Get (and Maintain) more students with ROI-Centric Certificates

Jul 1, 2023

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Latest Updates to Courses will boost the revenue of your business and help get students enrolled, engaged, and excited to renew their membership - including NEW shares, updateable, and certificate expiration options!

Attention course instructors: Your certificates just got a glow-up

Now you can do even more with your Certificates of Course to increase student enthusiasm and bring them around to learn more!

In this walkthrough we'll review every feature that has been updated and the advantages of the newly improved Courses certificates.

We'll also show you how to use them to their full potential. That way you can keep your revenue engine purring and your brand's reputation soaring.

Ghostbusters we have the tools we have the talent

But first, a question...

Why do you need Certificates of Completion in the First Place?

The certificates do much more than just getting mothers stoked with pride (though it's an awesome item).

What we're really interested in is how the certificates of completion will be able to do for online learning business.

And the bottom line is that: Certificates sell!

1. Get the sign-ups up

Sure, new knowledge is an admirable motive by itself however, who wouldn't want the gold star?

Good job! 10/10

Learning that is based on rewards works.

All learners Knowing that you'll get an outcome to prove the effort and commitment is sure to increase your chances of being more likely to be involved in the first place.

Adult learners can benefit from the payoff of a certificate will have tangible benefits. Students can demonstrate their achievements and dedication to their studies through sharing their certificates on their resumes.

2. Improve Completion Rates

As a creator of courses as a course creator, you'd like your students to feel the satisfaction of completing your course - so they're inclined to sign up in your next one.

A certificate of achievement is an additional incentivesome students will need to keep going until the end.

3. Enhance Course Credibility and Value

Students who want to learn and want to prove their skills and knowledge you provide during your course. This will boost the reputation as well as the perceived worth of your class.

It is evident that simply offeringcertificates of successful completion to future students could boost your bottom line in major ways.

Let's take a look!

NEW Courses Features

Easily Build And Sell Online Courses

1. This is a very Sharingable

The certificates now include a links that can be shared that makes it simpler than ever for students showcase their achievements on their resumes online as well as LinkedIn profile pages!

Now, potential employers can go directly to the certificate to prove course completion.

With the increasing competitive job market, job hunters are looking for methods to differentiate themselves. With 1-click shareable certificates, you make it easier for them to make a mark and show the skills they have..

Greater exposure

And when students share their certificates they're also spreading the word about your course for other people in the business. This is a great method to expand the market you want to reach.

2. Expire, Finish... Then Repetition

Now you have the option to make sure you add expiration and completion dates to the certificates you have purchased. This is an obvious advantage and a major one for this.

    It helps keep students returning.  

When the program is completed and has an expiration date Students are expected to be reengaged to your curriculum and re-acquaint themselves with the program regularly.

This consistent interaction with customers and the recognition of your brand. But most importantly, it .

It also i mproves the reputation of the course further by ensuring that you are using the latest information.

In fields that are constantly evolving, such as health or technology, the knowledge can get outdated quickly and become irrelevant.

The expiration date of the certificate ensures that only people who flash your credentials for the course have the latest information and are knowledgeable about their subject.

This is why people are likely to associate your brand with quality and competency.

3. Automatically Reset the Progress

Be assured that you won't have to worry about admin for expired certificates. With Courses you can automatically reset the students' progress when their certificates expire.

How Certificates Work in

Let's move you off the blocks and prepared to register. Here's a quick guide to setting up certificates that you can use for your training.

Be Ready FOr THe Race to Register with Courses Certificates
  • In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to > Coursesand click on the course you want to add a certificate to.
  • Click on the Certificatetab located at the top on the screen.
 Courses certificate settings
  • You must activate the Enable certificate on the courseslider

Before you hit update,make sure you personalize the certificate to include your personal information and your logo.

Here are some options:

  • Select between Letter or A4 paper size.
  • There are 3 certificate designs you can choose from. Select the style most appropriate to your company's image.
  • Upload your logo that has a white or transparent background for the cover on the certification.
  • Upload the Instructor's Signature.  
  • Personalize the information that appears on the certificate.
  • Scroll down to easily incorporate the Completion Date as well as the Expiration Date to your certificate with the sliders.


  • If your Expiration Dateslider is activated you are able to select which years days, months, weeks, or days you want the certificate to last for.
  • Click Update to bring your changes go live.
 Courses Certificates Completion and Expiration Dates

TIP OFF! Certificate Use Cases

Are you wondering how your company can make use of certificates? Here are a few ideasto stimulate your creativity flowing!

Language Learning Sites

the Japanese page homepage screenshot
The Japanese Page makes use of its learning of Japanese

If the only thing you remember from your high school French was " ou est la library?" you're not all alone.

There is a saying that the process of learning languages is like taking care of a plant. If it is not given continuous attention, the plant will wither away.

This being said it is clear why it is beneficial to put the dates of expiration and/or completion on your certificates.

Imagine someone showing up for an interview with the "Business German" certificate, and the person interviewing you quickly figuring out that your certification signifies squat.

In enticing students to attend a simple refresher course to keep their knowledge up to par. And you're getting a revenue boost at the same time.

Nutrition Diploma Courses

Health my lifestyle
Health My Lifestyle shares diet tips

What's the matter with eggs? In the 90s, we believed that if we even so much as LOOKED at an egg, we'd instantly ignite .... Or something equally ridiculous.

A diet that is outdated or incorrect advice can have serious health consequences.

In offering certification renewals, you can make sure nutritional experts under your supervision offer their clients the most advanced advice.

In the process, you'll be improving their credibility and your personal.

Tech Training Companies

Dans Tutorials offers all things Apple and iOS on their Software Consulting website

Want your certificate to scream "I'm way ahead of the game" rather than "I kept this course by putting it on a floppy disc"?

Take advantage of the date that expires.

Fitness Certificate Programs

My Mindful Movement online yoga classes

Check to see if you have expired your certificates.

While some exercises are never out of fashion It is essential to stay updated with current research and methods in the field of health, wellness and exercise science.

This is especially the case with the amount of misinformation floating about.

Healthcare Training Providers

Kresser Institute homepage
Kresser Institute offers training for functional health professionals using their website

When it comes to certificate programs the expiration dates aren't just useful, they're vital. The expiration date is a pulse test making sure that that your students continue to remain at the forefront of medical healthcare, not leafing through the latest medical book.

The expiration date promotes continual learning and strengthens your dedication to high-quality and the most current practices.

Let's make sure we keep our knowledge scalpels sharp and ensure our health insurance certificates have the same shine as our sidesboards following a ward check.

Need more ideas? Browse through our list of over 100 authors with HTML0, and you're sure to find examples of courses within your field. CLIKE BELOW

The Knowledge Baton: The Relay Race of Continuous Learning

Your certification is much greater than just a star for your students - it's a glowing symbol of your commitment to quality as well as integrity and seeking of knowledge.

Adding expiration dates to certificates doesn't justa smart move to increase your profits...

This is about making sure that your students (and your class) gain a shining reputation in the field.

cta character

Start your course today!

Sign up with and get your online course that will speed you to success!

    Have any suggestions or ideas about how you can leverage these new features to sell online courses? Share them with the community in the comment section below!

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