How do you add Social Logins on Your WordPress Website

Jul 12, 2024

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You've spent a whole lot of time, effort and effort to create the best experience for your members.

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But there's a part of your user's journey which frequently causes frustration for both administrators and users, and it happens right in the middle of your membership site.

    The log-in process.

For us who struggle with organizational issues () Logging in typically involves:

  • trying various ways to remember our email/password combo,
  • failing,
  • after the labyrinth of lost passwords,
  • feeling frustrated at having to create a unique password

At any time during this procedure, there's an excellent chance we'll feel bogged down until we're ready to quit altogether.

As a membership site owner, you're missing out on the potential for sales and engagement and risking customer churn, and this is due to an issue that's completely out of your hands.

Until now.

Introducing the Social Login Add-on

Learn How to Add Social Logins On Your WordPress Site Using

Through this Add-on Social Login add-on allows your visitors to access your website by using their social media accounts such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter.

No more fussing over forgotten passwords. Today, you'll be able to get them through your virtual door as fast and pain-free as is possible.

This feature can simplify your users their login process, increase security, and reduce the strain on your support staff.

Are you ready to provide your guests with a an easier ride? Let's get this all up and running!

Why Use Social Logins?

If you've managed any website, you know the hurdles of login systems that are traditional such as user defection and password fatigue being just the beginning of the problem.

Let's break down how social logins can help both your customers and your company.

Less passwords, fewer problems

So, why put up an obstacle to their return, by requiring them to remember a new password?

This is a simple way to solve the problem: fewer passwords to remember.

In the event that users are able to log into using their social media accounts they reduce the number of passwords they must manage.

Certain users could use a password manager in order to resolve this issue, but even then, the issue stands for users who log into a brand new device.

By making access easy through social logins, visitors are more likely to return to your site, being able to log in anytime, from any device.

Trusted and Secure

Comfort is a result of familiarity.

When visitors can sign in by using their social media accounts, they're leveraging a system they already trust and use frequently on various sites.

Screenshot of Zapier social login options

This level of familiarity decreases apprehension and boosts the likelihood of them engaging on your site.

This trust transfers to your site, which makes users feel safer.

It is a sense of security knowing that they are using a secure network they trust.

More Admin

No one likes dealing with password resets or account recovery, right?

Social logins keep these nuisances from happening by providing alternative ways to sign into your account.

This lets your support team for more critical issues, keeping your users content and engaged.

Robust Security

Utilizing the security systems of major players such as Facebook and Google is leveraging one of the most advanced security systems accessible.

Finally, the openness of data handling through social logins is a reassuring factor for users.

Their information does not disappear into the dark but being managed through trusted websites. This increases confidence for your site and promotes its use and deeper involvement.

Social logins offer a variety of benefits that make them attractive to any business aiming to improve the accessibility of their site and increase user friendliness.

By integrating this feature, you're enriching your users' entire experience.

The Benefits to Your Bottom Line

What do you think about how all of these advantages translate into success for your business?

Increased Lifetime Value of Members

In simple terms, happy customers return for more.

A user-friendly login process will encourage users to come back and engage more frequently.

The upshot is a higher satisfaction rate for customers as satisfied customers are more likely maintain their accounts on your website month after month.

More Conversion Rates for Cross-Sells as well as Upsells.

If your customers remain with you longer, they're more likely to look into other offerings.

That means there's more chances for your subscribers to interact deeply in your posts and learn about new membership levels, or even more offerings and services.

This can lead to increased sales and higher revenue per client!

Reduction in Support Costs

A shorter time spent doing password resets means that your support team can focus on other tasks.

In reducing login issues, you can reduce support tickets and cut down on customer support costs. This frees up time for other areas of your company.

In short, this small and easy addition to your WordPress website could make an enormous difference in your users' experience as well as your profits.

How do you enable Social Logins to Your WordPress Membership Site

We've gone over the the reasonss and now it's time to see exactly what you can add social logins on your website by .

This Social Login add-on is available for Pro Plans. If you're a current member on a lower plan and want to upgrade, do so through the Change Plan link on the page on your account.

1. Download the Social Login Add-on

Look for the Social Login add-on and click Install the Add-on.

Once installed, select to activate the program, and a brand new Login option for Social Login choice will show within the menu.

2. Enable Your Social Providers

The time has come to connect the various social platforms you've selected with your website.

Click on the Social Login section and then select one of the social providers you want to configure, for example, Facebook.

Check the box that says Enable the Facebook Provider.

The process of enabling each social provider is slightly different, but you can follow step-by-step steps for every one by following the links below

Repeat this process for any number of social media providers you'd like.

3. Make sure to check out your new Login Buttons for Sign-In on Your Login Page

automatically adds new social buttons on your login page for every provider you've configured.

Social Logins as they appear on a ReadyLaunch™ login page

Be aware that prior to using social logins, your members must already have an account created on your website.

If the email used for your account on the website matches the email used for their social account, then both accounts will be immediately connected once they press the social login button their first time.

If both emails aren't exact same, then they'll need to connect both by hand. Luckily, makes this easy...

4. Take a look at the Connect/Disconnect buttons on The Accounts of Members' Page

Once you've enabled an account with a social network, this Social Login add-on also automatically adds connect/disconnectbuttons on the members' profile page.

Social Login Connect Disconnect buttons

This button allows your members with differing emails to join their social networks to your website.

5. (Optional) (Optional) Add Social Login Button to Any Page On Your Site

So, as you've already realized this add-on, Social Login plugin can automatically include social login buttons on your account page.

They will also be automatically added anywhere you use the shortcode for login to your site's page:

[mepr-login-form use_redirect="true"]

It is also possible to include social login buttons on any page using the following shortcode:


Also, add connect and disconnect buttons by using the shortcode below:


In the end, there are many options for integrating social logins to your website and make your user experience effortless.


It is essential for your company to stay on top of the latest trends to make life easier for your users.

Features such as social logins make registration and assure the users that their personal information is secure, enhancing customer trust and loyalty.

Making sure you have user-friendly functions on your website is more than just staying up-to-date with the latest technology. Your site is focusing on your visitors' needs and ensuring they have the best experience each time they come to your site.

 Ready to simplify the login procedure to your users?

Do you really need to delay improving your site's usability and reap the benefits for your business when the solution is just one click from your fingertips?

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Victoria Lloyd       Victoria has a talent for turning small beginnings into big success, elevating her jewelry line out of the pulsating atmosphere of the city's markets, up to more prestigious locations such as The Royal Academy of Arts and the Topshop's Oxford Circus the flagship shop. Her expertise doesn't stop at physical items. Victoria has a proven track record of boosting the online presence of a range of brands. From dynamic startups to household names like Nokia and Jack Daniels, Victoria has employed her unique blend of wordsmithing expertise as well as strategic insights and digital acumen to drive the engagement of brands as well as SEO. In her blog , Victoria leverages her diverse knowledge to deconstruct and simplify the world of online membership and business growth. She's on hand to assist readers through her insightful knowledge, assisting them in confidently and creatively build their communities online and membership sites.