How OXG Media Helps Students 10x the amount of money they earn from online sales

Nov 24, 2022

In the year 2019, Jonathan Pemp Ng started what's currently OXG Media in his dorm room at National University of Singapore.

Four years on, OXG Media -- an agency in marketing and marketing services that aids individuals scale their online businesses to $100K per month -- gives customers two choices: choose to hire the OXG Media agency to scale the business on their behalf, or they can purchase classes and then learn how the process themselves. "We're honest about the fact that if clients hire us, everything we do for their benefit is detailed in our signature course, The Accelerator. If they'd prefer to do it themselves, they can," he says.

Since launching the online courses side of the business in the year 2020, his products have served over 80 students and have brought in over $60K in revenue.

However, Pemp Ng's success didn't happen over night; rather, he had a discouraging start. While trying to locate his first customer on LinkedIn, he was ghosted numerous times. The man says that a lot of users didn't take time to talk to his story. Not just was he confronted by the difficulties of dealing with cultural differences, he was halfway away from prospective clients that were in contact with that were predominantly American.

Pemp Ng didn't quit easily, though. Pemp Ng had a dream for OXG Media and he was determined to see it come to fruition. In the hope of not being repeatedly snubbed, he wrote a blog post that specifically addressed about his potential client's company and what he could do to help. The blog post hit an emotional chord with the client, who ended up hiring him. "It was the correct target for the right people," he says.

His customer base grew after that. According to Pemp Ng, his accomplishments wouldn't have been possible unless he'd honed in on the transformation the clients were receiving -in both the company as well as through his classes. His goal: help people level-up their businesses so that they don't have to think about money ever again.

This is how he accomplishes it:

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He expands his reach organically

One year and half later, after founding OXG Media, Pemp Ng was looking for a method to show the agency's methods for scaling the e-commerce businesses.

He realized there wasn't much honest information out there from people actually succeeding with e-commerce.

"I've received instruction from the same teachers as everyone else. I know that a lot people are disenchanted with the field They don't trust many of the people who claim to be saying. Big promises are made and then they don't deliver ."

In 2020, the agency began to create YoutTube videos that showed the ways his company helped individuals expand their businesses. In addition, he launched an online group on Facebook.

The channel on YouTube has grown to nearly 22,000 users, while his Facebook group has grown to approximately nearly 1,000 members. "My Facebook posts are getting 600 to 700 followers," he says. "Normally after people discover me on Facebook, they'll find me on YouTube also. The two channels will grow in the same way. ."

He describes his YouTube channel as slow-growing because he produces long-form material which isn't very clickbait-worthy. These long-form video clips offer his viewers an abundance of content; certain videos can reach 3000 views. These videos help create a bond between him and his viewers and helps in the process of converting viewers into online course buyers. "I use YouTube to provide an ongoing stream of consistent material," he says.

He creates an online product that can be scaled to his business that is based on service

A few months after launching his YouTube channel Pemp Ng was looking for an avenue to assist those who didn't qualify to work with the company. He consistently spoke with people who wanted to work with OXG Media, however his group only worked with businesses with a budget of more than $80K. Making online courses was the next natural step.

"I thought, I'm already communicating with these people over the phone, and I'm having a conversation with them. I might as well down-sell to them something."

He has an exclusive course called The Accelerator that allows individuals to use all the expertise of agencies in their business, rather than outsourcing it to OXG Media.

In addition, he offers several other courses to honing into specific areas, like advertising on Facebook, email marketing sales rep training organic content marketing, as well as high-value conversion. "Our classes provide the frameworks needed for creating million-dollar advertising campaigns" the instructor says.

He promotes his course before he creates it.

However, prior to launching the entire suite of classes he offers the course, he tested a beta version of The Accelerator in the year 2020 -- a strategy he recommends other creators of online courses take.

The course was sold out at $1,000 each and delivered the course in person. So, he would obtain testimonials as early as the first day. "T his made my marketing material much stronger because I had social proof," he says. "Plus they were the ones who would suggest my course to their fellow customers. ."

"I try to make my courses as affordable as possible. I even attempt to offer them for affordable. This has proved that the more people pay, they are more likely to take the course seriously. ."

The course designer realized that, price-wise the best option is to be more expensive. "I consider there to be a lot of limiting beliefs among course creators," he continues. "Many believe that they have to price a course for affordable prices so that everybody is able to access it. But the thing is, that the people don't care about low prices, they'd rather see results. It doesn't matter which price you decide to go with; if they're legitimately interested in buying something, they'll purchase it. ."

