How can you make a great webinar program that will entice participants |

Nov 15, 2023

If you want to convert the attendees of your webinar, read our suggestions on how to design a webinar. These are simple and can help you wow your audience.

You're preparing to put together your slideshow to present your webinar.

And you find yourself staring at your laptop's screen that is blank.

Sure, you can open PowerPoint and then quickly pull out certain slides.

However, how do you ensure that it's an engaging and informative webinar that actually converts?

One of the worst things you'd like to do is spend your precious time creating a slideshow that ends up ending at the bottom of the archives folder.

This morning, we'll fill your in on the steps to create a successful webinar, including seven straightforward steps as well as slides for webinars.

Let's hop to it.

7 steps to create the most effective webinar

Step 1. Start with the title slide idea

Before starting any design work for your presentation slides It is important to outline the information you want to include in your slide deck, starting with the title page.

While your title page should have a pleasing visual that's easy to digest, it's also important to carry this general rule in your title slide across your slide deck

Follow the ratio of 1-to-1 when having one idea per slide.

It's very similar to the attention-to-attention ratio 1-to-1 when designing a high-converting landing page. Most successful landing pages include just one link .

The reason why the approach of focusing on one thing performs so well is because it's a way to keep your target audience away from overchoice and cognitive overload .

Particularly with your slide for the title You can make use of this less-is-more idea by sticking to these basic elements:

Your webinar title


The webinar's host's name

A compelling visual

More details will be provided on how to design the layout later in the future, for now, just understand that the goal of the title page should be simplicity with the visual design plays a significant role in the design.

It's also an ideal opportunity to brand yourself so that you can show off the personality of your brand and identity in a little.

For a better understanding of the topic, check out this slideshow template  that is appealing and straightforward.

Another option is this one by the most prominent branding expert Mark Lack, a leading branding expert is a webinar that includes the title of his presentation along with his headshot and some quick points on what to expect.

It is recommended to begin with a simple introduction slide which then leads to an equally straightforward slide deck.

Before diving into the meat of your presentation you must follow two simple steps that help you build trust and credibility in your guests.

Step #2. Give a concise review of your experiences

The idea that establishing credibility and trust is essential is a big understatement.

The staggering Eighty-one percent consumers requireto be confident in the brand they buy from.

Furthermore, another 66% of customers consider transparency to be an attractive features of a company.

It's essential to present your prospective customers a reason for trusting your business.

Presenters can accomplish this in the form of sharing some of their own stories.

Back to the Mark Lack illustration, during the beginning of his webinar the presenter outlines his personal transformation from a "punk and failure in the school" to becoming a "multi-millionaire and the top personal branding expert at 30 years of age".

If you don't want to divulge how you've morphed since your teenage years or even reveal your work experience.

Like webinar presenters Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton did, who launched their first business online concepts in 2005 and 2003 respectively.

As Aidan and Steve squeeze in a lot of information on their resume slide, they're able to give credibility-boosting credentials such as their "30 years of collective working experience on the internet" and how they "run multiple 7-figure businesses".

For a summation, present some slides that explain how people should be listening to your voice. The presentation doesn't need to be elaborate -- just share some points that make you appear as a professional in your field.

Your personal story isn't always the only factor that helps build trust, though.

There's also your happy customers' stories -- head on to our next page to read further details.

3. Step. Use Social proof and testimonials

Your next step for creating the perfect webinar content is to incorporate a good amount of social and testimonial evidence.

They are so effective in 72% of customers claim positive testimonials and testimonials increase confidence in brands.

In addition when people observe that other people are seeing results and believe that they will achieve the same results.

To feature your happy clients, it is possible to include screenshots of people sharing their triumphs on the social media channels, such as in this case taken from Mark Lack's webcast .

Individual customer success stories that are more drawn out.

Naturally, the more you have the more you have, the better. This is how you can showcase a range of client testimonials in only one slide .

