Don't Make Enough Money As Coach? This is how to fix it.

Jun 28, 2024

I am irritated when coaches don't get paid properly for their hard work.

Coaches are doing phenomenal work helping others to stay and be healthy and build incredible relationships. create amazing businesses, increase wealth, and so many more.

Coaches help people get out of pain and achieve the goals of their hearts.

However, you could be considered the greatest coach yet not get payed what you're worth if you don't get a few things right.

It's difficult when that you're doing an amazing job, and you see others much less gifted, much less committed than you, making so much more income.

We need to fix this!

Just what I'm trying to accomplish in this blog entry.

The problem comes down to the following factors:

Too little charging

Too much or doing only Coaching in one-on-one

Doing too much work on behalf of your clients

Only selling courses

If you make too much it's unlikely that you'll earn the amount you'd like to.

Many coaches hesitate to raise their prices because they link their prices on their own worth instead of to what they can offer to their clients.

The amount you charge should be proportional to the value you provide, not your time or work.

The difficulty in one-on-one coaching lies in the fact it can't grow with the player.

With each client you sign up each new client, you must spend more time on them and, as you've guessed, the time you have is limited. There are only 24 hours in a day.

That's why you need to enroll in group coaching if you're not already.

Scale of group coaching programs. Your workload doesn't increase but it increases moderately every time you get a new client.

The same applies if you're working too hard for your clients. You have to structure things in a way that your clients are responsible to do more tasks themselves. You offer Frameworks and Templates which make it easy for them to accomplish it.

A lack of consistency in lead flow is due to having the proper systems in place that provide you with potential Dream Clients every day, and new clients every week.

If you are selling classes only, it tends to be hard to generate enough revenue consistently.

They have a lower real and perceived value compared to coaching courses, in which it is possible to help others through your coaching as well as the "home research" characteristics of the courses.

If you don't already have a coaching system and you're not sure how to get one, group coaching is the obvious next step to consider adding.

These are the factors that matter.

This method of thinking helps getting enough cash more simple.


PS. If you're ready to make every part of your business simpler, from strategy to technology to the mindset of your employees, that's the kind of thing we're looking at . Contact us today and discuss how we can assist you.