How to Write an Ebook: Beginners guide

Oct 6, 2022

Writing an ebook can be an excellent way to earn more money, improve your brand's exposure, and increase your audience. However, it could also appear to be a huge undertaking, especially when you're not sure how to begin. In this article we'll go through the process of writing an ebook from start to finish , so you can get started on the project now!

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These are the nine essential steps to writing an ebook.

Research your target audience

When researching your target market, you want to pinpoint a target audience in mind. Below are some of the questions you can ask about the people you want to reach:

  • What issue do you have to find a solution to?
  • What do they do to earn money?
  • How much money do the people make each year?
  • How old are they?
  • What books, or ebooks have they read?

Here are a handful of many questions that can assist you in understanding how you can define a target group of people.

An example of a weak target audience is men between the ages of 20-50 who are looking to lose weight. The target audience we've created has left lots of details out when creating this targeted audience. One example of a specific target market would be middle-class men between the ages of 40 and 50 who struggle to lose weight. Make a list of your ideal audience. Note down the information you gather about them, and don't put off revisiting your ideal reader.

If your business doesn't have an audience, look at the creators of similar companies. They're likely sharing the same audience. Are they writing ebooks around specific topics but not others? Knowing how they interact with their audience can help you determine what topic(s) is best for your target audience. Knowing the financial standing of your target audience can help you determine if you can successfully sell your ebook or if an ebook that is free makes sense.

It is possible to alter your targeted audience once you've done additional study. As an example, you could target between 40 and 50 years old middle-class people who are struggling to shed weight, who enjoy muscle-building arm and leg exercises. The more you research and the more targeted you'll be, and also the better you are able to draw in your target group of customers.

The  excellent example of a clearly defined target audience is now even more refined and could help you create the most valuable products for your target audience.

If you aren't able to visualize how you'll reach your ideal viewers, then perhaps you're not sure enough about whom you're writing content for.

Select a topic to your book

Now that you've developed a market, you're now able to consider what topic the book will cover. It's likely that you have at the very least one (if not a few) ebook topics floating around in your head. Good for you! A topic can feel like one of the easiest things to determine in your publishing process. However, there are some important things you need to think about prior to going ahead.

    promotional vs. valuable    

First, you should consider the type of material your subject includes. Does your ebook topic mainly relate to a product or service you offer? If so, this will result in a more advertising book than one which is actually beneficial to the user. The reader can spot the thinly promoted content which can cause them to turn away from your product, service product, and even your company.

    Is your target viewers interested in your topic?    

    Establishing interest    

As promised, your target readership will guide every decision that you make during the creating procedure. A book titled "How To Lose 10lbs in 10 Minutes of Daily Core Training" is likely to fail once you've established that they're interested in arm and leg workouts. Don't mistake your own desires with the ones of the people you are targeting.

If you surveyed your audience then you'll have an idea of topics to consider. If you didn't, you'd want to perform more research to determine what subjects they are already addressing. This could be anything including YouTube videos and TikToks to physical books and magazines.

    Setting value    

In the same way as establishing interest, you'll want to establish the value. What value can you offer the people you want to reach with the topic you've chosen? For a better understanding of how to best offer value, look at pain points or issues your audience is looking to resolve.

What is the goal of your Ebook

After you've chosen your subject and thought about the value that you can provide It's now time to look into the deeper part and think about the goal of your ebook. While your purpose or goal is the entire reason for creating the ebook, this stage is the third one because knowing the reader's needs and need will assist you in achieving the purpose better than if you think about your goals before you consider the goals of your audience.

eBooks are created by people because of a myriad of reasons, including:

  • Growing an audience
  • Traffic to drive traffic to an online course
  • Establishing authority and knowledge in the industry
  • Generating income

You could have any number of them in your mind when you begin the writing process. Let's look at a few examples in greater detail and consider how they could impact the direction you take the direction of your book.

    Driving traffic for your course online    

The target audience for our study includes 40-50-year-old middle-class males who are struggling to lose weight while enjoying strengthening exercises in the arm and leg. A book that can help the target group reduce 5 pounds over two weeks could succeed in driving sales to an online course about losing 50 pounds over the course of 20 weeks.

