How to Write an Outline for a Blog (and templates)

Nov 26, 2023

Let's discuss how to transform your blog from being good to exceptional. It all starts by using a simple, yet efficient tool that is the outline of your blog. Consider it your key weapon for cutting out the jumble of thoughts and providing an easy, engaging path for your viewers.

In this article, I'll teach you how to construct an outline of your blog. This will help you arrange your thoughts and help make the blog's content sparkle. You'll be surprised to learn that You're not alone in the quest. I've got blog outlines to help you. just keep going.

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What's a blog outline?

An outline for your blog is the roadmap to crafting an appealing piece of material. It's an easy but essential document that describes your perspective and the format of your blog article. It's your reference point for well-written and clear writing that keeps you on the right track and focused. A well-written outline typically contains the following key parts:

  • Your subject: What's the core theme of your blog?
  • Your perspective: What is your approach to this topic? What's your unique perspective?
  • Your organisation What specific points will you be covering to improve your position?

It is also possible to include working titles to the outline. A few writers prefer to compose their headlines following the completion of the article. They should ensure they include a title that perfectly captures the main point of their piece.

The reasons it is important to have an outline for your website

Writing a blog, for personal use or as a marketing tool, can be about creating an impression. If your writing isn't clear or the arguments you're making are unclear the message you're trying to convey will be obscured and viewers will leave your blog.

This is the area where outline software is able to help. It's a tool to organize your thoughts prior to when you start typing, saving the time of rewriting endlessly and increasing the quality of the work you create.

  • How to overcome the syndrome of blank pages Everybody has dealt with the dreaded blank page the moment of total insanity where putting off work suddenly appears attractive. But, with a clear outline, the blank page is much more manageable.
  • Aligning with your editor or your clients: As someone who relied on an outline that is precise countless times, I can vouch for their value. They surpass what a brief for content could provide. They offer a better understanding of the direction you want to take for your work, along with the components that can be left out or included as well as the flow of your piece.

What is the ideal time to start using an outline for a blog?

Always. However, here are some particular examples:

  • for long-form articles: Especially for articles that are at least 1,000 words.
  • Complex topics: When your topic requires extensive research in order to give exact coverage.
  • Writing assignments: To ensure contributors understand the vision for the content.

Be aware that the goal is to improve your thought process as well as increase the efficiency of your writing. However, it's not a strict standard. Examples include small news articles or personal blurbs do not necessarily need an outline. Use your discretion and figure out the best way to express the style you want to convey in your writing.

How to make an outline of your blog in eight steps

Making a blog outline doesn't necessarily have to be an obstacle. Make it manageable for better control of organizing your thoughts and organizing your blog posts. We'll look at these steps:

Select the category you want to use.

First things first: what will your blog be on? The choice of a subject will form the foundation of the blog's outline. Come up with ideas in your field of expertise with a focus on the burning issues you're keen to address. Note down your ideas and select one that is a hit with you, as well as your target audience.

Select your content format

What format do you envisage your blog taking? Is it a step-by-step guide, a listicle or even an opinion piece an article on review or news piece? The format is typically clear according to the topic. In the case of a subject such as "how to make blogs" is bound to result in a"how-to" style. If you're unsure of which format to choose then take your cues from the results of a search on Google for similar topics. There's no universal format. It is possible to choose your own.

 Find what angle to use

Discovering your own unique perspective is like uncovering a hidden treasure that sets your blog content apart from others. This is where your subject meets the unique perspectives of you. It will determine how you approach your subject. The angle you choose to take isn't limited to the material that you're publishing it's about giving your viewers an incentive to keep reading.

If, for instance, you're speaking about a well-known tourist spot for instance "The unexplored trails of [Destination]" or "The top local restaurants in [DestinationThe words "The top local restaurants in [Destination]" are more than just facts. They draw the reader into an experience. Your goal is to make your message memorable and easy to remember.