Basically, the point here is short and sweet:

Your viewers will focus more on your primary message and become more inclined to follow your next actions.

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Then, you can join your main webinar.

Step 4. Outline your main webinar topic

It doesn't matter if you're writing notes on bullet points or writing out the main points of your webinar It's crucial to present the major portion of your content for webinars clearly and in a clear method beforeheading into the design of your slide deck.

Simply map out the flow of your tutorial and try to maintain your scaled to outline your primary webcast content.

Bonus tip:While you may be the specialist on your subject (and you certainly want to establish yourself as an authority within your field) It's crucial to stay on a particular subject in the webinar you host.

The point of your webinar's presentation isn't so much giving all the information you have about the webinar's subject or the subject instead of sharing a very focused instruction that shows your viewers how to achieve one main goal.

One way to stay focused while crafting the content for your webinar slides is to imagine the outline as an agenda, or a table of content.

In slide form Here's another image taken from Mark Lack's Masterclass webinar. It puts you in the mindset of the purpose of your webcast, anticipating the layout of your lesson to come.

If you want to dig a little deeper and get your hands dirty, you could sketch the basic framework of your tutorial webinar, such as in this Introduction to Blockchain webinar's description. It divides the webinar into three key points:


The most important factors

Who the webinar is most beneficial to?

You can simply adapt the format for your particular topic.

Simple, right?

The same principle applies not only the flow of your slides however, it also applies to the content on every slide.

Given that a whopping 90% of marketers believe that visual content is extremely important, quite important, or that their strategies are nothing without visuals, it's prudent to rely heavily on graphic content throughout your webinar presentation.

For instance the successful entrepreneur and skilled marketer Blake Nubar's Partner Program webinar presentation.

It's not uncommon to see the slides of Blake to comprise mainly images, like this one:

Even his text-heavy slides include pictures, such as this:

Note that even though Blake has several bullet points but they're super short.

His slides that aretext-only are very sharp such as this slide that emphasizes a single concept.

The most important thing to remember is: If there's an opportunity to slim down the information while still getting the main message across, do it.

With graphs, for instance remove any unnecessary obstructions that are possible, such as in this graph that can be grayed out to remove other colors and makes it simple to grasp the graph's trend.

Without risking making you sound like a broken record, smaller is better. Keep it simple in your presentation from the flow to the content in each slide.

Once the main idea of your webinar's presentation has been drawn out, it's time to motivate your attendees to take action -- our next tip.

5. Make sure you are focused on your call-to-action

The last slide of the webinar's presentation must focus on the main call-to action (CTA).

In question form What specific actions are you requesting your audience to follow up on?

The KIBO Code Quantum  Its CTA is to redeem a free discount gift to sign up for the program. To sign up, go to their featured URL.

Coach Trainer Kendall SummerHawk 's CTA is to press the button beneath her webcast or click the link to her web address to enroll in her coaching programs.

Course creator David Siteman Garland has added a touch of urgency to his final CTA page, which has an orange timer on the top left of his slide screen.

In addition to his CTA's URL being at the top of the screen, David also adds a CTA to the right of the webinar screen in order to set the countdown of his 20-minute final Q&A, which you can do using WebinarJam's webinar platform.

Fancy CTA box aside, the main point is to help your customers make the next step towards converting into customers.

If it's not to buy on the spot It should be a clearly-defined CTA that urges your attendees to act.

Beyond the CTA It's equally important to include a Q&A if you're conducting an online webinar.

In the end, of all webinar resources, people see Q&A sessions as an option that's 81% better than other webinar resources.

It's logical, particularly when you take into account the massive ninety-two percent of webinar attendees who want to participate in a live Q&A session following webinars.

If you're concerned about going over the time you set for your webinar ensure that you include the Q&A period into the time for your presentation.

In the present, the median duration that attendees are spending watching webinar content can be as long as 55 minutes .

Try to locate a space in the game, as well as, of course, test and iterate as needed.

