Cutaways and coverage
A good editor can be an ideal companion to filmmakers. The basic responsibility is to collect everything which was taken by camera during a certain task and put it together to tell the story. Don't get fooled! There's a lot more to editing than splicing 'err' clicking-and-dragging clips into a timeline! An expert editor comprehends the core of the story's tension and chooses the right parts are needed to create the whole.
Tutorial for Video Coverage and Cutaways
Pro tip Take your time and keep the sources (cast, crew, equipment and time at the restaurant of your cousin's father-inlaw's friend's uncle's) in mind when deciding whether or not to do "just one more" shot of a particular scene. If you're not offering very high-end prices and you're not required to get the full David Fincher on the people.
After the (shoot) day Coverage gives you the chance to create the most compelling film you can, and cutaways can be quick and powerful ways to help you tell your story visually. Planning for both will ultimately enhance your film's quality and enjoyable for the viewers.
Until next time, friends!