Cyber Weekend Benchmarking Info 2023 SaaS and Software December Report on the Holiday Seasonal Spend

Nov 5, 2023

The sales numbers in Q4 usually surpass other times in the year due to the holidays at the end of the year, and the associated shopping seasons. But will this pattern be extended to sales of software as well as SaaS sales? Does it help B2B business sales, too or is it primarily a B2C benefit?

It is a retailer that serves as a record-keeper for more than 3500 businesses who utilize our platform every day to sell digital products across the globe. The data we've collected on sales aggregates to highlight the significance of the fourth quarter for software you offer, SaaS or other online products that businesses sell.

While the newest trends in the holiday season might have begun in the form of Black Friday deals and spread to Cyber Monday The entire weekend has been dubbed Cyber Weekend -- and sales for the fourth quarter are likely to be strong, as people are preparing for their many Christmas celebrations. Are you making the most of all the revenue-generating possibilities available during the fourth quarter for your company's software?

Below, we'll cover:

More About Our Data

Which is the origin of which Data? Information? Where Did It Come From?

The business works with more than 3500 businesses to help sell digital goods over more than 200 countries and countries around the world. The data we used to create this report so that it can allow the study to be applicable to software as well as SaaS businesses.

The following information pertains to the area in which sales were conducted at the time, and not to the location where companies are.

To get all-encompassing data on the market, we picked eight countries -- including those of the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China for a a broad overview of global sales.

If you're using the information are coming from

The information below was compiled from the years 2018 through 2022 providing the most up-to-date information, while also showing patterns that seem to be similar across the five years without allowing anomalies that could distort the results unnecessarily.

Also, we use the index for seasonality in order to reveal the amount of revenue generated in each quarter, month or quarter, with respect to the year's mean for the week or the month.

We began by looking through U.S. software and SaaS sales figures from 2018 to 2022 in order gain information on trends in sales on a daily or quarterly basis for the past five years.

After calculating an average over the course of a month We then compare those sales with this average to calculate the percent. In the above example, if February has an average of 90 percentage, this means the month's sales are 10 percent lower than the average monthly. If the report on sales for November has a 111% number, this signifies that it's 1 percent better than the normal for each month.

     5YR US Average SAAS as well as Software Revenues by Month    

The most successful sales occur in November. The sales are higher than average, however every month in Q4 shows the highest growth across all of the year. In October, the sales have increased by 4 percent over the prior month, and in December they're 8% better.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

Average of 5 years US SaaS, as well as software sales per quarter

If you take a look at the quarterly average sales the Q4 sales have risen by 8 percent. They are that high that three of the quarters falls just below that median.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Beyond Beyond to U.S., we combined data using the same criteria for across the U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China. This allows us to gain a better understanding of the ways that late-year software sales might differ across the globe.

The bump actually increases in size.

5YR average global SaaS and Software sales by month

Global sales climbed to an annual high of 15% in November contrasted with the monthly average. Similar to the U.S. data above, November and December are the most successful quarters of the year, with increase of four and seven percent.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Global average SaaS and Software sales per quarter

When viewed from a quarter-to-quarter standpoint, Q4's figure is 9.9 percent more than the quarter-to-quarter median, but the figure is sufficient to make the next three quarters less than the median.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

Global Q4 quarter-end numbers are just 1% better than those in the U.S. for the same month, and in November as an individual month recorded a growth by 16% when compared with results in the U.S.'s 11% increase for the same monthand this suggests that November represents a massive sales opportunity around the globe.

5YR Average SaaS in addition to monthly sales of software for each country

Further details about how every month is divided into nations We looked at data for eight countries which we have in our comprehensive review. This is what the monthly sales of software changes will look like when you use the data for five years from nations such as the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

The staggering gains recorded in countries such as China as well as Germany in November point to the potential of SaaS and software-based businesses to earn profits in the fourth quarter, particularly when you're looking to reach the markets in these countries as part of the overall strategy to expand.

In addition, although U.S. data suggest a smaller increase of just 11% in November, it's crucial to remember the fact that North America accounts for a significant significant portion of the worldwide SaaS and software revenues. It's been found that 40percent of the total software sales in 2022 are attributed to North America, and an additional study suggests a portion of 57.5 percentage of 2020 worldwide SaaS market which is attributable to NA. This means that an rise of 11% during the months of November North America in the U.S. could translate into a significant amount more revenue if you consider that as a tiny piece of the larger pie.

B2C vs. B2B

Most companies that sell software internationally offer simultaneously B2C as well as B2B markets. However, which SaaS business is focused on one or the other market, it's important to comprehend what sales trends differ between the two market. The information gathered can assist in making the right decision on how to focus marketing and sales efforts to the two markets, particularly in cases where one market offers greater chance.

The results of the study indicate similar trends throughout the whole year. Fourth quarter was the highest-profitable for both segments.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales experienced a growth rate that was 11 percent greater than the median from the previous quarter. It's not surprising considering how the period is known for its advocacy of the consumption -"consumer "consumer" used to describe the term that was used.

However, don't forget about B2B sales in the fourth quarter. Despite the fact that B2B revenues appear to be slightly constant throughout the year in comparison to B2C revenues, a 5 percent increase in Q4 is significant within the segment which is frequently prone to spend and is still able to benefit from sales at the close of the year regardless of whether a consumer buys either for themselves or for their company. Credit cards for corporate use are popular with customers, especially those seeking to purchase software. They are likely to be searching for an affordable price in where tight budgets of departments are an element in their purchasing the decision.

