Create Competitions to Promote Your Member Site

Oct 8, 2023

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If you're seeking ways to increase the visibility of your website of your company's membership in addition to increasing the amount of visitors who visit your site, it could be the best option. There's an array of possibilities to build your fan base, however giveaways and competitions can be extremely successful.

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In this blog, we'll go over the advantages having a contest in order to boost traffic on your site and offer suggestions for you to get there of starting.

Benefits of competitions and contests

Rafflecoptor Giveaway Tool

Before you start exploring the various tools available to assist you with running a competition on your membership website, here are a few benefits to running an contest.

Affect a broader audience

When your contest entry will need the participant to share your website via social media platforms, or any other platforms, extending your reach to a greater number of users is an excellent reason to organize a contest.

Certain software for managing contests permit you to take entries into contests through Twitter as well as the sharing of your tweets, giving contest contestants the possibility of taking home prize money.

Every social media post will put your website and your membership services in front of prospective new customers or members. It is therefore beneficial to incorporate social media in your contests.

Boost Social Media Following

Making your followers more actively engaged in social media is a positive objective for each. If you're using social media to announce your competition, then inviting people to sign up to participate can be a great method to grow your following.

To increase the amount of website traffic

An effective contest can boost the number of people who come to your site. It is possible to make it possible to, such as inviting participants to participate in the contest. The contest could also function as the advertisement to participants. Another option is to set up the contest with prizes which are a fantastic event on its own. Contests that are open to anyone gives you a chance to connect with influential people, influential bloggers, as well as major players within your sector as well as giving them the chance to showcase their work that they find fascinating.

This new approach to advertising will increase website traffic and also provide the opportunity of turning new clients into members or subscribers.

Increase Your Email List

Membership Site Contests

If those visitors are in planning to join the contest, you're ready to get the email system working and start sending amazing information to prospective clients. When your leads are warm up, and you're prepared to present your offerings as a member to prospective customers.

Participate in a Discussion

Another option to organize an event is to choose the person who won from those who have left comments on your site. Since the comments could spark discussion about your blog, and the products that you offer to members, it's beneficial to encourage your customers to post remarks.

Promote your Member Product that You Sell

Another thing to consider is it is that having an event can be used to advertise your membership program. It is best to design something that is newsworthy, which others in your business will be able to share with their followers, or have your contest's entries with promotions on social media in order to raise awareness of the benefits of having an membership program.

One of the most vital things to think about before Running a Competition

When you are launching your first contest it is important to consider. When you are preparing to start your contest, it is important to be aware of your prize prizes.

Do you think of giving the winner a major prize or offering runners-up prizes too? Access to a reduced or no cost to your account as a member might be an option. If you'd like to promote your contest to members already on the site, it's time consider thinking outside of the box.

It's important to make sure that the prize you choose is appealing to those you plan to reach out to, in addition to the fact that they'll share it with their friends via social media and also mention their names on the prize. Make sure that the budget you set of prize funds will be in line with your expectations regarding the outcome of the contest.

The hope is that you will be able to bring many more visitors to your website. If this is the case you must ensure you've established processes for managing this increase in traffic in order to make the most of the increased website traffic.

Load Impact Testings

The other thing you need to take is set up web analytics so that you can monitor the outcomes of your contest. An application that is free such as Google Analytics could help you determine the extent that your site has experienced increased traffic in addition to the specific locations that people visit from and also the actions that you've observed them performing within your website.

How to Run a Competition on your website

If you're using WordPress to host your site for membership, using WordPress as your web host for membership can be simpler than hosting a regular contest. There's an array of free and premium plugins that are specifically created to serve this purpose. What you need to choose is a plugin to meet the criteria that you've set. Below is a quick overview of some of the most well-known WordPress Contest and competition plugins.

Competitions and prizes offered by Fatcat Apps

Fatcat Contests Plugin

The cost-free prize and contests plugin is a great tool to organize and conduct contests which require participants to supply their email addresses to be part of the competition. Once the deadline for contests has been reached and the plugin is finished its job it'll select winners on a random basis. Because of IP monitoring and using cookies it is capable of stopping contests that are fake.

Are you looking for an easy, simple method to evaluate the contests that on your WordPress website, the plugin you pick is an excellent choice.

Comment Contest

The free Comment Contest plugin assists in the development of discussions on your blog's articles. Once enabled, this plugin will allow you to pick the types of comments that are included within the contest prior to deciding on who will win. Since leaving a comment can constitute enough to take part in the contest, there'll be an increase in participation by people who come to your website.

It's the no Frills Prize Draw Competitions

This cost-free version allows you to start hosting competitions for your WordPress site at no cost. Upgrade to a paid version in addition to offering different opportunities.

Through the settings, you're allowed to set the rules your contestants must do for participation in the competition, such as sending a text message, or responding to the question by selecting a variety of options before hitting Enter. The winner is chosen by contestants within the plugin. It's up to the winner to communicate with the person who won to thank the winner.

If you're hoping to reach the bottom rung of competition pools by organizing contests, the KingSumo Giveaways application can be expensive, yet it's brimming with features.

Final reflections

If everything goes according to the plan, however the competition may lead to increased traffic on the internet in addition to more exposure through social media, and even greater participation in your competition.

     Do you have any questions about running a contest via your site to sign up new members? We'd love to hear from you via the comment section to follow.

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