aware of the platforms' strong security measures and are more comfortable login.

        This improves your site's credibility by decreasing hesitation, and also builds instant trust in your site.        

In addition, social logins are now in common use on popular apps and online services.

Zapier social login
Zapier is a popular software which provides social login for its customers

4. Increased Retention Rates - Continue them in

The ease of access to information is a major factor in retaining members.

By allowing users to re-enter your site in a few clicks via their preferred social media accounts by allowing them to do this, it makes it easier for them to engage and engage with your website's content.

In addition, the social login reduces the risk of customer churn if customers forget the password.

According to a survey by Blue Research, 92% of the respondents said they had decided to leave the site, rather than reset or recover the login details, while 31% admitted that they regularly do this.

By offering social logins you can reduce these situations and provide a positive ongoing experience that encourages users to join your site without difficulty and trust.

The result: members who are more willing to stay active and engaged with the content and services you offer.

Social logins improve your chance of turning fleeting visitors into long-term members.

5. Improved Data Security

When a user needs to make a password that is memorable it's a chance for security risks to creep in.

Most people reuse the same passwords on multiple sites, which can transform one security breach into the result of a chain reaction of compromised accounts.

Social login is tapping into the advanced security systems of major companies like Facebook and Google and transferring the task of managing your password to those experts in the field.

That means that you're more likely to avoid fears of data breaches or security lapses that keep you up at late at night. Another reason to turn onto this security feature now.

How social Login Can Increase Your Revenue

The point of the issue: adding the option of social login to your WordPress membership site just makes the most sense for business.

The benefits mentioned above will have a cumulative effect on the bottom line. Let's sum it up and simplify:

Increased Engagement = Higher Sales Opportunities

Social logins reduce obstacles and promote members to engage more frequently.

Easier access means users can easily connect to and interact with your content. This means more opportunities to upsell your membership or cross-sell other products.

Fewer customers = More Revenue Lifetime Value

As long as you keep your customers engaged, happy and coming back for more and more, the more you stand to gain. With the recurring revenue model you will see less the churn will be realized month after month as your subscribers pay out.

Lower Admin = Higher Value Creativity

With a reduced need for admin/support intervention You can free up time and money to spend creating value for your customers.

How to Include Social Logins to Your WordPress Site

Now you know all the benefits of setting up social login on your WordPress website, and now it's the time for us to demonstrate how to add it with Member.

1. Set up the Social Login Add-On

On your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Members > Add-ons. Look for the Social Login plugin and press install.

2. Allow and configure your chosen Social Providers

After the add-on has been installed it will show a social Login option in the menu for Members. Click on it to select the social service that you want your customers to be able to log in to your website with.

social login options

After you have clicked on an option, click the Allow Provider option, then hit the "View Documentation link to access a complete step-by-step guide on how to connect to your preferred social network.

You can

To connect Twitter as well as Facebook You will have create an application using the account you have created on Facebook or X developer account. It is easy to create instructions on the steps to follow are in the corresponding knowledge doc.

And voila! It's all done.

Repeat the process with as many social networks as you like and when your customers login they'll be greeted with this:

3. Give Users The Option to connect manually

If the email address your customers have used to sign in on their social accounts corresponds to the one they used to sign up on your website the social logins will automatically connect.

If their email addresses are different, or if they want to connect via X, you'll need to offer a way for users to join their social accounts manually once they've logged in.

Member streamlines the process by providing simple-to-use shortcodes.


Shortcodes generate buttons as well as a description for every social provider configured on your site:

example of social logins connect disconnect buttons

The users of your company will now have an easy and quick way to join their social accounts and log in more quickly at the next time they visit!

Get Access in a Snap with The Members Social Login Add-On Now

Offering a social login on your WordPress site directly enhances the user experience and benefits your profits.

If you allow members to sign through their existing accounts on social media, you streamline the sign-in process, reduce frustration as well as build trust.

This results in greater participation and retention rates, as members can use their accounts quickly and frequently.

If you are a site administrator, these benefits result in more revenue possibilities. Easy access means more frequent interactions with your website's content and leads to increased cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Furthermore, reducing password-related support difficulties lets your staff be focused on creating value for your customers, which will increase the level of satisfaction and loyalty.

By offering a social login option that allows users to login socially, you improve their experience, creating an better performing and more profitable membership site which is the goal for you!

So now we've shown you how to do it, the task is now up to you to. Integrate social logins into your WordPress site using Member. You'll benefit from increased engagement and retention for your online company.

        Tell us the way you'll use this Member Social Login extension in the comment area below!        

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