    Establishing the authority and knowledge in your industry    

You might also be looking to create an ebook because you want to increase your authority in the field you work in. A useful, informative ebook that engages your reader and aids them to solve their issue is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your expertise about a particular topic. If your audience is exposed to your business or brand again, they'll be more inclined to regard you as an authority and will likely engage with your content again.

    Generating revenue to your company    

There are many paths to generating revenue with an ebook. First, you can offer it for sale. When you charge, your reader is going to have a greater choice in the purchase of your ebook. To do this it is important to be sure that you are offering a high-quality product, appeal to a target audience, and deliver the product in line the expectations of your readers from a published book.

You could also offer the ebook free of charge but you'll require email to download it. Emails that you then nurture with additional services and products to earn the cash. You could also bundle several ebooks or digital products together and charge one price for access to all these sources.

Set up a hook for your readers

The hook ultimately boils down to a simple inquiry from the point of view of the reader What's the point for me?

For an ebook, a simple way to think about this is in the form of a headline. How can you explain the value you're offering effectively, in just a couple of sentences? The content should be based on your chosen topic and target an audience that you've studied.

If you're planning to publish an e-book about losing weight for men aged 40-50 You'll need a book with a juicy hook that appeals to the desires they're searching at, sometimes even subconsciously. The hook could refer to the desire for fulfillment, love, money attraction, strength, or even influence.

Your weight loss book or online program isn't all about dropping pounds. It's about:

  • The 30-Day Men's Guide for dropping weight without ditching chips and beer
  • From Flabby to Flexing A Guide for Men for shredding fat and packing Muscle on the Road
  • Fit and Fifty: Fight for Your ideal body, Without the Pain

Each hook addresses men with specific demands, rather than speaking to an all-encompassing version of males. Marketing is the 9th stage in this checklist of how to write an ebook to make money, you should begin thinking about this before and as you write. The hook for your ebook is excellent place to begin.

Need more proof?

Timothy Ferriss' book, The 4-Hour Workweek, isn't really about working at all hours of the day. It's an entire strategy to get rid of working a nine-to-five job and start your own business that helps you in living an exciting, adventurous life.

This is an effective hook.

Harv Ecker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind asks the following question Do you have any idea the reason why certain people get rich easily but others face a life of financial struggle?

It creates interest and makes it clear that, if you can find what the answer is, you'll become a millionaire. This is a fantastic hook, too.

Here are some questions to help you get onto your line:

  • Are there ebooks with similar subjects to mine?
  • Does mine take a different approach?
  • Have you encountered anything that goes against common advice in your profession?
  • What problem will you solve?
  • What are you going to do to resolve it in a way that other people haven't?

Think about and sketch out an outline

Your target audience, topic and goal figured out. Now is the time to begin creating. The process of brainstorming doesn't involve finding the right phrases, the perfect words, or even the best ideas. It's about putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and planning the main themes of your ebook. After that, you arrange your thoughts into an outline.

Utilize bullet points at first. Take note of any ideas that you would like to put under your main points. What are the steps you will take your readers through to get the desired results? Which resources would you suggest? If you've got cases or stories be sure to include them in this section too.

  Backwards design  

The concept behind backward design is precisely what it is. Rather than starting with material, you begin with the end goal and move back towards the information. This technique is very popular for teaching, whether in a public school classroom or a yoga online course.

An old-fashioned approach to designing begins with the lesson you want to teach, then you'll look at your main lessons you've taught before figuring out the best way to assess what your students gained from the lessons. Backward-looking approaches to design begin with what you want your students to understand.

If you were in a learning setting In a learning environment, you'll need to determine what is the best method of assessing whether the students really learned the subject. Then, you'll come up with the best way to teach the material based on the end objective and the assessment in mind. This technique puts the ultimate goal, target audience, and purpose at the forefront of every design.

Write words on the page

The time has come to start writing. Use your outline along with the notes you've compiled so far and begin with the process of putting them down on paper. The main objective for the drafting part of the process is to get an "crappy" initial draft. No matter if you're writing an essay, ebook, online course, or full-length book writing, you won't be able to create the book you want to write if you're not writing.

After you've begun the writing process and your imagination is flowin', you can gradually begin to concentrate on the technical and editorial elements that go into writing ebooks. It's not difficult to get caught up on editing, revising, and then rewriting the same paragraph every time. If you're struggling with the concept of perfectionism, then set a timer and don't even allow yourself to reread what you've composed until the end of your timer.

