How to Upsell Your New Instruction to existing students

Sep 6, 2024

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Leading WordPress specialist, Syed Balkhi shares tools and useful tips to increase the revenue of your course by promoting it to existing students.

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You've put your energy and heart into creating stunning online courses to your existing learners. Your students have said that they are thrilled with your content, but now you're ready to take things to the next level with fresh, innovative material.

The challenge is finding your current learners to take part in your latest lesson. If you must track down a new target audience every time you create a course, you'll spend an enormous amount of time and energy marketing.

On the other hand, people who've already bought your course know you, trust them, and are much more likely to buy on your website in the future.

What is essential to make this happen is upselling. This effective strategy will help you boost revenue and give the most value for your students.

Believe it or not it's simpler than you think to apply this method without coming across as pushy or salesy.

Today, we'll show you some successful techniques and tricks to use to sell your courses to your existing learners.

By the end of this blog, you'll know what you need to go back to your site and make significant adjustments to your strategies.

Let's dive in!

Know More About Your Target People

Before you can start upselling, you need to really understand who you're communicating with.

Determine what classes they are taking, which areas seem to evoke the most interest, and what they want to see the next time around.

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It is also a good idea to ask your students direct questions about what they would like to learn more about in the future.

Utilize course surveys, feedback forms via email, and customer support conversations as opportunities to gain insight into your readers and what they expect from your material.

It is important to ask targeted questions that result in actionable answers.

The information provided will help you make informed decisions when you're trying to narrow down a list of possible topics, or figure out who would be the most benefit from your course.

Structure Marketing for Existing Learners

When you have a clear understanding of your target audience It's now time to create marketing campaigns which are in line with their needs, goals, and issues.

The following strategies will help present your upcoming courses and create excitement by demonstrating how they will resonate with your existing students.

Leverage Email Marketing

It is important to segment your audience before when you begin sending messages. The term "segmenting" basically means splitting your audience into groups based on specific aspects that pertain to your company.

If you are in this situation it is recommended to segment your list based on courses taken, completion rates, and engagement levels.

This allows you to create targeted campaigns that speak directly to each group's needs and, consequently, are more likely to be successful in converting.

You can also use this opportunity to personalize the offers that you're sending out to your users.

Making compelling subject lines as well as personalized content that highlights the ways your course will build upon what students have already learned is sure to increase involvement and increased sales.

In context, personalizing subject lines alone can boost your open rate by 22 percent.

RELATED How You Can Segment Your Mailing Lists >>

Special Previews and Beta Access

Everyone loves feeling distinct. Giving your current audience a an insider's view of your new course before it goes live may entice them and prompt them to take action.

We've observed that giving a small group of customers access to a restricted area helped to create anticipation, and resulted in more day one sales.

It is possible to use this to make existing learners paying customers. You might consider offering only a few beta seats at a discounted cost on a first come, first-serve basis.

For the sake of giving students a lower price, ask for more detailed feedback so that you can optimize your new training before launching it.

This method not only aids in enhancing your courses but it also helps create the feeling of ownership for the first few people to adopt your course.

Create a Loyalty Program

It is possible to offer points in exchange for courses completed and previous purchases, which can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases. This type of sales loop will encourage people to continue buying from your site.

In the case of three classes, students may move from bronze to silver, which means an increase in discount for future lessons.

Offering exclusive benefits for the higher levels of service, like one-on-one training sessions or access to bonuses courses is a surefire way to get people interested in an opportunity to upsell.

Harness the Power of Social Proof

Nothing is more persuasive than successful tales. Sharing testimonials of students who have had a positive experience from previous classes will help you sell to potential customers However, it's also an effective way to get the attention of other existing customers.

This is known as "social proof". It is basically when customers are more likely trust you and your products if they see that others and other organizations are able to trust you.

If a person really liked your baking course but isn't certain if they should take the expert-level cooking course that you offer as an upsell, a few well-placed reviews could easily influence the course.

It is evident that other students might have, including beginners, discovered an educational value and assume that they will also.

Smart Pricing and Packaging

When it comes to selling, the way you price and package your digital courses can have a serious impact on your success. Here are a few methods to keep in mind when trying to be successful in this area of your upsell plan for students who are already taking classes:

  • Design a Cross-Sell Plan - At the end of an educational program, recommend your new lesson as the perfect method to keep learning. Explain how the new course builds on what they've just learned so current users can appreciate the benefits.

