Infuse humanity into your marketing with personalized video

Nov 23, 2022

If video fuel is the key to growing your marketing and sales personalization is the next step and turbo-charged rocket fuel.

You can learn from 87% of those who report positive returns by using video advertising like increases in leads, traffic, and brand recognition. With regards to personalized videos, 81% also say customized videos have grown their sales.

Actually, they tend to be 13% more likely to remember the message contained in videos in an email, than a text-based send.

If you're thinking of making use of video customization to boost your profits and increase your profits, we'll assist you in getting there in this guide. In addition, we'll highlight the advantages of having customized videos, and give you strategies for creating videos that generate ROI.

The top 4 advantages of video personalization

Human-centered marketing

Personalized videos are an effective method of standing from the crowd of sales and marketing.

Take a look at it in the context of. Does a video thumbnail showing a smiling face -- waving hello -- grab your attention more than a dull, text-based email that sounds like the sender has mass sent it to everyone on their list of outreach recipients? You'd pay attention to the video message would you not?

Indeed, personalization via video not only grabs attention but is also a great way to show your personality in order to build trust with potential clients.

Numbers back this too with 70 percent of sales representatives who have been using customized video for outreach report an increase in their responses rate.

Time savings for all

Prepping for meetings, designing appealing presentation slides, as well as making time to schedule demonstrations for products can take a an enormous amount amount of effort.

Once you get a hang of prospecting for video, you can quickly record customized videos that will save you as well as your viewers' time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, personalized video is great for (and humanly) making new suggestions as well as prospecting more effectively, and helping to educate new customers and consumers about your service.

Helps you implement your ABM strategy

account-based marketing is about targeting specific companies with targeted content that can nurture and move them along the sales funnel.

How do you nail your ABM strategy is Personalized content that answers the specific questions target accounts have.

Luckily, custom video content is the best format to nurture these extremely important account types.

Oneis that personalization makes a mark from the rest of your written content. This can help you get a customer's attention without taking up a ton of their time.

And two, because personalized videos can be used in a variety of applications, you are able to make use of them throughout the sales and sales funnel. As an example, you can use video personalization to share introduction messages, respond to inquiries from customers and develop relationships with folks at the target account.

Makes work easier

Additionally, personalized video aids avoid confusions and misunderstandings that poorly or hastily written briefs breed.

Sometimes--despite our efforts to remain at a constant connection, we fail to realize that everyone has different styles of working and communicating.

Plus, you can auto-generate the transcript of your screen-recorded video for a written transcription of the message in the video. The result is that your entire conversation will be searchable using CTRL-F usable, and easy to refer back later.

9 proven tips for making personal videos

Have you been convinced to start making personalized videos to help with pitching, prospecting, teaming up with colleagues, giving tasks, and so on? Get started making. And trust us to say that creating your own video is simple.

The tips we've gathered and video personalization software to start you off -We'll begin by introducing the tips below:

1. Draft up an informal script that will help you stay on the right track

It's not necessary to have detailed plans though. Simply create a bullet listing of everything you need to mention on a notepad and you're good to go. Use this list when you make your video so your message is focused on the right topics and you won't miss something.

2. Keep it short and simple

Long, rambling videos fail quickly and are difficult to follow. Simple, straightforward videos work better in creating and keeping the viewers' attention. Actually, more than 60% of viewers stay watching videos for sales until conclusion if the video is less than 60 seconds.

The act of writing your video reminds you to use simple language and stick to your message, which, in turn, ensures your videos are shorter.

A few more useful tips you can apply today are:

  • Speak to your camera as you would talk to a person! Just because you're creating videos for prospecting doesn't necessarily mean that you have to employ fancy words to sound professional.
  • Be authentic. Your authentic self! Potential employers and coworkers appreciate being yourself in your video. They aren't looking for an overly edited or polished version, therefore it's fine if your otherwise perfect video has one small errorIt's just human at the end of the day.

3. Don't settle with the first take

If this is your first experience in video prospecting it is recommended that you put in some upfront work by recording the video a handful of times prior to completing the initial take.

Why is that? Every time you record you'll be able to learn something new for instance:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and audio

You'll also find yourself coming up with new ideas for displaying your individuality and make connections better with your viewers.

4. Include your face

The reason: showing you face can be the best way to connect with the people you want to reach. It's step one to personalizing prospecting videos and is a guaranteed way to build your account's confidence.

When it comes to marketing videos the presence of your face can be useful for more than just building trust -- it helps to establish brand recognition. the explainer videos for SparkToro that he shares on social networks, for instance, help with brand recognition on top of educational content and connecting to viewers:

5. The pepper in your life

Be yourself, and to speak naturally are the biggest tips to keep in mind here. But there are subtle ways to show off your personality too. Examples:

  • Design a "uniquely-you" video recording workspace. With no clutter in the background include items that make you feel. Consider adding books, if you're an avid reader (they're excellent for starting conversations as well!) and antique showpieces if you love those. Your wall art could showcase what you enjoy.
  • Add a distinctive piece of clothing to your collection. This could be anything from a specific-colored scarf to wearing a t-shirt with your company logo, or even wearing a cap on the entirety of your videos.

All these tips not only aid in highlighting your personal style, but they develop your brand's recognition too.

6. Research prospects to correctly personalize your outreach video

Personalization can be restricted to a person's name. However, it is more than this. Since if you truly desire to make a lasting impression, and get positive results by using video it is essential to tailor your video the right manner.

What can you do to take individualization to the next level?

By researching your prospect's pain point. This helps create a video message that addresses your particular issue of the prospect and provides them with the solution they need to want. It also ensures favorable responses.

7. You should include a concise recap of the event or a summary of what you'll cover

Depending on who you're aiming your video for and the length of your video and how long it will be, adding a slide that outlines what you'll be talking about, or the things you've spoken about helps.

In case of internal videos, we recommend including a slide that highlights what will be covered during the video. Bring it up in the course of your talk about what you'll share during the video.

For external videos like sales pitches, include an overview slide or recap explaining how the tool will help the viewer. Position it before the call-to-action (CTA).

8. Go the extra mile through interactivity

The video can be made using tools like hotspots, overlays and time triggers and branches to invite viewers to take part in your video.

Take a look:


9. Offer the user a follow-up step (aka a CTA)

Lastly, it's important you navigate your viewer on the next steps they need to take after watching your personalized video.

For marketing outreach, this might include inviting recipients to respond to the email in exchange to request a demonstration of your product. For marketing emails the CTA may be a small-scale conversion such as signing up to your newsletter or asking viewers to try the freemium version of the tool.

As for internal team videos, make your ask specific. As an example, ask viewers to read the instructions and return to you with any questions you might ask them.

Start recording your own personalized videos now!

For a recap, personal videos:

  • They are easy to prepare
  • Speed things up and support async remote working
  • Are an effective way to standout in a noisy world

The most exciting feature? They can be created for free with Record.