This doesn't mean it's not acceptable to edit and revise the work you've done. However, there's the right time and space for this time-consuming task. If you discover that an idea works better in a different chapter or even two chapters might change their places within the outline, then make those adjustments.

No writing piece of work is written to stone yet. Try to keep yourself from conducting extensive edits prior to when you've completed your draft. There's a good chance that you'll have to have to make a few more edits before the end of the process in the end. The time you put into creating an ideal paragraph or introduction may be wasted if an editor says it's redundant or you hate the idea in the next day.

    What to do if you're unable to write    

Writer's block is an incredibly common problem for writers. While you've put together the outline of your ideas and have organized your ideas, and are clear on your goal in head, it might difficult to translate your thoughts into words. Nowadays, you have plenty of options that can help you push through this obstacle.

I enjoy using speech-to-text tools. These programs let you convert the words you speak into text. My favorite tool is that is called Temi (note that it's 25 cents per minute recorded). If you're looking for a cost-free software, Google has its very customized speech-to-text tool that is available within Google Docs.

Your first goal when you're creating anything is to make a bad first draft. Whether it's an article, online course, ebook or other, aim to hit the draft that's not perfect in the shortest time possible. Make sure you revise it and make it as good as it can be.

    After the draft: taking into consideration the technical aspects    

Keep your objective the end result, your goal and your final formatting in mind as you put words on the page. The goal and the final layout of your publication can affect how long and what you compose. If, for instance, you're expanding and turning it into a smaller book there may be chapters as well as subheadings. Below are some suggestions to keep in mind for the most common types of formats:

If you plan to turn your eBook into a book that you can print make sure to keep your topic of the book, its organization, as well as the length in mind while you write. Make sure to organize with chapters, and strive for minimum 25,000 words. It is to ensure that it will be published with a spine that is large enough to put the title on the spine.

    Online course preselling    

    Free lead magnet    

The free ebook can help produce leads. Remember not to use heavily-promotional content in the case of creating a lead magnet. The people will be able to see through this. Make something that provides the real benefit. It will be a natural step to make your readers wonder what other services or products you have to give away.

    Sell via ebook platforms    

If you plan to use the book to market on a platform such as Amazon or other such platforms, I would highly suggest doing keyword analysis. Platforms such as Amazon are just like search engines. Their goal is to show the users what they're looking for, in order to convince them to buy. If the subject matter you're writing about is one your audience is truly attracted to, then keywords research and writing skills helps your ebook be shown to the right buyers.

Self-edit and then employ a professional

Congratulations! Your book is complete! Now it's time to reread the book. The writing process is recursive. This means you'll probably revisit each stage of the writing process many times.

For example, you might write a piece and discover you didn't get a major aspect out. This could lead you back to the brainstorming and outlining stage. A second reread might send back to the drawing step so you can rewrite a page.

The goal of these first rereads is to make sure you've covered all the important ideas, added value and set your readers up to achieve their goals so you'll achieve your own. As you progress, take the time to make changes and edits to your content by focusing on the smallest details every time.

While your first reread might result in you adding an entire chapter and so on, the third or fourth read could be focused on revising the sentence's wording and fixing the commas in. When you've done all the self-editing you can, it's time to seek out help.

  Hiring an experienced editor  

A professional proofreader and editor can spot mistakes that you cannot spot because you're the author in the first place. They also can help improve your writing.

There are plenty of places to hire editors, like Reedsy, Upwork, and Fiverr. Reedsy is a website specifically designed for book editors while websites like Upwork and Fiverr will connect you to freelancers and contractors who specialize in ebooks and writing. Regardless of where you decide to seek an editor it is essential to find someone to give your material a good edit prior to moving on to the next stage of preparing the content for downloading.

Find out how to distribute the ebook

There are many websites where you can create an ebook and sell it online or distribute the ebook at no cost. But, every platform will come with its own set of specifications and tools for publishing. It's important for you to consider these requirements prior to hiring a professional to design your book since they'll have to adhere to these guidelines when they design the ebook.

    Common ebook publishers    

Of the many options there are Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books are three of the most popular choices with easy-to-use software and a large part of the market for the books available online.