He builds a high-converting email list

By using Facebook and YouTube videos, he was able to establish a tiny but trusting email list that now boasts more than 5,000 users. "I can monetize a large part of the group," He says. "So even though my mailing list isn't huge but it's an extremely engaged place ."

Pemp Ng defines his customer base as "a diverse group of individuals" who have tried and failed at e-commerce previously. The majority of his customers are male and includes people as young as 19 to the age of 40.

The most useful tool for him for course sales is the single-page, built-in checkout. "It's the most significant thing that I've ever seen," he says.

He targets his content at his target audience

Pemp Ng is a content creator who only produces material that is resonant with his audience, applying the "right message for the right audience" approach. "I am not a believer in creating tons of content," he says. "If you're posting your content to people who aren't the right audience, you're completely wasting your time. Your content should be targeted and not create content solely for its ."

In order to deliver your message effectively to the right target audience, he advises to speak in their audience's native language to establish an interaction between the business and its customer. "As long as you can be very specific and specific, it is possible increase your revenue," explains Pemp Ng.

His website, for instance, information has a straight direct, concise style; its purpose is to convey transparency and honesty. "We are only looking to draw the right customers for us and people that are committed to growing their companies," he adds.

He develops a basic customer experience

Pemp Ng's customer journey starts when people find Pemp Ng on YouTube.

"My funnel" is simple; they watch this one video and then they generally convert into customers."

To purchase The Accelerator, customers are advised to schedule a phone call with Ng, who can answer any questions. For the other, lower-ticket offers, they can purchase them right away.

A majority of his leads come in through natural traffic from YouTube, Facebook, and referrals; when customers contact Pemp Ng, he makes it clear that it's not necessary to be a salesperson to convince them his courses. "Often people are on the phone already prepared to purchase a course, and want to know more about it," he explains.

Actually, he no longer actively markets his courses; everything comes in through referrals and warm leads.

He assists people in adopting an attitude of success

The instructor delivers the course material in one go instead of making use of a drip-schedule option.

In the 'Mindset Module, the author shares his personal story beginning OXG Media with limited resources. This helps his students see that success is obtainable. "A majority of people do not believe they'll be successful since they don't know someone who is," he says.

This module was made mandatory because, while he wanted to make students feel confident regarding their achievements, he also wanted to improve the rate of completion. Plus, this module helps students think about why they decided to enroll in the class. "Once you remind them of their motivation behind being there, they will become more focused," he explains.

He is a proponent of the concept of accountability

On the agency side of his company, he has a team consisting of four. For the side of courses there is just him and a video editor based out in the Philippines editing and uploads the videos in his courses to in reducing time. The video editor works as his manager of customer satisfaction. The manager monitors the students after they've enrolled in the course and ensures they have all they require.

The Accelerator The Accelerator, Pemp Ng calls his students each week. This increases participation, accountability, course completeness, and eventually -- the results. On each call, he gives students weekly assignments. "I say to them that If you're not doing your work, you shouldn't be attending the conference," he says. "The responsibility is instilled into them. They are aware they are the ones who determine the rate at which they succeed. ."

These calls also help students gain knowledge from each other. "They give input into other people's queries," he explains.

Plus, students have access to the course's Facebook group. The instructor encourages students to submit their questions there, which can be addressed by other students and the client success coordinator.

He is clear about his transformation

When students finish his course, Pemp Ng doesn't directly sell the students with anything. But, he says many students recognize that scaling their businesses is more difficult than it looks. If that is the case students turn to the agency to get assistance.

He has said that his biggest accomplishment has been seeing his students succeed. As an example, the student enrolled in his beta program making $20,000 each month. Within two months, he increased his income by 10x, and brought in $200,000 per month. In the following three months, the company grew the business to $700,000. He recently exited his business. "People have taken what I've shown them, and doing this for themselves, and changing their lives to the better," he says, exuberantly.

His most valuable suggestion for content creators is to get clear on what they're offering students.

"A majority of people make courses with the wrong motive; they just want cash. That's why a lot of them aren't successful. They don't understand the fact that if you assist people to get the transformation that they require, they'll get the money ."

When the creator of an online course knows the benefits the course will provide, they have to explain it in a clear manner to their customers. "Some transformative effects are not tangible that's why you must justify why people should purchase the information you provide," he continues. "You're helping the person you're serving, so talk to them in a language they understand ."

In addition to demonstrating a simple change, Pemp Ng also advises that instructors teach only what they know -- and what they're certain about. "I only teach something I do every single day," he says. "It's similar to muscle memory for me. I'm transcribing all the data in my brain and then documenting it over a ."

If you're ready to use your expertise to assist others improve their lives and change their lives for more positive, sign up the course today.