How to Prevent and Manage Cyber-based Payment Fraud until 2023

Aug 5, 2023

Risk of fraud in the payment process is a part of every business. Effective payment methods are beneficial to the business because it gives customers a confidence and satisfaction that makes shoppers to come back to your establishment. If you choose a poor payment option, it could cause a lot of damage to your company's reputation: currently there's an abundance of fraud. But a reliable system for payment can reduce risk, safeguard your customers and keep your business secure. The best part is that an extensive platform can help merchants combat fraud without much trouble or fuss.

What exactly is fraud in payment?

The possibility of fraud is present in every transaction in which the cardholder wasn't the one to authorize the transaction. Most fraud-prone transactions usually are made by using stolen credit card information that is an instance of identity fraud. Fraud often results in financial or property loss by either the consumer or merchant or both.

Fraud can manifest through many different ways including theft of credit card information or stolen data of a bank account the triangulation technique, phishing. These results can result in dispute over payment (also known as chargebacks) and are costly and cause issues to every business. There are a variety of fraud strategies and are likely to continue developing as our defense systems improve. In this post we'll discuss various types of fraudulent use of credit cards.

The number of attempts to commit fraud with payment is increasing.

In the State of Online Fraud report by Stripe the team of researchers found that fraud has grown substantially since the onset of Covid 19's pandemic. 64 percent of executives all over the world said that it's become harder for them to stop the threat of fraud. 40% of businesses were able to see an increase in their the number of tests they attempted compared with the previous year.

The financial losses resulting from online transactions are predicted to reach $343 billion in 2023 and 2027 as per Juniper Research. It is not a matter of the possibility that your company will be at risk, but it's just a matter of when it'll be. Facing inevitable adversity it is best to safeguard your business by implementing robust fraud prevention methods.

Why is this rise of fraud? Growth in ecommerce.

Stripe has discovered that in 2021, organizations that use their platform handled 60% more payment amount than in the year 2020. This increased volume of transactions has opened more opportunities for fraud.

The payment fraud is a typical kind

Card testing, carding or any other attacks

If a card is tested is considered a crime, then the perpetrator attempts to make small purchases with stolen credit card details to determine whether the card works often many times, using various credit cards. This allows thieves to quickly determine if the stolen information they have can be used for larger transactions. It is usually the case when card information is purchased from malicious persons following the data breach.

The cards used for testing purchases typically originated from foreign countries with delivery and billing addresses that do not match the address of the user's IP address.

The decision to decline or even give refunds to suspicious transactions can be a great way to stop this kind of fraud. The fraudulent charges are contested and reversed if they're not returned.

Stolen credit cards

A stolen card payment fraud can occur when a consumer is able to make a purchase with stolen credit card information. In this instance the delivery address and payment could be different due to being that the criminal would like the item delivered to them rather than to the person who holds the card.

This kind of fraud could be hard to spot due to the many possible motives that buyers may need a different address, like travel or living away from their residence. If you suspect suspicious circumstances purchases, it is feasible to demand an investigation of a person who is able to verify if the purchase is appropriate for your business and buyer type.

What are the main risk factors that could lead to fraud on payment?

Revenue loss and loss of trust rank top of the list when it comes to risk of fraud in the payment industry, however the negative business consequences of fraud actions can also have severe penalties. For instance, large penalties for violating rules or even being removed from businesses.

The loss of revenue is due to disputes about the payment

Carts that are not used due to protection against fraud

Stripe observed that "the more fraudulent activity a company is able to stop, the more likely they are to prevent genuine purchases, in addition to cutting down on their conversion rates for payment." These preventative measures can hinder customers make a purchase.

If there are many confirmation steps or the customer is directed to a pop-up window or other site that requires them to input their credit card information They may be dissatisfied and drop the purchase.

Merchants have a responsibility when fraud occurs.

Merchants are responsible for the transactions on their websites and in their stores. They need to determine when they should accept or reject any transactions that appear suspicious.

Charges resulting due to fraud are often disputed or retracted as well as incurring a charge as a result. It is possible to avoid these charges by denying and reimbursing the suspicious transactions. But, it's crucial to address disputes about refunds on legitimate charges showing that no fraud committed.

Five methods to prevent fraudulent payment transactions.

Each of these five strategies are tools or services that are developed at home or acquired through an outside company. Risk management in-house may be the best option for businesses that have enough resources and purchased tools may aid in the administration of transactions for small, active teams.

Integrate fraud prevention tools

Software designed to set the thresholds to prevent fraud can block or stop high-risk transactions which meet your expectations. Tools for fraud thresholds will stop any payment that appears strange or suspect due to specifics like the location of an IP or an unusual user profiling.

In-house solutions can take considerable time and resources to develop but it can be an ideal choice for businesses that require a lot of customization in addition to those who deal with sensitive information. Third-party solutions are quicker to set up, but you may have to pay per each transaction.

Knowing the severity and extent of your risk for fraud will help you determine what type of software you need for your company.

Team members for hiring fraud and risk management teams

A person or a group of people to review transactions is a standard procedure to prevent fraud by hand. transactions that have been flagged as fraud could be scrutinized and subsequently approved or rejected in accordance with the rules and regulations set by your organization or payment supplier. Manual approvals of high-risk or costly transactions can help you reduce your expenses as well as losses from fraudulent transactions.

Anything that appears suspicious should be rescinded or reimbursed. All disputes should be handled with evidence to provide or accept if there an alleged fraud. There are a variety of dispute that are able to be settled by providing evidence and eliminates the charge and keeping the revenue. Some examples of evidence that are strong may include a tracking number, screenshot of the delivery, interactions with customers or proof of usage. The forms of evidence that can be used depend on the specifics of your company and the nature of your business. However, proving acceptance or receipt provides a strong foundation to resolve disputes.

Develop fraud prevention processes

The processes to prevent and respond to fraudulent activity differ to each business. It's best to begin by conducting a risk analysis to help the staff or you to determine what your average client looks like, the kinds of fraud your business is at risk for as well as the methods thieves could be able to bypass your methods of preventing fraud.

Use the findings of your risk assessment to modify your criteria for thresholds of fraud as well as the fraud response procedures.

Choose a one-stop payment system

Medium-sized and small businesses need a complete solution. can be the best option to save money as well as your working hours.

What are the key features to look for in an all-in-one payment system?

Machine learning

The models of Machine Learning are educated to make decisions based on massive amounts of relevant existing input and output information. Given inputs, a machine learner determines the probabilities of every output. The model then utilizes this probability to determine the evaluation of fraud in all deal.

Rules that can be customized as well as risk-filtered

Custom risk-based filtering makes it possible for companies to establish thresholds for risk tolerance, which can identify suspicious transactions if they meet certain criteria. It is possible to adjust them according to your needs. Filters can be adjusted to meet various factors like:

  • Authorized IP addresses from certain servers or regions
  • Blocked IP addresses are believed as being associated with adversity criminal activity
  • Multiple transactions that are fast and frequent, all from identical IP addresses
  • Verification of the shipping address
  • Volume or amount of transaction

The ability to customize rules allows for different business designs. If a clothes retailer could flag large-scale purchases, a construction wholesaler might focus on shipping and billing details.


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