    Kindle Direct Publishing    

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon's ebook platform publishing. In comparison to Apple Books and Barnes & Noble self-publishing platform, KDP is said to be the best choice for users. You can make an ebook using a simple Microsoft Word file, you might also consider using Amazon's software called Kindle Create. The software will help you optimize your ebook for viewing digitally using Kindle devices. It is easy to find the needed formats on the internet.

    Barnes & Noble publishing    

Like Amazon, Barnes & Noble is also a platform that allows self-publishing. If you would like to tap into the large audience of readers B&N has, you'll need to adhere to their format guidelines. It is possible to utilize Microsoft Word, HTML, TXT and ePUB documents for formatting your book.

Similar to Amazon, B&N has Nook electronic readers. When you publish using this platform, you have the chance to take advantage of B&N's marketing engine and recommendation system. Like search engines, Nook will recommend your book to new readers if it believes it's interesting to the readers. Also, you have the opportunity to appear in the promotional materials distributed from Barnes & Noble.

    Apple Books    

If you opt to publish with Apple Books, then you are able to choose between Pages as well as ePUB, Microsoft Word, PDF, Mobi and KF8 documents when formatting for publication. Apple's program is compatible with the B&N software. They also offer great resources for creating your book's cover as well as internal pages.

Another benefit of choosing Apple Books is that they offer a wide range of options for distribution. You can choose to make your book available to every device or exclusively on iOS devices; this gives you more control over how users access the book.

    Online course platform    

Hiring a designer to create your ebook

The hiring of a professional author is not required. Popular publishing techniques that we've discussed above have tools and resources that will aid you with formatting and creating your book on your own should you wish to. But, writing an ebook requires design and you might want a professional's touch.

If you've settled on an ebook format Then you're able to begin seeking out the right designers. Certain designers specialize in particular kinds of. For example, you might locate a designer who is specialized in the design of ebooks to Kindle Direct Publishing. If you were interested in creating the first Apple Books exclusive, this designer wouldn't work for you.

Here are some steps to take when looking for an ebook design company:

  1. Create a short listing of the ebooks that you consider attractive. This can help the author determine what style you'd like in your ebook.
  2. Determine a budget. Digital design is an business with an array of rates. Figuring out your budget will allow you to not only remain on the right track with your financial goals, but also save you time when conducting your research.
  3. Researchers who have the design you want in their portfolios, that fit your budgetand create according to your ebook's final layout.
  4. In the end, you should contact one of the designers you'd like to work with. They'll be in a position to address all questions regarding your project and they may assist you to imagine what your finished item will look like using their services. This is the time to make a final decision on the hiring of a designer, and then proceed to step 9 of the ebook writing process.

Promote and sell

It's been discussed that ebooks can be a lead generator for courses and services however, they also require information to guide people to their pages. Here are some of the most well-known methods of getting readers interested:

    Email marketing    

    Social media    

For example, TikTok is known to become popular with Gen Z. It's likely you'll find 40-50-year-old men using the app, however they're more likely to locate them on other platforms such as Youtube or Facebook.

If you're creating social media content, plan for each social media platform separately. It isn't a good idea to copy and paste your Facebook post onto your Twitter profile. Users engage on Facebook differently from how they interact with Twitter. For optimal results, optimize your content for the platform you're posting on.


After you've completed an advertising campaign, you can reevaluate whether or not it's a good idea to reach your target audience, the book, or business. Are there large portions of your customers who have clicked your ads and downloads your ebook? If so, what percentage of readers who download your ebook convert into paying customers? It is important to be cautious if your book is free and leads to paid content. Only a small percentage of your audience is likely to move from one portion of your sales funnel to the one that follows, so you need to be sure that your advertising cost balances with your total revenue increase.

    Webinars, videos and webinars    

Making a webinar or video on your book is a great way to reach new people to increase your reach for your book. Don't post the same information from the book. Instead, you'll want to make a video to complement your work.

For example, if you create an ebook about how to lose the weight of men between 40 and 50 years old, and your focus is on fitness strategies, an accompanying video could feature easy meals plans as well as meal prep techniques.

Marketing your ebook this way will also give you the opportunity to interact with the audience either in comments of the video or during the live stream, if you opt to capture the live webinar. That can give you helpful information about how your book will be received by your intended people, especially if the advertising strategy is initiated before the publication of the book.