Highlighted Customer: Showit

Sep 15, 2022

This month's featured customers is Showit which is an online drag-and-drop platform that allows complete flexibility regarding the design and style of your website.

The founders of Showit, Todd & Elisa Watson, believe that creativity can be found in all of us. Since the beginning of time they have helped entrepreneurs with their creativity harness the latest technology to promote their brand without having to write one single line of code.

If you are using a website-building platform, it is mandatory to provide some kind of instruction on the way it works. What's the most effective way to provide training for the software you're using to build websites? By using a WordPress site , of course! Showit uses to provide the users with free instruction to get to know the ins and outs their unique website builder.

Check out this gorgeously custom WordPress website and be amazed by Showit's distinctive use of .

A beautifully designed website

If you arrive on the homepage of their website, you'll find distinct messages that emphasize advantages of Showit. They provide the benefits of their platform immediately: powerful to use, easy to use and takes the stress away from WordPress.

Include Multiple Courses in the Course Grid

Within the menu at the bottomis an option to go to their tutorial page. The page displays a grid with short tutorials created using .

Using Videos and Topics for Enhancing Engagement of Learners

Be sure to be more involved with

Showit has developed an effective platform for building websites with user-friendly product instructions that are built on the Showit platform. You can also use it! There's an array of ways to integrate Showit on your website.

What are you able to accomplish to reach the educational objectives of your company, students or product? Do you want to go to the next level? Explore it from the perspective of a student or a course designer's point of view in our Free Demo.

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