ConvertKit review: Top (and the most challenging) attributes, as per former customers of 31

Jan 7, 2024

This ConvertKit review will hear the opinions of 31 former ConvertKit customers about ConvertKit's advantages and disadvantages and also what they learned from the decision to switch to Email.

ConvertKit is a well-loved marketer's tool for marketing via email among its creators. It's famous for its graphic automatization builder, templates for sign-up forms and landing pages as and detailed statistics for users. But, do you think it's the best decision for you?

In this ConvertKit review, you'll hear the stories of 31 ex- ConvertKit customers on what they enjoyed, what did not like and the reasons they made the switch to Email.

Your email marketing tool is among the essential aspects of your business's online existence. it's the way you expand the number of customers you serve, share information with followers, and promote your services and products online. Important doesn't need to be complicated or expensive.

In this blog, this article in this blog, we will present our findings and go over:

What are the top features that users of ConvertKit love about their email marketing tools

The ConvertKit users who before used the service have encountered difficulties with their products

What is the reason that certain users made the decision to switch to an email marketing platform

We'd likefor you to choose  the best option, we've attempted to provide an honest review rather than just critiquing ConvertKit. We hope you choose which is best for your organization whatever you decide to choose.


  • Former ConvertKit customers liked the free package, but the limitation of its features made it be difficult to make use of. 37% of customers who used ConvertKit reported that their high cost was their biggest problem with the platform.
  • Some users were impressed by the ability to run complex automated processes, but others felt ConvertKit to be difficult to set up and confusing.
  • ConvertKit has attractive templates to use for landing pages, as also email forms. They are however, extremely difficult to customize. People who needed more flexibility felt limited.
  • 54% of respondents said the main reason they had for making the decision to switch from ConvertKit to another was the desire to manage their entire business (email and website, sales, and so on.) All in one place. It was also the second most well-known reason why customers switched.

Simple automations that can accomplish what you're looking for to achieve A fully-featured, free package with numerous landing pages that are customizable in the way you want - test Email for FREE today! .

What are the best features of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an email service which allows creators to increase their following, interact with their followers to automate email marketing, and make money through digital goods.

You can begin by making embeddable email opt-in forms and standalone landing pages that direct users to sign up for your email list. If you're ready to start sending an email or broadcast, ConvertKit has a point-and-click email maker and a set of templates for email that could be used as a beginning point, or to create your own email completely starting from scratch.

You can also build automated marketing campaigns by using the builder for visual automation as well as adding tags and segmentation to your customers as a result of their actions (like clicking a link inside an email or buying the item online).

Of all these ConvertKit features, these are the ones that our 31 survey participants enjoyed the most

ConvertKit offers a no-cost plan

The free ConvertKit package lets you be able to have as many as 1,000 users, as well as the ability to broadcast unlimited times. You can design the amount of landing pages as you like however, there is no access to automations or integrations on this price point.

The free trial is a fantastic opportunity to try out the essential features such as the building tool for email campaigns and the design of landing pages, before making the decision to sign up for a monthly subscription.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is a well-known built-in visual automation tool it allows you to create precise workflows, paths and funnels for your customers. A previous customer specifically stated that they enjoyed using "multiple funnels, triggers and tags" to work with, and you can use the number of segments or tags that you'd like in the order of your subscribers.

ConvertKit excels in the hands of creators who require intricate customer journeys that have many entry and exit points or who need hyper-specific automated ways of marketing their products.

Create websites and templates for emails using templates that are already designed.

Others who were former users said they appreciated the way ConvertKit's editor for email as well the landing page builders have designed templates to help them build email templates, opt-in pages, and landing pages in a short time.

There are some limits regarding what you can modify (particularly in your webpages and forms which are explained further down) The designs appear excellent straight from the box. The only thing you have to do is add your images, text or links then you're on your way.

ConvertKit allows you to create personalized email templates that you could reuse over and over.

Statistic and tracking information is available for every subscriber

Another location where ConvertKit is rated the highest is in its analytics for the audience. One respondent pointed out that they were pleased that they have "more information on each person that is part of my group, including the website they visit, what email they access as well as other details."

Subscriber statistics and score (available through Subscriber stats and subscriber scoring (available through the Creator Pro plan) and the ability to gain access to a wealth of details about your audience. For instance, you can, find out the types of opt-in forms that are the most well-liked and which customers have gone cold and which email messages are the most trustworthy regarding deliverability as well as open rate.

