How do you start a Life Coaching business

Apr 27, 2024

Table of Contents:

The role as a coach for life

Life coaches are important for aiding people in achieving their goals. There are a variety of specialties in the field, including focuses on:

  • Relationships
  • Travel
  • Career
  • Daily habits
  • Family

A lot of coaches help clients understand their goals to determine the most effective metrics, and build a plan for achieving them in a time-bound manner. Life coaches serve as an assistance system that can help come up with new ideas to address problems that hinder their clients from reaching the next level of improvement which they're hoping for. Most client and coaching relationships will last in the long run.

Requirements to start working as a life coach

Although starting out in the field of life coaching is relatively simple to accomplish, it's not for everyone. There are some essential items you'll require to start:


You'll definitely need personal experience. Depending on where you specialize your experience will vary widely, however you must aim to have at least 5 full years of experience in the field you are interested in, and various scenarios covered in that time. Ideally, this experience will also be from a professional setting rather than personal experience but it's okay to have your knowledge come from multiple sources.




As a core value it is essential be a passionate teacher of what you're imparting. As a life coach, your main responsibility is in empowering clients to live an enjoyable, better life. This isn't possible without a passion for your subject or do not feel energized to assist clients on their own life journeys.


The good news is that being a life coach doesn't have to be prohibitive for most individuals. If you have the skills and passion and drive, all you have to do is purchase a couple of instruments, programs for certification as well as business-related expenses like domains for websites and set-up costs for legal entities. In the event that you are hosting your life coaching business from an office that is physically located, you will also need take into consideration the cost of renting the office, commuting to work buying office furniture and furniture.

Life coach training and certification

A life coach's business plan

One of the most crucial factors to making your life coaching business successful is to thoughtfully and strategically determine how your company will be developed, organized and publicized.

Understanding your target audience

Create your personal brand

Identifying the marketing strategies

Marketing Word Meaning Examples
Strategy The overarching concept that guides all tactics.
  • Create a solid base and create organic growth slowly
  • Spend a lot and get high growth quickly
Tactic There are many ways for reaching your target market.
  • Email marketing
  • Paid-for advertising
  • Cold-calling
  • Content Marketing
Channel These are the channels or locations where your tactics are implemented and delivered to your audience.
  • Social media like TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest
  • Billboard or out-of home (OOH) marketing
  • Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Safari
  • E-newsletters
  • In-person events
  • Webinar
Touchpoint Each time a prospective customer makes contact with you through listening, seeing or learning more about your offering.
  • Hearing about you in the course of a conversation
  • Looking at your social media post or ad
CTA An action-oriented call to action that takes you to take your own lead in deciding what to do next
  • Get your copy now!
  • Contact us for more further details
  • Discover more
CTR The click-through rate measures how many people saw an interactive touch point and then clicked the CTA for further information
Conversion Rate The number of people that became clients after seeing your marketing approaches
  • Download now
  • Request further details
  • Find out more

It's important to consider your budget when selecting the best marketing strategy. There are numerous choices for paid and unpaid marketing. Examples include:

Marketing options that are paid include:

  • Adverts on social media platforms or search engines (eg. Google Ads)
  • Advertising outside of the home, such as posters or billboards
  • Paying a third party site for a publication or display ad endorsement

Marketing options that are not paid comprise:

  • Writing the content you write, such as blogs or whitepapers to try and earn SEO rankings
  • recording podcast episodes and posting them on YouTube
  • Designing your own social media graphic with the Canva design software and then posting them

The creation of a funnel for sales

  1. Awareness The stage in which you present the services you offer to your clients and describe the benefits.
  2. Intrigue: At this point it's your job to show the potential customer to keep on studying more about your business. Leverage thought leadership here.
  3. The process of making decisions is crucial to demonstrate that your coaching offerings stand apart from the other coaches who are in your area. Talk about your certifications, experience, and industry reputation.
  4. Conversion  Conversion to HTML0: This is when clients are ready to pay you for your services!
  5. Post-conversion: Consider upsell or referral possibilities to increase the loyalty of your customers. The process of maintaining a client is cheaper than creating a new client in addition to improving your reputation to have long-term clients.

Designing the post-sales journey

Maintaining and growing with your existing client base over the long-term is so important that it warrants an entire area of focus. Three ways of using your current clients to increase the future are:

Keeping them where they are

A stable, consistent company is a great business! Having regularly recurring meetings as well as working with your clients on their life goals could result in steady revenue that's an essential part of growth. It is advisable to don't try to convert every client you have to more lucrative options all at once. Your business will benefit from stability for your business.

Upselling opportunities

If your client wants to move their services to the next step, like moving from a group coaching session to a one-on-1 training session, be sure you've got a strategy in place to guide them through the upsell process. Also, you can offer upsell opportunities through the sale of content such as ebooks, research papers, manuals, or any other tool that they need to reach their objectives.

Encourage customer referrals

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure of business's success as the higher it is higher, the more likely clients will shout your name over the top when it comes to referring prospective business to you. It's a good idea to conduct NPS surveys with clients every few months. You can also consider offering clients incentives for referrals like a percentage of their next session. This is a fantastic approach to use if you have a customer who may not be able to spend on more services or may not use your service for a lengthy time but still had the experience of a great one.

Strategies to gain your first client

  1. Engage with your target viewers in the places they're. Spend time researching where your target audience finds relevant information. Then, you can post your promotion actions exclusively on these channels. Avoid experimenting with channels that aren't getting much engagement from your target audience until you've established a steady financial flow and a book of the business.
  2. Give a trial for free. This isn't a good long-term solution for monetizing your skills, but it is a good way to give new clients a risk-free way to try working with your. You can, for instance, give your initial five clients the chance to attend their first session with you at no cost.
  3. Build a strong online presence. When prospective clients are searching for you, they'll want to verify that you've got an online presence that shows trustworthiness, this could include an online presence, LinkedIn profile, and contributions to other websites, or other relevant social channels. Over time, reviews & testimonials will help here too.

How do you scale up an coaching company

  1. Continue to experiment. Even if previous experience in running businesses, the strategies that made the business succeed may not be the exact ones that make this one develop. A/B testing is an extremely well-known method for testing which allows you to try multiple versions of something at simultaneously, and then change to only using the top performer at the end of the trial period.
  2. Gather feedback. Ask your clients about their experience. Reflect on things like what they learned about the business, what they would like to have known earlier on, and areas that they'd like to see you improve or expand. Try not to take feedback in a harsh way and instead look at the feedback as a way of building your business in a positive manner which is best for your client base.
  3. Make use of automation and AI. Many coaches spend a lot of their day planning scheduling, making schedules, brainstorming strategies for clients, and managing their time. Luckily, AI can take some of that workload off your shoulders! As an example, SaneBox can help with managing your inbox when you're overwhelmed by client demands and Descript helps with editing videos and podcasts before adding them into your coaching course or marketing content.
  4. Be prepared to take out items that aren't performing. While you continually look over and try new aspects of your business, you'll notice certain things that work and things which don't. If it's a marketing plan, approach to coaching, or even if the niche you're in just doesn't have as much appeal than you expected it to, know that it's okay to shift. You can stop investing resources into areas which aren't generating a worthwhile investment and re-allocate those resources into new areas.

Life coaching templates for free

A variety of templates could be utilized to help clients with their own goal setting as well as progress checks!
