Methods for Collecting Testimonials for a better growth of your membership site
- Why Bother With Testimonials?
- You can ask at the right Time
- Create a Simple Experience for Your Members
- Have your Members share Their Experiences
- Text is Good, but Video is Better
- Publish the Testimonials On Your website
- Final Thinking
An effective method to expand your membership program, regardless of whether you're starting from scratch or are already well established, is to publish reviews from your customers on your website.
When used correctly When used in the right way, testimonials can help create a look for your membership programs that is more trustworthy and can showcase its most effective features.
You can also offer visitors that social proof that persuades people to gamble on your information.
Although there's a lot to gain by adding testimonials to your membership site, collecting and publishing feedback from your members can be a challenge.
However, if you follow the guidelines given in this article, you should be well on your way to growing your site's membership by using testimonials.
Why Bother With Testimonials?
In the end the benefits of positive feedback, they can have a significant impact on rate of conversion for your website's membership page which can help turn many of your site visitors into paying members.
When used properly, testimonials are able to provide answers to questions that potential clients might ask, demonstrate your experience and knowledge as well as signaling that you are safe in entering the payment information into your system.
If you're proud of your membership site and its content, then there's really nothing wrong with publish reviews on your site. So to help you begin, this manual includes tips and advice about how to collect and use testimonials to increase the number of members on your website.
Let's begin...
Ask at the Right Time
Because of the numerous advantages of publishing testimonials on your website, you could consider asking for comments from your customers immediately. In this case, however it's not a good option.
Give your customers enough time to gain access to your website, and if necessary you can ask for help. When they've had the opportunity to benefit from your site's membership features, as well as experience high-end customer service and experience your top-quality customer service, they'll be more inclined -- and able -to offer genuine and positive reviews.
Make It Easy for Your members
While you could simply fire off an email to your members asking them what they think of your program for membership This approach is unlikely to result in the greatest results.
Instead, you should strive to make it as simple as possible for your members to leave comments.
Not only does this give users the possibility of getting the type of feedback you're most interested in However, you'll also be able to use the features that are more advanced of software to incorporate feedback fields on your form that allow users to rate your site by pressing the button.
We've now covered the best way to collect the feedback we'll take a look at the data you can try to gather from your members...
Ask Your Members about Their Erfahrungen
For you to get the sort of feedback that can serve as a powerful testimonial, you need to ask the right questions.
Instead of simply asking your users what they thought about your membership site, encourage users to share their experience.
Inquire about their needs and make them think about why they decided to sign up at all as well as how your program helped them and the results they achieved after putting your advice into application.
Other concerns to be asked include the possibility of reservations prior to signing up for your membership, and if so, how your member site dealt with their concerns.
It is also possible to ask them if they'd endorse your program and if so, to whom.
Remember, you don't have to share all their comments, however the more questions you pose and the more information that you'll be working with.
Be careful not to go overboard in asking too many questions of your members or you risk being overwhelmed and refusing to engage with your request. It's better to be less in the case of soliciting for a favor from your customers.
To make your testimonials more interesting and credible, be sure to ask for a photo from your participants and include a hyperlink to their site or social media profile so they can be sure that the testimonials are genuine.
Text is good, but Video is more effective.
Some studies suggest that incorporating videos on landing pages will increase conversions by over 80%, compared to simply publishing feedback with text on your website.
Consider people you've worked closely with and built an excellent relationship. In particular, those that you have known have gotten great results from your content. They are the perfect people to contact for video testimonials.
Consider reaching at these individuals.
They put your request for review in the forefront and makes it fast and easy for even the less tech-savvy to make an application.
Seriously consider offering potential reviewers a reward to for a video review.
Post the Testimonials on Your Website
Last but not least, ensure that you post the reviews as soon as you receive them.
Don't delay until you've had numerous responses from your customers. Instead, you should put this useful information to use immediately.
Although the initial feedbacks you get aren't the most impressive, as long as they're enthusiastic, you're welcome to post these reviews on your site.
It is possible to replace them later, once you've refined the process of getting feedback, and you've started receiving impressive feedback.
Alternatively, you can utilize an purpose-built testimonials plugin, or simply make a new website and add the feedback with plain text.
When publishing the testimonials, try to include as much information as you can including the complete name of the member as well as a picture, a website address or link to their social media profiles so that the visitors can verify for themselves who the testimonial is from.
Don't forget to get permission before you publish the testimonial, especially if you've edited the content.
Don't forget to create a page for your testimonials and store every single comment you leave there.
You can instead publish your most valuable comments on the home page of your site and also on your signup webpages.
By displaying your glowing testimonials front and center You can place them in the areas where they're most beneficial in growing your membership site like at the point where you invite your customers to sign up up or enter their details for payment.
Final Reflections
Hope these guidelines about collecting and using testimonials to advertise your membership website are helpful.
Now is the time to ask for feedback from your members and publishing it in a way that it will have the most beneficial effect on your website's conversion rate.
If your site's membership program is still waiting to get its first members, then you could always consider offering the program for free as a reward for open and honest feedback.
While you won't earn any revenue directly from these users, their comments can be invaluable for promoting your membership site.
Are you willing to begin inviting your members to give feedback? Let us know your feedback in the comments!