Determine your format

The best way to publish your blog can make all the difference. Every format is customizable for specific kinds of content and audience preferences. There are several effective blog post formats and the best time to utilize these formats:

  • Blogs on how-to: Ideal when providing steps-by-step instructions.
  • List posts: Great for creating an outline of ideas or ideas.
  • What is a post? Perfect for quick explanations and clarifications.
  • Case study blog posts: Use these for subjects with lots of information that requires an in-depth analysis.
  • Surveys: Good for presenting collected data in a manner that is less thorough.
  • the X and. Y posts: Suitable for comparing products and services.
  • Beginning's Guide to HTML0: Excellent for introducing advanced topics to beginners.

Check Search Engine Results

The understanding of the search and the Engines Results Page (SERPs) is essential. Check out the posts with the highest rankings to determine:

  • Readability What's the comfort of the text to be digested?
  • Relevance At what speed will they respond to the keywords-related query?
  • Search intent alignment : Do titles and meta descriptions align with the user's search intent?

Use the pyramid method to organize your blog article, beginning with the broadest details and then becoming more specific. You can also examine the People Also Ask (PAA) boxes on Google for queries that you might be discussing within your blog posts.

Note the subpoints that must be marked within every section

After you've decided on your key points, it's time to detail what you'll cover within each. Note down two bullet points per section. Make sure you are able to support your arguments. Consider incorporating elements such as:

  • A brief explanation of the reasoning
  • Case studies and examples
  • Potential expert quotes and Data references

This stage is perfect for conducting research or seeking opinions from experts or quotes.

Make your introduction, and conclusion

Your intro should grab the attention of the reader and entice them to read on. Use the Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) formula for your intro:

  • The problem is: Identify a problem that your reader has to confront.
  • Agitate In depther exploration of the problem and highlight the impact of this issue.
  • Provide a solution: Your post should be presented as a potential solution.

In your final paragraph, you should define the manner in which you'll frame your ideas and then leave readers with an important takeaway or a call for action.

Get Your Information

When the foundation for your blog article is set, it's time to fortify the content with pertinent facts and figures. A solid data source improves your Expertise, Authority and Credibility (E-E-A-T) and makes sure that your content withstands reader examination.

Understanding E-E-A-T

The E-E A-T framework is one of the frameworks that Google uses to assess the credibility and validity of a website. Though it's not actually a ranking element however, it affects the manner in which content is displayed to readers. Integrating your own data into the text strengthens your argument and helps build trust with the people who read your content and also search engines.

Sourcing data

The internet provides a wealth of information sources, but there are many sites which aren't trustworthy. Be sure to concentrate on reputable sites like .gov, .org, .edu and platforms like Statista. When you outline your document, make use of the bullet points, and include hyperlinks to the sources you've used for reference.

Researching your topic

Research is crucial to figure out the best method to approach. There are a few effective methods to gather information:

  • Google Search: This is the most popular method employed by the vast majority of blog writers.
  • Google Scholar: The ideal way to find research papers that are scholarly as well as research papers from academic institutions.
  • National Institutes of Health: A reliable source for information on health issues.
  • Real Books: Don't overlook the importance of the information contained within physical books and e-books.
  • Analyzing Competitors: Check out similar subjects discussed by bloggers to gain insights.
  • First-Hand Info: Confirmations or direct quotes by industry professionals can greatly increase the credibility of your site's its impact.

The inclusion of these details and information incorporated within your outline makes sure you don't lose them and will keep people's attention on your blog.

What to avoid while developing an outline

Keep in mind that outline drawings aren't the stage for perfectionism. This is what you must be wary of:

  • Be wary of grammar Do not get distracted with grammar when you are in the outlining stage.
  • Infusing brand voice: The branding voice integration to the actual writing stage.
  • Focusing on SEO Keywords: Avoid getting caught up in SEO now.
  • The specifics are way too crucial to not be thought about: An outline is only about direction, not about the details.

The goal of having an outline is to help you give your idea an outline and avoid the dreadful blinking cursor situation. Make time to work on the finer specifics after you're confident that you're on the right track. The rest will follow.

Blog post templates that help you save time

It is likely that you have observed that many blog posts follow the same design. The truth is, most websites you browse have variants on a couple of important models. Therefore, you don't have to create a new blog every time. Pick a template suitable for the style you like, then start! Here are four most frequently used templates:

The List blog

List posts, also called lists, exactly as they sound like listicles they are lists. They can include tips, tools, techniques, myths, mistakes--essentially, anything that works as a list. They're great for unimportant content that doesn't require certain order.