Optimize Your Upsell Flow

Let's take a look several practical strategies to optimize your upsell flow and convert even more learners into customers.

Timing is everything when it comes down to selling. If you can reach an individual at the right time, say following their completion of an online course, you'll have a much better chance of securing an upsell.

If the pupil found value in the first class and would like to study more, you'll see them accept your upsell offer almost instantaneously.

It is possible to present the offer via email, or on the last page of the course.

We suggest making sure that the email you send is automatic and is triggered when they complete the lesson in order to avoid a big gap between them wrapping up the last lesson and receiving your message.

It's been our experience that seasonal events are a good opportunity to launch new products particularly if they're packaged with other products and deeply reduced.

If you're in a position where you need reviews for your new course, this strategy can help immensely. It is more likely that people provide positive feedback if the course provides value as well as it costs less than the full price.

It is also possible to ask learners to add your new course to their cart when they are in the middle of buying something that has been available for a long time.

In essence, Order Bumps let you inquire about whether your customers would like to add a specific item to their cart before they checkout - and it is a great tool for course creators as well as membership websites.

Make Your Value Proposition Stand Out

So, paint a vivid image that demonstrates the immediate positives that customers could experience if they purchase your training course.

Could it assist them to get an appointment? Start a successful side hustle? Do you want to learn a new skill? Improve in social situations? Concentrate on the tangible benefits so your target public has the motivation to take action.

Which is better? A robotized list of modules with ETA and costs; or a detailed and informative post explaining how you, as a learner can expect positive results from each module? Most people would choose the latter.

Also, we suggest that you address the most common objections head-on. If, for instance, time is an issue, make sure to emphasize how the class fits within the busy schedules of.

If the issue is money-related be sure to highlight the value of your investment, or the value of the knowledge you're imparting. Your task is to prove that the advantages outweigh these diverse concerns.

Remember, the existing learners already trust you.

It is possible to make your most out of this partnership by being honest and describing why you have created this course and how it addresses the needs of your clients and can help to achieve a desired goal or over come a roadblock.

Measure and Improve

You can't improve what you can't measure. When it comes to upselling measuring the proper measures is essential to know what is working and what's not.

It is important to begin with keeping track of your conversion rate in particular the percentage of current students who buy your class. This can assist you in determining whether people are actually accepting your offers to upsell.

Also, keep the eye on your average order value (AOV). If existing customers are coming to buy more course, your approach could be paying dividends.

It is the goal to raise the amount people spend by a little bit and still offer them worth to justify the cost.

Also, it is important to be aware of the average lifetime value of your customer (CLV) that is the value of time spent by a client in your company over duration of.

A successful upselling strategy should boost how much a student spends with you throughout the year. If you're seeing your CLV go up, you're on the right path!

Conduct A/B Testing

In addition to analyzing your outcomes You should also think about how you can improve your the A/B test. A/B testing involves testing two versions of a campaign, offer, or another piece of marketing content to find which one produces the greatest results.

As an example, you can modify the headline for the page that promotes upsells for half your audience to see if the new variant is more effective than your previous.

Similar to that, you could try upselling to customers at two different times, once as soon as they have completed a course while the second set will receive an email in the early morning.

The aim is to create an approach that is resonant with your students and inspires your learners to stay engaged with your site.

Be aware that improving your product is a continuous process. You'll want to continue A/B testing once you've found some thing that performs well.

If you're not trying new things then you're losing opportunities to engage with your customers. Keep this in mind and be sure to regularly review your metrics, analyze your test results, and prepare to implement changes based upon your findings.

Final Reflections

Upselling to existing learners is about building rapport, boosting revenue, and making sure that people always discover something valuable and new every time you visit your site.

The best practices and strategies shared here today have helped us to increase our sales throughout the years We are certain that these strategies will aid you too.

It takes time, patience and determination to succeed at selling, however we're confident that you now have the knowledge you need to get started or move your strategy to the next level.

Have you got any suggestions for selling your course online to current customers? Send them to the community by commenting below.

And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter below to get more tips on increasing the profits of your membership or online course website.

Syed Balkhi       Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner which is the biggest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he's the leading WordPress expert in the industry. Learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media channels.