As we mentioned previously, you can also use ConvertKit to make infinite tags and segments for your target audience to ensure that you make sure that you're sending the proper message to the appropriate people.

What didn't previous customers dislike about ConvertKit?

The flipside is that the 31 previous ConvertKit customers we interviewed did not like the costly price, the complicated builder of automations and the limitations of designing landing pages.

The cost of ConvertKit's services is high.

37% of users who utilized ConvertKit previously stated that their biggest issue in using ConvertKit was the cost fee.

The plan is free, but it only has the basics features available to 1,000 users. If you're interested in additional functions, you'll need to select a paid Creator plan or Creator Pro.

The pricing for both plans goes up when your list grows. Below are a few examples of the amount you could expect for your ConvertKit bill on the various tiers:

What's the difference between these two plans?

The ConvertKit free plan (up 1 000 users) It comes with:

Unlimited landing pages

Unlimitless kinds of forms

Unlimited TV

Tags for the audience and segmentation

Offer digital subscriptions and products

Community-based assistance

With Creator, you receive everything you require for free such as:

Support via email and live chat

Migration for free from another tool


Integrations with third-party providers

Another team member

Creator Pro Creator Pro, you get everything from the two plans and much more.

Unlimited team members

The system of newsletter referral

Scores of subscribers

Advanced Reportage

It's great to have plans that are completely free, however it's not the good fit for all customers due to the fact that ConvertKit gates important features like integrations, automations and support for customers on customers with paid plans only.

The cost is an average of $15 per month (for the plan Creator that has 300 clients) in order to begin exploring automated advertising or seek help for the commercial.

Additionally, the automated visual tool is among ConvertKit's main advantages, but it's only available when you sign up for the Creator plan. The price will increase dramatically the cost as your number expands.

Automating funnels and building automations could be complicated

Concerning the visual builder automation, many users viewed ConvertKit's automations to be too complex to set up and manage. up. A few reviewers appreciated the wide range of options available but others pointed out concerns such as "UI (user interface) was unwieldy" and "segmentation was too complex" as the top complaints.

While it's true that it's possible to design a range of complicated workflows and campaigns with ConvertKit, the majority of developers require a platform which can send out emails and run some basic automations like welcome emails together with sales funnels as well as nurture sequences.

If it gets too complicated it can seem like an overwhelming task. Furthermore, nobody likes checking their emails and looking at a myriad of automatisations without understanding what the point of everything.

Many creators do not want to make their business significantly more complex, so there's no need to spend expensive fees for features aren't needed. If you're not certain that your business requires highly customized automation for your company, ConvertKit could be more complicated and pricier than necessary.

Landing pages and opt-in pages have design limitations

It's not a secret that ConvertKit provides appealing landing page templates as well as a forms to sign-up for emails, however there are limits on the options you have to customize. A user said that "I did not like the restrictions in the opt-in forms that I made, and the images weren't real images."

Presently, ConvertKit doesn't have a way to build websites or forms entirely from scratch. It is necessary to modify the existing templates that you're given.

For instance, if you pick a landing-page layout with two columns, there's only one option to incorporate elements (like buttons, images, bulleted lists, or dividers) inside the columns. There's no possibility of adding extra sections in the template. There are a lot of alternatives to think about in the event that you've some layout ideas that isn't compatible with the design template.

The landing pages on ConverKit are created to collect emails, not to sell items or redirecting users to different URLs. Nearly all template landing pages contain an email sign-up page as a default feature, but you'll require a custom CSS to eliminate the email sign-up box on the page you are landing on.

It is therefore difficult to use ConvertKit's landing pages to do anything other than gathering email addresses, so you could have to buy an external landing page creator.

What are the reasons individuals change from ConvertKit to?

When asked why they switched from ConvertKit and ConvertKit to the other one, they cited the cheaper price, the easy email creator and the ease to put everything together.

It's cheaper for nearly everyone

If you have less than 1,000 or 100 subscribers, it's the case that every Email plans are less expensive than their ConvertKit equivalents. Here are a few instances of how pricing plays for ConvertKit and is based on sizes of the lists.

With a less expensive price, Email plans also have extra features for running your online business.

's email editor is easy to use

Make a design you love? Use it as a design template for your emails or broadcasting campaigns as often as you'd would like.

