Kingpin An interview with Tom McFarlin

Nov 17, 2022
Tom Mcfarlin

Q1: What is your history, and what was the very first time that you became involved with WordPress?

It's kind of a long answer, actually.

My first experience with computers came when I was 10 years old. There was one Apple IIe when I was very young, but I was not old enough to to fully engage in the topic. When we finally got our first PC (it was a model 386 with the RAM of 4MB) it featured Wolfenstein and Doom within it. After the first time I tried both games, I fell in love with them.

Apple IIe
Apple IIe (Image Source: The Centre for Computing History)

Much like many of my peers, I was a fan of video games and enjoyed many games such as Star Wars: Dark Forces, Doom, Doom II, Wolfenstein, and King's Quest (the sixth and final installments are one of the greatest, certainly :).

When it comes to the Internet was concerned, my initial experience with "getting connected" was via Prodigy with an 14.4 millisecond modem. But, more will come in the next few minutes.

The more I worked with the machine, though I began to become interested in the images I observed on the screen. Specifically, how was what taking place inside the white box being shown on screen? Also, what was the response to inputs from mouse and keyboard?

In the future, I'll learn more about memory (and page problems) disks, interrupts the like. The time is about 10 years after.

Anyway, around that time I was spending quite lots of time on America Online and stumbled across forums specifically designed for computer programmers (of which I wasn't yet, however I was certain to be attracted).

It led me toward C (specifically particularly the Borland C++ compiler) to where I had a terrible lack of preparation as well as various Linux distributions. Linux (my first taste of it being Slackware along with Red Hat however I am going to digress).

Then, because C was too difficult to understand at this point, I discovered Visual Basic which seemed to better suit my needs (at barely 10 years old it was a most).

So, I bought the Visual Basic version 3.0 (which included nine discs on Floppy) and then began to experiment with writing software. I eventually got to Visual Basic 5.0 and used two more books, all of which were generously purchased by my parents.

I was completely intrigued by the subject and was eager to know about this field and, as it was my main concern was the direction I wanted to do for the future as a professional.

Later, I transferred to high school, junior high before going to college. At college, I took an undergraduate course in computing sciences, and I specialized in software engineering during my time at college.

As I attended my school I was in my school, the College of Computing at the university was in search of students to write frequently about their experience at school. It was a matter of writing about how it was to learn the subject as well as participate in the activities offered to students and general discussions on what it was like to as a student at college.

It was a way to highlight student life at the school, but I wasn't opposed to the idea.

Oh! I got my college degree! an undergraduate degree in computer science. It was something I'd always been wanting to accomplish since the time we first acquired our 386. Also, achievement unlocked or what other name you'd like to use for it.

Apart from a brief period in high school where I seriously considered the idea of starting a band, and then doing it professionally, I've decided what I would like to do, and pursued the idea, then made the most of it as a profession, and continue to work within the field.

Everything me think of as being a requirement.

Q2: What's the most significant things readers should be aware of about the various things that you're working on with WordPress in the present?

In the present, I'm involved in some activities on WordPress every one that I use to make a living as well as to contribute to the overall WordPress economy in some manner.

In no particular order:

  • Blogging at least three times each week (and striving for at minimum one article that is targeted for members every week) on
  • Converting certain membership-related content into an eBook.
  • The development of a plugin suite especially designed for bloggers.
  • Customizing solutions specifically for small companies and people that typically involve connecting third party APIs with WordPress and having both platforms communicate to solve a particular issue for a business.
  • Pressware that is running Pressware.

Much as I like writing and publishing content as well as aiding others in finding methods to help make the process easier and more speedily I've noticed that a lot of people have begun to search for third-party integrations using plugins. It's an area that I'm really enjoying.

There's a growing demand for using WordPress to serve as an API for WordPress. It is a lot of fun exploring the possibilities of the REST API, connecting to other APIs as well as creating platforms that use the API.

Q3: What obstacles faced you prior to getting to where you currently are professionally?

While I love doing my job and the people with whom I work but there are certainly difficulties that have come my way (and they likely are going to be).

I'm yet to find an example of someone who had been working in an industry that didn't have this issue. A few of these problems have a business aspect and some of them are on the WordPress scale.

