New Courses Releasing with Assignments and features included in the Gradebook

Aug 19, 2024

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It's back-to-school season! Most places around the world, the first day of school is just over the horizon ( if it hasn't begun already) and soon-to-be students have been enjoying the last days of the summer sun.

What's Inside Switch

The teachers are back in their classrooms for several weeks, arranging new seats and hanging new posters, making updated attendance sheets as well as experimenting with innovative teaching techniques that they're eager to teach the new students they've enrolled in.

In e-Learning, we'd wish that our teachers online experience the same excitement and excitement when they design an engaging and productive virtual learning environment for their students.

That's why we're thrilled to present our new Courses tools: Assignmentsand Gradebook:

  • Tasks Students in your class can now complete and submit many projects directly within the class. From writing essays and making web pages making digital portfolios and multimedia content The assignments can assist them with developing their analytical, technical, and communication skills, giving the students a glimpse of what they know.
  • Grading Book Grades are now simpler to handle, and lets users maintain all of their scores in one place. This makes it easier for tracking individual progress and makes it easier to keep track of your progress and provide prompt feedback. Students are able to easily view their scores, which helps students stay well-informed and motivated to remain in line with their learning objectives they have set for themselves.

These tools were designed by us for your online classroom to be more engaging, organized and ready to provide the best educational experience for you as well as your students.

Let's take a look!

Courses: The most loved LMS tool for online teachers

The tool is designed to help you improve your online teaching experience and allow you to concentrate on the things you love - teaching and sharing your knowledge.

  • The intuitive interface allows us to create courses easier. It's fun and simple to create your course.
  • Automatically issue certificates to the students after completion of their course to acknowledge their efforts.
  • You can customize the look and feel of your classrooms to reflect your branding perfectly by using numerous options to customize your experience, and guarantee a completely customized learning experience.
  • Enjoy seamless transactions with several payment options which make registering for courses as well as fees easy.
  • Control who has access to your content with customizable access rules, that ensure the security of your learning space.
  • Find out the most recent guidebooks, tutorials and personal assistance in establishing and improve your course's efficiency.

Our focus on excellence sets Courses stand out different from others LMSs and establishes us as an industry leader in the LMS market.

It takes a lot of effort to be successful in both fields, but it's a simple choice as our customers have the right to only the best quality!

We are committed to continuously researching emerging trends in the marketplace as well as adopting best practices and enhance the tools we use so that we can meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.

This passion is the main motivation behind the development of our most recent offerings: Assignmentsand the Gradebook.

These are designed to make sure that your students remain within the line, and also to allow you to make your online educational role easy and efficient as it can be.

Your creativity will shine your work in the classroom by using NEW Assignments

Through incorporating various types of tasks, you make an engaging classroom environment for your pupils, but you increase the effectiveness of your teaching techniques.

This is the way to expand your curriculum content by completing different assignments.

  • Writing reports and essays: Encourage students to consider their thoughts by writing traditional essays or require to put in a lot of detective work when writing investigation reports.
  • Digital Projects Spark creativity by designing web pages for students to create portfolios or projects in digital formats. It is the ideal option for those with awe-inspiring visuals, such as the design of websites, marketing digitally and graphic design.
  • Media Submissions: Let students show their skills through video, graphics or any other formats for multimedia. This can be a fantastic alternative for classes that require an element of physical activity, such as public speaking, or tutorials on software.
  • Complex Projects They are expected to blend everything in a jumble of text, images as well as multimedia in order to design complete projects that demonstrate their understanding of the content and fulfill the expectations of the assignments.

Three Reasons You'll Like the addition of assignments to your online Class:

1. Encourages Diverse skills

The Assignments supplement broadens learning beyond just writing. The goal is to help students in developing a broad array of the skills they'll apply in real-world scenarios.

  • Writing and analytical skills: Drafting essays or research papers don't have to be just concerned with writing down words. Students are able to engage in sophisticated analytical thinking. They create compelling arguments, support their arguments using evidence as well as communicate with clarity and clarity and precision.
  • Technical and Design Skills If students are asked to take on the tasks of creating websites or digital portfolios it's a case of applying real-world technical abilities, ranging from designing and coding. Students also master the basics of user interface and design and are vital to careers in web-based as well as digital marketing.
  • Media Production Skills when working in video or multimedia projects, students learn more than basic cutting, editing and retouching. Students investigate narrative structure, discover the intricacies of audiovisual storytelling, and learn the requirements of creating multimedia.
  • Communication and Presentation Skills: Whether it's showcasing your digital portfolio, creating videos or writing reports or writing in different formats, HTML0 enhances the students' ability to communicate ideas clearly and convincingly. These are essential skills for any job.
Assign video demonstration assignments with  Courses

     2. Enhances Interaction

Every assignment is crafted to encourage students to go deeper in their understanding and keep them engaged through the curriculum.

  • Learn about the diverse ways students learn: With a range of tasks, students are given the opportunity to experiment and discover what's most effective for their needs. If they are good with analytical thinking as well as technical writing and telling stories they can play around with various approaches and identify the advantages they possess.
  • Stay Engaged and Curious The variety of tasks makes learning fun and exciting. With the continuous introduction of creative formats and challenging new tasks the students are always engaged and emotionally involved in the learning.
  • Enjoy the Learning Process: Offering a mix of assignment types makes this course a rewarding learning experience. It is more probable for students take pleasure in their assignments if they know they'll face an entirely different task each time, making learning fun and enjoyable.
Allow students to submit a mix of assignment types, from essay writing, multimedia and graphic uploads, URL submissions, and more with  Courses

     3. Flexible Settings that can be customized

Every course is different We've created the Assignments Add-on to give you many options for customization. The flexibility lets you alter assignments so that they correspond with the goals of your class and to meet the needs of your students.