Additionally, certain B2B customers might be looking to use budget funds prior to the close of the year so that their budget is not cut in the coming year. They could be urging their teams or departments to be equipped using the appropriate tools ahead of the start of the new year. The occurrences of these kinds might be a contributing factor to the increase in B2B sales throughout Q4 despite several interruptions during the holiday season.

Cyber Week Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Wondering about the best ways to benefit from the Q4 growth? What ever your objective, B2C or B2B customers These are the most effective ways to increase sales of software and SaaS revenue by the end of the calendar year.

Offer Partners Custom Coupon Promo Codes

Additionally, you'll be able monitor how the sales promotion performs as compared with other coupon codes.

     Can't find any partners to give the Coupons to? Locate Some!

If you're yet to make use of promotional offers this holiday season may provide new opportunities. Find alternative SaaS or software providers that have offerings that complement the ones you have. (For example, in the event that such a thing happens, for example, you create a database software, look for companies that develop the tools that run on your front.)

In addition to personal coupon codes that you can customize You can also offer the possibility of trading Cyber Weekend promotions to each of their customers by using emails web banners, site banners and social media posts and various other strategies that can help every company boost end-of-year sales.

Contact Your Personal Prospects

If you decide not to participate in partnerships-related marketing, in the event that it is a large undertaking it will take more time in order to plan the process of sending out emails to your prospective customers is a efficient and quick procedure to implement.

People who are considering purchasing your product won't be able to profit from deals they don't know about. Do not just put up a banner on your site to grab the attention of prospective buyers who visit your site. Encourage visitors towards your site with proactive email messages regarding upcoming sales or current ones, to grab the attention of those who are.

     Contact Your Customers Currently via email    

In their capacity as potential buyers, consumers can't be lured into buying even if they're not aware about discounts during the holiday season, and neither.

Here are a few lucrative opportunities you can pursue with the users that you currently have

  • Add-ons that allow for upselling. Review the information of users who use your products the most often or the ones that are most in usage, as they could possess the greatest likelihood of needing more features and accessibility.
  • Increase subscriptions with additional features. Like downloads If it's feasible to find the top buyers of your product you could target those who tend to purchase larger quantities of the item.
  • converts customers who are free to paying subscribers through an attractive sale. If you consider freemium to constitute a significant part of your business, a successful holiday sale could be an incentive to engage customers who are fascinated with their access to however, they know that they really could use a lot more of them.
  • upsells can be made from individual subscriptions to team subscriptions or between team and enterprise subscriptions. It's not easy to determine which power users are also evangelists for the offerings of your business However, if they possess specific information about their users (such as, for instance, those that are obtained from salesforce's internal) this is an ideal time to reach out to companies with particular customers, and also the opportunity to get much more.
  • Cross-sell to completely brand new products. If your model for business has many products, you have the possibility of promoting one of the products through promotions that encourage customers to purchase another or reverse. If you're in a position to provide additional products, the greater your segmentation you're capable of doing and the more chances you'll have.
  • Switch users between month-long and annual subscriptions. This is the English phrase "A bird's nest equals two in the bush" applies to business in that the revenue you can earn for your business in the present might be greater than slightly more revenue doled out slowly using the following. Earn money from clients who are in a purchasing mindset prior to the conclusion of Q4 offer attractive offers to customers to save on costs in the future if they upgrade their monthly membership to an annual.

      Leverage Social Media    

Social media could be an ideal platform to commemorate the holidays. Sharing holiday-themed posts from your business will be successful.

Most social media platforms have advertising options that target users by geographies or by interests. Make use of the possibility to display regional holiday advertisements on the specific regions that you are interested in or to show advertisements for those who have indicated their preferences for the season of the holidays through the platform.

Conversely, organic posts on social media -- that can be accessible to everyone who is following your page regardless of where they are located -- can be a great option for expanding sales but without restricting the number of views to a small portion of the population. Make sure that if you're a follower or have an audience which is large and large, then the seasonal material you post must reflect that as well.

     Offer More exciting discounts in The geos of the Target    

If you are able to earn more profit in one particular area, or just want to move to another area, providing discounts that are more competitive in certain regions could help you further make more money through Cyber Weekend sales increases.

To implement, you could use GeoIP-based features on your website to advertise specific discounts for areas.

Make use of using the Store Builder Library to make it easier to use coupons at checkout. It can increase conversion rates.

     Localize Christmas Promotions    

Even though Cyber Weekend has become popular across the globe There are also local holiday seasons that can make more money depending on the area or country you're trying reach. These holidays, such as Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric specials (such like Black Friday and Cyber Monday) in countries like those from Canada, UK, Australia, and Canada.

You must ensure that you are able to customize your Christmas season promotions by geographic location so that you don't miss out on great opportunities in significant regions.

What Should I Do?

Global Payments: Localized Currency and payment methods, as well as languages.

The fact is that making your product accessible to more customers isn't enough. The product must be straightforward for consumers to decide on whether they want to purchase.

     Global Tax Management We needn't think about taxes.    

Consumer Support Management Contact Us!

Another major task is the management of the support for customers. Customers may contact us for assistance with resolving problems related to purchases, checkouts tax, in addition to the billing process, subscriptions, downloads and many various other issues. OARvRLjglRnQsJFGVItS

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist of . In addition to her many years of experience in the field She is also a graduate of an MFA in creative nonfiction writing and is a member of the community in which she is teaching college-level writing classes.

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