Within your emails, it's possible to add sections with text, columns, highlighted callouts, social media buttons, videos, CTAs, and files for your customers to download.

lets you manage your entire business from one location

Over half of the people polled (54%) said that the most motive for them to switch to ConvertKit to use was because they wanted to control everything from a central place.

ConvertKit is an excellent choice for email marketing, but the ecommerce features are limited, and it does not provide a site or community tools. The majority of creators were interviewed liked ConvertKit's single-stop shop approach as it was simpler and cost-effective because they don't need to connect (and invest money in) numerous other devices.

It is also possible to customize the method of emailing your followers based upon the fact that they've bought a product, joined a waitlist, or have expressed interest in a certain topic. The process is simple and doesn't require any complicated tags or integrations.

If you were to create the waitlist to sell the online course you're planning to offer.

ConvertKit ConvertKit With ConvertKit it is necessary to create an opt-in or landing page that is specifically designed for your waitlist and tag those who sign up through the registration request form. In the days leading up to launch, you'll be able to send messages to subscribers that have this tag to announce the brand new feature.

After the course has been put in place, you may not need to be constantly contact people who purchased the course, which is why you'll have to connect ConvertKit to your course's online platform. It is then necessary to make a tag specifically for those who have bought the course and use the tag to block the recipients from future promotions you'll be sending to waitlist members.

In , your email, courses, and your clients all reside in the same spot. All you need to do is set up the course and put it into waitlist mode. It will automatically create a landing site to students, and every student who registers is added to the course's waitlist.

You don't have to do any fancy setup behind the scenes or remember what a dozen different tags refer to And you shouldn't worry about getting the lines crossed since it holds all the information on the clients they serve all in one spot.

Here are some ways 's one-stop-shop platform can simplify your life:

Run automated welcome emails when you receive an email from someone who joins your email list.

Create customized email messages for buyers after they buy an item

Only message recipients who have (or haven't) purchased a product

Get in touch with people on your waitlist. 's waitlist feature is available on all plans, including the free plan.

Develop lead magnets for directing people to automated marketing automatizations

Utilize link clicks to apply tags to subscribers. Then, you can develop automated email sequences based on the subjects they're most interested in.

If you are looking to bring your company's online operations to one location and eliminate rid of any additional expenses and integrations, this could be the ideal solution for you too.

Is ConvertKit the right tool for me?

ConvertKit is a great alternative for content creators as well as small-scale business owners that require an email service that comes with multiple complex automations. The service is more expensive in comparison to platforms such as  that, but it's worth the investment should you require a graphic automatization builder. ConvertKit could also be the best choice if you just need landing pages that collect email addresses (not selling products) as that's exactly what the templates are designed to do.

This is the best option for those who are web designers that want to streamline their operations by having all necessary data in one spot. You can create unlimited email or campaigns and templates for emails that are stunning (or make your own) and build your own website. You can also create websites from scratch to serve whatever purpose you require them for, and sell any kind of product that you can think of.

You don't have to purchase many additional tools and plugins Your overall expenses are probably lower than if you cobbled everything on your own.

If you're looking for a affordable, easy-to-use, and effective marketing tools that don't seem too overwhelming, try. It's free to start .

We're eager to see the results of your work.


Email marketing FAQS

What is the ConvertKit acronym?

ConvertKit offers an email-marketing platform that allows you to grow your subscriber list via form-of-subscriptions and landing pages. It also lets you create automated emails, distribute broadcasts, and also sell digital downloads. The company offers a no-cost trial for up to 1,000 users, and paid plans start at $15 per month.

What are some ConvertKit alternatives?

It's no surprise that the top ConvertKit option is Email! You can also read about different email marketing tools that are similar to ConvertKit in these articles.

What are the advantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit permits you to design unlimited broadcast messages, and build unlimited campaigns. ConvertKit comes with templates that are pre-designed for email, an easy email creator and visually-based automation builders. It is also possible to offer digital downloads for sale using the option of e-commerce.

What are the disadvantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an effective tool to manage your email but you'll have connect to other tools for your website, as well as sell products other than downloading. The more tools you have, the more technology that you'll have to handle and potentially more cost. Additionally, the pricing of ConvertKit could become costly when your options grow and you'll require more options.

What is the most effective software for marketing emails?


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