Does Thinkific anything of value?

Sep 8, 2022

The most recent update occurred 24 April, 2017.

A lot of people have asked about " Is Thinkific any amazing? Can I teach an engagingand successful online course with Thinkific?"

You should take our opinion with a pinch of salt as we have developed a competing online platform for courses.

Why should you use Thinkific?

In this case, for instance, you could make discount coupons, and then establish tracking for affiliates.

It can help when you're setting up your process of launching in a complex way or are able to get affiliates to help market your courses.

Teachable can also be a great platform to host videos and nicely-designed landing pages to help you promote your classes.

There are some concerns about the usage of Thinkific

The main issue that I have with Thinkific is its lack of its ability to facilitate the discussion and also to create online communities. This is why it's difficult to create a planned course that has an active and engaged community.

Thinkific does not give webcasting and conferencing options for teleclasses or webinar classes within your class. You should look into purchasing and managing an additional conferencing software.

Alternatives to the thought process

Here are some suggestions to Thinkific you could consider:

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