How do you create a marketing Personality (Including Pain Points)

Aug 18, 2022

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Marketing is a difficult art. Deciding on the best way to go about communicating the message of your company can be difficult. It's helpful to have an ideal reference point to the people you're trying to reach. And that's where creating an individual marketing personality comes into.

The marketing persona (or buyer persona)is essentially your representation of your ideal customer. Utilizing this as a source, you can figure out the demographics of your target audience overall.

What is a Marketing Persona?

Marketing is storytelling straight up. Many marketers judge the impact of their tales by asking themif they'd be interested.

Big mistake. As a marketer, it's not that important as how much your business or you are attracted to - but this isn't the case. The most important aspect is what your clients want to know about, and your storytelling should align with that.

This is the most important thing right there. In order to make your marketing material useful, you have to be aware of who your target audience is. The key to this? Creating marketing personas.

A marketing persona is the mix of elements which make up your ideal customer, from their characteristics to the factors that make them tick. It's a distilled version of your audience. If done right, it represents them well enough that you can are able to communicate with them.

How Do Marketing Personas Help My Business?

There are some legitimate questions to ask concerning this procedure. For instance, what value does it do for me to spend the effort to develop these character types?

The key to marketing success is knowing your target audience. You'll have more success in it if you are aware...

  • Who is your target audience Who is your target audience?
  • More importantly, what your audience is about.

If you use a marketing persona while creating content for your marketing and content, you'll see tremendously higher results than just going off the content youwould like to see.

Marketing personas help you relate with your clients as human beings.

What is this implying? Well, it means your marketing strategies are more effective. A better strategy for marketing is likely to mean more customers coming on your website, rather than visiting competitors'.

And speaking of your competitors There are some who may do not possess their very own marketing personas crafted. If they're not making an effort to get to know their clients they could gain an edge on their competitors by doing the same.

A successful marketing personality is developed through the market research and any information that you get from your own customers. The information you need can come by studying things like...

My recommendation? Start off on the lower part of that scale. Begin by imagining...

  • The perfect customer
  • What could they expect out of your product
  • What would make them decide to choose you over your competitors

This is where the pain points come in.

How Identifying Pain Points Helps you create a marketing persona

Pain points are specific issues that your clients face. These are the problems can slow them down as well as get them excited on their journey of life. And they're the things your service or product can help them overcome.

Pain points come in many types and shapes. The four primary types of pain points are:

  • Financial. What exactly is on the tin. Customers are trying at reducing the price of the particular product.
  • Productivity. The price of time is money and people who are suffering from this point are spending too much of it in all the inappropriate methods.
  • Process. Your customers want to improve the efficiency of their processes. If you're dealing with B2B (B2B) issue, this might be an organizational or logistical issue that leads to tension and can slow things down.
  • Support. Your customers want better support at some stage in the customer journey or the sales process. If customers aren't sure which direction to go to for help they face, then you fall into the category of "support.

If your company is in a particular niche, many of your clients will likely have similar pain points. You can win customer loyalty real easy through showing them that you can solve their common problems.

This may sound like an easy task. However, customers who feel heard aren't the norm as much as you believe. According to IBM, 78 percent of consumers aren't satisfied with brands they make use of:

Remember those elements of a persona in marketing that I mentioned earlier? Well, the pain points your customers suffer from can be viewed as a similar element to any other.

Your customers' pain points will tell you what they're looking for in solutions. That's great information for your persona.

9 Questions You Should ask and answer to build Your Marketing Persona

In the process of creating your character, you might find yourself in a bind. Here are some things you could consider asking yourself before sketching your character out:

  1. What's their demographic profile? Age, gender and identity as well as their geographic location. This info is not only most straightforward to obtain, it's also the most crucial.
  2. What's their role and what is their rank? This adds more detail to the persona's daily experiences. In addition, if you're focused on B2B, it's even essential to communicate the need that your product or service fulfills.
  3. What would a typical day in their life take on? What experiences do daily? Do any of these have the same issues that your solution can solve? What is the frequency they encounter the problem that prompts them to go in search of your product or service?
  4. What is their biggest pain point? As we said in the previous paragraph the pain points are extremely important in building your marketing persona. They provide a clear picture of the requirements your client has and the way you will fulfill them better than your competition. Everybody needs to be understood.
  5. What are their most common worries? What do people fear most about with regards to goods similar to yours? Do you have a reputation for providing poor service? Or are people wary of how their personal information could be utilized? Make sure you are aware of these fears, so you are able to address these concerns head-on.
  6. What is it that they value the most? What are their objectives and requirements? Do they have any specific needs? The information could be derived in their own words or from what problems they're attempting to solve.
  7. What are their expectations? From the buyer's journey to the long-term customer experience , what are your customers expect?

Once you have answers to these questions, you've got an excellent foundation for your persona as a marketer.

How do you create a marketing Persona

The most effective marketing professional is one who is accurate and backed by reliable data. The best way to get that? Talk and listen to people.

Seriously. Talk to everybody. Your clients, your rivals, your partners. Your research is in full swing right now, and you should be gathering various insights from all sorts of sources.

What's so great about the web is that, whenever there's a need it's possible to find a way. With Google the only thing you need to do is find your key words and dig up all sorts of target market info.

  • Participate in forums that are popular in your industry
  • Join Twitter chats
  • Look over the comments of popular blogs in your niche

If you've got an established customer base, you've already an extensive database of data to go through. If you're trying to establish yourself, don't worry. There's a wealth of information out there you can pull from.

When you've got all of your data (and you've organized it in a way that works for your needs), you can start your actual process of creation.

Elements of a Finished Persona

Once you've got all the data you require, it's time to turn it to create a professional marketing personality. Based on relevancy, that could include:

  • The name
  • Age
  • Gender identity
  • Job title
  • Significant pain points
  • Issues with your product or service

In the same way, try to build at minimum one or two character types. You should make them distinct enough so to target two distinct chunks of your audience.

Then, boom! Your marketing personalities are now ready to go.


It wasn't that difficult, was it?

That's by no means the only way to build a marketing persona. What's your method? Check out the comments section below and tell us about it.