Include HTS/HS codes and Country of Origin to Products

Sep 15, 2022

If you've had to deal with customs when importing products It's important to have all the paperwork organized. It is necessary to handle invoices, insurance proof, certificates of origin, and, most of the time, HTS/HS codes.

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) and Harmonized System (HS) codes are identifiers for each product. These codes enable customs to track importers' entry to the country, and also ensure that only approved items make it through the system. It is good to know that adding HTS/HS codes to products is possible using integrated functionality.

In this piece in this article, we'll take a deeper look at the HTS/HS code and how they work. In addition, we'll discuss the country of origin information as well as its significance. We'll also show how you can add an HTS/HS code and country of origin for your items within .

What are the HTS/HS codes?

The HS system was created by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in the year 1952. Its goal is to make it simpler countries process imports and exports.

If you import products, your invoices must be accompanied by HS codes. If this information is not included, it can delay the process and cause additional tax to you.

While the system for HS may sound complex, the only thing that's needed from your end is keeping track of the codes of each item purchased in the hopes of importing (or export).

Here's what an HS code looks like:


Six-number codes that are used to represent the different attributes of a particular product. The following is the breakdown of the code:

  • Two numbers first:They represent the category of the item, such as electronic or textiles.
  • Middle two numbers:This combination stands for the subcategory of the product, like shirts or shoes.
  • Last two numbers:They represent the material of the product, for example, leather.

It's important to understand that these codes aren't specific to each product. As an example, code 950450 applies to gaming consoles for video games, table and parlor games, and automatic bowling equipment.

HTS codes provide additional information as they use six numbers from the HS codes and add four more. For example, 950662 is the HS code for all kinds of inflatable balls. HTS code 9500662404 refers specifically to footballs.

The four numbers that are last are different from country to country, so you can't use the same HTS codes across the globe. If you're searching for U.S. codes specifically, you can locate HTSUS codes using a search engine to get the information you're looking for.

It's not that difficult to figure out these numbers yourself. An online search can assist you in identifying the codes that applies to virtually any item.

What is the country of origin information?

For imports, the the country of origin (COO) data is just as crucial as HTS/HS codes. Customs must know the country from which each shipment or product is coming from. This information is crucial since it will determine how the products will be processed.

In the case of the origin country, any or all of the following rules might apply:

  • Free trade agreement with different countries
  • Import quotas applying to specific nations
  • The fundamental duty rates which are applicable to imports

If you're import similar products from two countries, customs may treat them entirely differently. If you mix HTS/HS codes with the country of origin it paints a comprehensive image for customs.

Similar to the HTS/HS codes, failing to include the country of origin information can lead to fines and delays during the process of import. Additionally, this data is essential for the customer because they frequently want to know where the product is sourced from.

What are the reasons you should add HTS/HS codes and country of origin for products

The software is very flexible. This means you can customize it to add specific data to products. This includes HTS/HS and data on the country of origin. By doing this it will allow you to look up any item in the store at any moment and reference its country of origin and HTS code.

If you decide to implement this data, you might also be able to export the data to third-party service. In the case of example, if you utilize another service for invoicing or keeping track of sales, it will be able to get all the information through WordPress API. WordPress API.

HTS/HS codes, as well as the data on the country of origin are vital datasets that are essential for customs. In the absence of a centralized database for the imports you've made clearance at customs can be much more difficult than required since you'll be required to supply further documentation. In the event that you don't include this information, it could result in fines.

How to include HTS/HS codes on your items

In the beginning, doesn't have a default field to enter HTS/HS codes as well as the country of origin. Fortunately, you can utilize default features, such as customized attributes to include the information. Let's look at how it works.

Step 1. Designate HTS/HS, and the Country of Origin attributes

For adding attributes to your product  your store, head to Products and then attributes. There, you'll find a list of existing attributes for your store, like color and size, and the possibility to create a new attribute.

adding an attribute in

In order to create a new attribute, you'll need to fill out both the nameand Slugfields. Here's what an attribute for HTS codes may look like:

adding attribute info in

Once you've clicked the "Add attribute"button, the new item will be added to the list to the right. You'll notice that some existing attributes have available "terms." They are the options you have to choose from when adding a particular attribute to a product.

attribute terms in

As you'll need to add the HTS codes for every product, you don't need to utilize pre-defined words. For now, you can include a second attribute to indicate the country of origin for your product.

creating a country of origin attribute

Save the new attribute and you're done. While this example uses HTS codes in this example, you can replace it by an HS attribute, if you think it's adequate to allow customs. To determine which one that you're supposed to choose then you'll have to look at local import and customs regulations. If you're located in the U.S., stick with the HTSUS codes system.

Step 2: Define the HTS as well as the country of origin attributes to every product.

It is necessary to modify each product manually and add both the HTS code as well as its country of its origin. Although the process can take time, the mechanics are simple.

Select a product from your inventory and open the editor. Then, navigate to the Product datasection and select the Attributestab. Click on the Custom product attributemenu and then look for attributes that you have added in the first step.

assigning an HTS code to a product

To start, de-select the option and click on "Add New"on the right portion of the screen.

adding a new HTS code

Because we didn't include any words for each attribute, you'll be able to bypass the Value(s)field. Once you've clicked Add new, a pop-up will pop up in which you are asked to enter the name of the attribute. As we're dealing in the HTS code, it is necessary to add its ten-digit identification.

assigning a value for the HTS code

After you've entered a value, it'll appear on the Value(s)field. Then click the Save attribute.

saving the new custom product attribute

For adding the product's country of origin it is possible to repeat the procedure above, however select to use the Country of Originattribute instead. This should only take you a couple of minutes for every product. And it'll make your life significantly more simple when you're required to look up the HTS codes or COO information when you need to send the invoices for customs.

Include HTS codes on your items

If you sell and import products, you'll need to supply the HTS/HS codes and country of origin data to customs. If you don't, you'll be subject to delays or additional charges. This allows you to include this information to your products to use internally.

To recap, here's what you'll need to accomplish:

  1. Create HTS/HS , and the countries of origin in .
  2. Include the HTS and Country of Origin attributes to each product.

You also have the option to include the information you have on your product pages. By showing the source of your product, customers can take more informed decisions when purchasing.