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I try to pay attention to the conversation around it even if I'm not actively participating in it, and then I'm aware of the fact that a feature or API set is available to help me in the event I'm in need of it. I've discovered that I'm most efficient when I am learning them as I need rather than purchasing the APIs, but possibly not using them.

Also, with a focus on business There were a number of instances in which I've made mistakes with what I've posted or stated or in the way I've handled tasks. The result isn't pleasant Naturally, but I do everything I can to try to have the conversations necessary to grasp the situation, and then take the lessons learned and use them as I progress.

Last but not least among the most difficult challenges I've had to face in this industry is making sure I'm current and relevant with the topics which are the most relevant for what I consider to be my core set of abilities.

For example, because WordPress has a focus on compatibility with older versions, and for an excellent reason, in my view. It's simple to become used to old methods of writing code, or to use less modern software. Thus, new tools are designed to simplify our lives and that help us write better code yet we are not adopting them because we feel that we don't need to do so.

It's the "if there's no damage, then take it off and don't repair it" mindset. It's actually what the correct way of thinking is. It's not about the extent of damage or is it not. It's all about "if there's something can be polished, why not take time to finish the task?" It implies that you've got the sufficient patience and time to accomplish the task isn't it? It's obvious.

That's how I see taking things such as package managers and new features for languages, and so on. The idea isn't fixing anything, it's polishing, enhancing - something.

Q4: What has been awe-inspiring for you since appearing within the WordPress world?

Most of the time, it's not, it's not.

If I could pick something that's surpassed my expectations, I'd say the level of customization has increased. The first time I saw it, I was amazed by the interface. It was simple, intuitive to use, simple, and enjoyable against to write code against.

It's grown into an important feature. It's like a tiny component of the software. It's like WordPress is in WordPress (a amusing comedy that's tongue-in cheek and aimed at those who may not have English in their primary or only.

What is the right way to define a good issue is an open debate, and I don't really have an opinion. However, it did surprise me just how far capabilities of this attribute have been challenged.

However, I'm aware of many opinions on the latest features or things that could appear overwhelming in the beginning, especially if there's any kind of major shift in the way it's executed.

In speaking to family members who run businesses, along with family and friends who are in the same industry as well in their own respective sectors, I've yet discover a sector that isn't facing challenges that do not seem overwhelming initially.

There are those who feel that the foundation of their knowledge has changed. Perhaps it's so. It could be hyperbole.

However, the cliches "change is inevitable" as well as "the only permanent thing is changing" are commonplace. Prepare yourself for the possibility and if it does happen it's best not to be caught off guard.

Q5: What does the future hold for you, and the WordPress world?

I don't do a lot of things like "in 10 years, I'd like to be at this moment." Most of the time, I'll project three years, however, I try to think about things such as an entire year or quarter, One month, one day, and only one day at a moment (and my calendar and the things I do, reflect this).

In the next year, I would like to:

  • We'll continue to work with clients who want to connect systems with third organizations or develop custom plugins for their needs.
  • Completion of the book that I've begun.
  • Continue to increase the number of members of my blog.
  • Start building your Blogging plugins (which will require a lot longer than you expected).

It's a habit of mine to predict over what I would like to forecast per year. So I'm looking to cut back by little every year until I achieve the right harmony.

Question 6: What are you going to consider when choosing an WordPress hosting service?

From a broad perspective my general point of view I tend to focus on the things that most people would. This time, it's examples of:

  • The Uptime
  • Security
  • Backups
  • Subdomains as well as add-on domains

More advanced functions I particularly like those that are designed by developers, for example

  • The capability to rapidly spin the stage quickly.
  • Utilize tools from the command line.
  • Pick the best data centers and cache methods that will provide an excellent user experience.

Q7: What do you engage in when you're away working from home?

It's likely that you'll see me at home with my children, playing the guitar, exercising or playing video games, or watching the TV or films, or reading.

Q8: Whom will be the next interviewee and why?

I'd suggest an interview with Carl Alexander. He's a remarkably talented programmer and a frequent speaker at WordCamps across North America.

He's extremely active within the WordPress community and is extremely skilled with object-oriented programming, and hopes to help educate other users about these ideas via his blog.

If you're trying to become more proficient at writing object-oriented code in the context of WordPress and aren't paying attention to what an author has published If not, you're missing out.

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