  • Certain character counts. Create character limits in order that students can be on the right track. They will be precise enough that they don't get lost or too concise, which can help to maintain the top level of work they produce.
  • Points awarded for the completion of assignments. Points are awarded for assignments that were completed to allow students to be motivated to maximize their efforts. It's a fantastic way to encourage them and recognize their efforts.
  • Resubmission Opportunities. Let students submit project after getting critique. Help to learn from errors and improve. This is a fantastic way to build a mindset where you are focused on getting more effective.
 Courses Assignments customization options

How do you create assignments in the course

The first step is to include the assignment in your program, and take note of the directions on the assignment's page.

Add a new assignment in the  Courses Curriculum builder
Assignments curriculum page

When you go to make the assignment available, be sure that you include an image that is featured, and categorize your content using tags and secure access for assignments by using Rules If necessary.

Continue reading to learn how you can grade your assignments with our NEW Gradebook add-on next! An in-depth tutorial video is ready for you...

More simple assessment tasks with the NEW Gradebook

You, as a teacher, know how important it is to teach more than simply delivering lecture. After your students are engaged with the material or have completed their homework assignments or even took tests It's the time to assess the amount of effort they put into it.

In the past, tracking student progress was as simple as going through each test individually to view the student's responses responding, as well as their scores.

Every course that you offer on your website is equipped with its own Gradebook. Once students have completed exams or assignments, the work is immediately recorded in the gradebook.

Every course on your site is equipped with its own Gradebook to house completes quizzes and assignments

The Gradebook can be used to look over and evaluate every student's work in a single document. It gathers their assignments and tests in one location, making it easier to evaluate and track the progress of every student.

     Three Reasons to Like It Gradebook Add-On    

1. simplify Grad Management

The new Gradebook feature is about helping you with regards to managing grades.

It consolidates all of the grading requirements in one administrator interface. This eliminates the frustration of having to handle multiple spreadsheets and sifting through pages.

Within one place, you can quickly see how everyone is performing on their assignments and exams. This doesn't just reduce the process of marking, but it also makes the process much easier and less stress-inducing.

2. Individual Classroom Tracking for Students as well as Teachers

When you use the Gradebook add-on, you gain access to live, immediate reports that highlight each student's improvement and the overall academic performance for the class.

The dual view helps you rapidly identify patterns and areas where students might require additional help, and to adjust the instructional methods you employ accordingly.

The Gradebook also features filtering and searching options. This allows you to alter the manner you see assignments and quizzes and also the performance of students.

You can see each student's quizzes, assignments and tests and their marks and the total score.

Gradebook filter search

Getting a handle on the pattern will enable teachers to adapt their teaching according to the needs of each student, ensuring that every student receives enough support to reach their goals.

3. Transparent Feedback

The Gradebook simplify the process of giving feedback and grading. It offers a detailed review of your marks for every test and assignment to ensure that both you and your students are able to quickly track progress.

This helps to identify areas where students perform very well, and areas where they may need additional assistance.

It is also possible to award extra points to individuals who've made outstanding effort, which is a fast and effective method to reward and reward effort.

What's especially useful for teachers is the individualized feedback section. The feedback can be specific right beside the marks:

Assignments grading

The system allows you to provide students with specific feedback to be able to match to their scores, improving efficiency of your teaching as well as the focus of your students' learning.

A well-organized Gradebook system helps you stay organized, and helps you better aid your student's learning process, thereby making the learning process more effective and personalized.

How to configure and Grade Assignments with the Gradebook

The time has come to let go of that outdated gradebook with the small column and crowded text! The Gradebook add-on offers a modern simple method of grading.

It provides a straightforward and easy-to-use interface. It enhances the way you look at student information and also helps you streamline your assessment procedure. It provides a beautiful complete and appealing overview.

Inside your Gradebook, you'll find everything neatly organized. Each pupil's completed quizzes and assignments as well as the grades you've assigned along with their final grades. They'll be able to see all of their scores in one place.

Plus, anything which hasn't yet been graded is clearly marked with the words "ungraded," making it easy to identify the things that are worthy of your attention in the near future.

Take a look at our comprehensive video guide for steps-to-follow instructions for creating assignments, and then marking them up for your course.


Be ready for a fantastic school year with Courses the newest and most popular tools: Assignmentsand gradebookadd-ons.

These cutting-edge tools were created to simplify your course management and grade-giving, giving you your time for delivering a great teaching.

With the Assignments feature, students can simply submit their assignments on the web, and it's Gradbookprovides an organized, clear method of tracking grades and feedback.

Did you set up your classroom up yet? No worries! Follow the link below to start and join the tens of thousands of teachers that are making online education more exciting and enjoyable.

What's the initial assignment you're hoping to incorporate within your class? Share your teaching opinions with us through our comments below!

Katelyn Gillis Meet Katelyn managing a course or membership site can be difficult however that's the place Katelyn is able to help. As a graduate from the field of education and the role of a "Content Manager," she has a talent for delving into the complexities and offering guidance that's like having a chat with a colleague who gets it. If you're in search of fresh ideas or just some reassurance, Katelyn's blog articles are available here to make it easier for you.

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