It's as simple as that:

At the close of the webinar, you should include an open-ended Q&A session for webinars that are live to get past any objections and conclude with a specific CTA your audience are able to follow.

If you're satisfied with the slides for your webinar are concerned is a wrap. Now is the time to turn your ideas and bullet points into a real slideshow design.

Step 6. Use a slide deck template to design your presentation slides

Once you've accomplished the bulk of the hard work now comes the exciting part to incorporate your webinar's content to slides.

In order to do this, we suggest using presentation slide templates.

Why? For one, it saves an enormous amount of time.

That is, ranging anywhere from five and a half hours to between 45-120 minutes when starting using a template for your presentation.

Another reason why we love templates is most of them come with beautiful pre-designed templates and can be purchased for free and without the need to employ a designer.

Venngage , for instance, provides a variety of professional-designed templates for you that you can pick from.

Same with Canva  The latter provides hundreds of customizable presentations templates.

If you're a Microsoft Office user, PowerPoint includes slide deck templates that you can customize and design as you input your content.

If you've done your pre-work, this step is also short and sweet:

When you've done the bulk of your work, which includes a description of the webinar's flow and contents the transfer to slide slides should be straightforward using slideshow templates.

If you've come this far, congrats. You're well on your way to presenting an impressive webinar. We'll leave you with just a few more details to ensure the webinar is successful.

Step #7. Prepare and practice your webinar for presentation

Beyond your slideshow There are additional important things to mention, the first being -practicing.

Do a dry run and rehearse your webinar presentation as many times until you feel secure.

Actually, the people you invite to your event will subconsciously take you more serious, and more importantly, so will you.

If you decide to focus the majority of your webinar on your slide deck it is still possible to face your camera on the web and show face-to-camera, either at the beginning or end of the webinar.

Another possibility is to set it up in a small corner with your presentation slides the way that most webinar software let users use.

As in this design, recording is made that was recorded using Zoom 's webinar platform, for example.

Or in Buffer's Optimizing Your Social Channels for Success webinar, which shows their presenter's face-to-camera shot at the bottom of the main screen.

It's always worth making an appearance to your targeted audience to build credibility and get your audience to recognize, love, and be able to trust you.

In terms of technology It's equally important for your sound quality to come through as as clear as possible.

Whatever the format of your webinar (whether you're giving a talk as a guest speaker at an event live and hosting your own webcast on an online prerecorded eventbe sure that the audio set up is clean.

It's also worth getting your hands on a reliable headset to enjoy your music without a hands-free. What you don't need to worry about is getting distracted by unclear audio or mess up your technology setup.

Not the least the least, our last extra tip for you is to maintain your mailing list, and then follow on with the attendees of your webinar.

Since the majority of all sales are made during the fifth to 12th contact, it's important to keep educating your attendees at webinars.

Here's the full recap:

While your slide deck may serve as the foundation of your webinar but it's not the only thing that needs fine-tuning before or during the big event. Be sure to check and practice the equipment, and get yourself a spot for some face-to-camera interaction in your live webinar.

And, of course, don't forget to follow up. No one likes to be left on read, and that definitely includes your readers.

Here's to hosting a successful webinar, and growing your company

While there's no shortage of webinar designs and styles available when you are focused solely on showing your audience how to get one primary outcome, everything else will take care of itself.

In particular, with a reliable structure to follow.

Follow our seven steps for crafting an effective webinar:

Start with a compelling and simple title page that sets the stage for your Webinar.

Establish trust through sharing your story in a way that establishes yourself as an authority in your area of expertise.

Build credibility further through sharing stories of testimonials and social examples.

Outline your main webinar content in a clean streamlined format. Use lots of visuals.

Include a clear CTA to close your webcast (and questions if it makes sense).

Convert your webinar's content into a slide deck format through template designs.

Practice your webinar, dress in a professional manner, set up the correct technology details, and then continue to nurture your target audience.