Template for an example of the list of posts

  • (H1) Title (H1) The title is attractive and indicative of the contents
  • Introduction: Give a brief description of your topic, and also the importance of the list
  • List Item 1 (H2): Description or discussion
  • List 2 (H2) description or discussion
  • Continue using additional list items If necessary, continue with any additional list items as needed
  • The end: Perhaps incorporate a call to action

 The step-by-step guide

An easy-to-follow guide is ideal to describe processes which need to follow in a particular order. This format works wonders for creating instructional material.

Example template for an easy-to-follow instruction

  • Description (H1) detailing the procedure or activity
  • Introduction: Overview of the topics that this guide will cover
  • 1. (H2) (H2) The complete description of the first stage.
  • 2. (H2) The complete description of the step 2
  • [Continue with additional steps as needed[Continue to take additional steps if necessary
  • Summary and possible future steps, or other information

The expanded definition

The in-depth definitions will go into the significance of concepts and explore the idea further. This style is ideal for instances where knowing the significance is vital to comprehend your article.

Template example for an expanded definition of:

  • Definition (H1) The emphasis is on the concept that is being established
  • Introduction: A brief introduction to the concept
  • definition (H2): A clear and concise definition
  • Extrapolated Explaination (H2) The discussion extends beyond the concept
  • Real-world applications (H2) Exemples of the concept used
  • Finalization: Recap and perhaps a more expansive perspective or other sources

An introduction to HTML0

An introduction to the subject provides complete knowledge on the subject, specifically for people who are new to the topic. Select this style when developing the content for educational purposes rather than a plan for action.

Example template for an introduction to HTML0:

  • Description (H1) specifically stating that the that the guide is intended for those who are new to it.
  • The introduction: Establish the foundation for what beginners will learn
  • Essential Concepts (H2) outline of the basic concepts or capabilities
  • Step-by-Step instructions (H2) If you are in the situation of a need simple steps to get started
  • Common challenges and solutions (H2) Discuss possible obstacles and methods to circumvent them.
  • Extra Resources (H2) More information or more complex topics for you to keep learning
  • Final tip: Encourage readers to take notes and read the key information

Tips for writing from an outline

Writing from an outline might feel tricky at first, especially if it's new to you. Do not worry about it, we have some tips to make your outline an engaging blog post.

Do not start by introducing the paragraph, or at the end of the paragraph

Contrary to what you think Your introduction should not be the conclusion of your writing. As you write it is natural to fill spaces and come up with metaphors and similes that you could improve and extend. When you write your introduction later, you can weave the elements together and create a more coherent and engaging work from the beginning to the conclusion.

Keep your outline until it's no longer required.

An outline serves as a guide, not an unwieldy strapping. The goal of an outline is to make sure your content stays pertinent and focused on the thing that is important to your audience. If you're feeling overwhelmed or confused, most likely is that the people reading your content are feeling similar. Be prepared to modify the structure of your piece, reorganize sections or return to your sketch board should you requirement. It is important to keep your content interesting and relevant.

 Keep yourself and your readers interested

The passion you feel (or the lack of it) regarding the topic is evident when you write. If you're not feeling engaged, consider examining the questions you ask yourself, such as, "What fascinated me about the subject initially?" or "Is an expert's perspective that has rekindled my interest?" Find what you are most excited on this particular topic can help you keep going and ensure that your work will entice your readers until the very conclusion.

The wrap is on

Remember that the ideal blog post begins with an outline.


What's the purpose in having an outline for the blog I have?

A plan for your blog will help you organize your blog's ideas. It will also ensure that your blog posts are coherent and informative, as well as saving time by preventing the writer from writing in a random style.

Can you provide tips on brainstorming ideas to my blog's outline?

Absolutely! Begin by understanding your target customers' preferences, studying current trends in your niche and then asking questions that you imagine your target audience could have to. Utilize techniques like mind maps to expand and integrate concepts.

How can I use subheadings and bullet points effectively within an outline?

Subheadings divide your material into sections that are manageable which makes it easier for readers to comprehend. Bullet points can help you list important elements or procedures in a concise, clear method. Use them to structure your writing and emphasize crucial details.

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