How to create a memorable Welcome Email

Jun 23, 2022

Table of Contents

Imagine opening your email mailbox to discover that you've received twelve emails that have been added, along with several marketing ones.

You open one from your employer about the upcoming event at your workplace. then glance at one from your kid's school.

Maybe you like the $10-off coupon included in its subject line from your favorite Asian eatery, so you go through that mailer too. The odds you'll check any additional emails from marketing are next to none.

Statistically, you'll delete any other without giving it having a second thought.

In the emails sent out 75 percent of emails have not been opened just 15% of marketing emails are open. There's good news! The email will be a welcome one and the number of recipients increases to 35-50 percentage.

It's five times more likely to get someone to click through a welcome email in comparison to other email that is a promotional one. If you've taken the time to research, and you've done your homework, then you'll be able to create a lasting impression for future clients!

Here's some ideas for writing an email that does more than grab the attention of recipients and keeps the recipient returning for more

   Make a Simple and engaging Subject Line  

If they aren't aware of it, or even who it's from, they're not likely to click on the link.

It's essential to keep things straightforward in the subject line of your welcome email. It is important to greet them, immediately indicate your brand and include some sort of reward or incentive within the subject of the email. (We'll discuss incentive programs in the near future.)

It's fine to be casual and interesting however ensure that you stay your focus on the core of your company. The reason people signed up to receive emails is since they like your business's image, which means they appreciate the way that you represent your company!

If your brand's image is mature and serious ensure that the subject matter you choose to use reflect that same image. If the personality of your company is fun and playful it's good too.

Below are a few examples of what an effective email must look (using false organizations):

  •     Frank's Fish is happy to welcome guests! Enjoy a complimentary fish 'n chips.
  •     Welcome! How to get started with Reader Haven Library.
  •     Welcome to Sassy Style Booth. It's a surprise for all of you!

This might not be quite so great.

  • Yay! We're happy to have you on our team. (On board? Who is it from?)
  • Dear Baby Clothes. (It's brand-named, which is excellent however, why should someone open your email? What are you able to give them? What value can you offer to them?)
  • Welcome to Pizza & Friends. It's a great time to be here! You are my favorite! (It's okay to be casual however there's a distinct distinction between casual and non-professional. Utilize a good, grammatically proper language. Avoid employing emojis unless your business really requires the use of emojis. These are usually copiedrighted however.)

Design a Straightforward Body Copy that is easy to create and use images

Emails for welcome are typically brief. In just 50-150 words, you need to draw the attention of your recipients and provide them with a personal worth.

However, don't attempt to complete too many things in all at once. Offer a coupon, providing guidelines on how to use your website, or the message of your welcome to the recipient in the same email could be excessive even for one email. It may be confusing to recipients.

Simple messages make it easier for the recipient to comprehend what they'll gain from it.

Are you aware of the saying that images can be worth a thousand words? If possible, add relevant images and icons to your emails. Images will improve readability and look.

But again, keep the style simple and interesting. Do not choose images that are confusing or difficult to grasp. Be colorful and use things that remind the recipient of the brand you represent.

   Rewards and Incentive  

There are a variety of ideas for how to write a welcome message in order to provide benefit to those who receive it. Actually, the person receiving the message may have signed up to get emails from your business because they wanted an incentive or gain in the first instance. Coupons are always a great alternative.

It could be an offer to get money off, a percentage off, or buy-one-get-1-buy-one. Also, you can provide a present for free. You could give away a printable cheat sheet, a shirt, book or even an ebook with access to your site for an example.

If you're not keen on providing them with a prize you can offer them a bonus to give them instructions on how to utilize your site. Invite them to visit your blog and direct them to some of your most popular articles. Respond to any questions they might ask.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you provide something your recipient is enthusiastic about.

   A Few Final Tips  

It is recommended to send your welcome message at the time that a new subscriber joins. The longer you delay longer more likely it is that they'll read it.

Send them a message inviting them to join your social media platforms. This will give you more opportunities to interact with. And allow them a way to engage! It's a good idea to offer an unsubscribe link.

A side note: some of the automatic email templates have typical Asterisks inside the body as well as the subject lines. Try getting rid of them in order to give the mails to be more unique in appearance and feel.


  • Keep it engaging and easy when you write the subject. Being vague can sink your ship.
  • Be sure to keep your email messages short and concise. Make sure to use appealing, pertinent images.
  • Give an incentive or a gain.

Imagine selling cat-themed cushions. An avid cat lover is browsing through his mail. He finds a few emails which he's interested in, but there are other messages they do not like to look at.

Does your welcome message seem to make the cut? Does he even open it? Does he even read it? Make sure you follow these easy guidelines, and you'll be able to create a stunning work!

Have you ever sent an effective thank-you email? Do you have more questions regarding sending out effective marketing emails? We'd love to talk to you in the comment section below.

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