
Aug 4, 2022
What is the best email marketing platform?

Mailchimp Vs. Mailerlite vs. SendinBlue: Which is the best marketing via mail method

With the proliferation of marketing channels like social media sites and webinars, live events, telephone calls, online forums and chat rooms, email still an extremely frequent method of engaging with clients. It's cheap and allows you to establish an instant connection with your clients.

But which email provider is the easiest to use and is the least expensive? What email marketing service can help you reduce bounces, and helps you create stunning emails or offers you the greatest control of your data?

This is an in-depth look into the top and most known email marketing companies.

Do you wish to analyze the different options like Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo, Drip and ConvertKit? Stay tuned! We will be diving deep into the most effective CRM ecosystems is coming soon!

A quick comparison chart

MailChimp Mailerlite SendinBlue
Brand positioning Expand your customer base and increase your revenue. You must ensure that you attract existing and potential customers by using email marketing and automation of your marketing using a software that has expert guidance as well as expert advice. Make an email with marketing that your customers will enjoy.
Digital marketing tools to grow your client base quicker and earn more revenue.
Get ready for takeoff. Sendinblue is the most effective and most intuitive platform to grow your business.
We help you Thrive digitally by guiding your business to success with the appropriate marketing and selling instruments.
Primary Features Main Features Email
Site/Landing Page
Setup/comments It is arguably the most well-established platform. The platform now includes a site design tool as well as the ability to sell products online. Email marketing that is affordable and basic can be executed efficiently. Forms for signing up and templates for paid newsletter subscriptions are available. Email marketing that is simple and cheap that is simple and affordable. SMS marketing, Chat as along with Inbox platforms.
( Featured) Integrations Shopify, Canva, Quickbooks, Zapier, Google Business Profile, Google Analytics, Yotpo, Instagram, Facebook, WooCommerce,
Squarespace, Stripe, BigCommerce, Magento, ShipStation, Wordpress,
Salesforce, Typeform,
Eventbrite, MailMunch
Facebook Audiences, MailerCheck,
Make, Shopify, Stripe, Typeform, WooCommerce, WordPress
ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, HubSpot, Intercom,
Mailchimp, Mailjet, Mixpanel, Pipedrive, SurveyMonkey, Typeform,
Price Free: Monthly limit on email of 10,000 sends.
Premium 17%/month, 6,000 monthly sends.
Up to 1,000 free
Subscribers and 12,000 emails per month.
Premium: Unlimited emails each month at $9 per month.
Free: 300 emails per week sent to unlimited contacts
Premium: Starting at $25/month, you can get up to 20,000 email messages per month.

Mailchimp is a full world of possibilities

Features and pricing

It claims that it can aid you "grow your client base and boost your revenue", Mailchimp is an online platform that allows for email marketing and automated workflows that help customers segment their customer base along with tips and education.

Mailchimp has a lifetime free plan which allows you to deliver 12,000 email messages to up to 2,000 customers. But, as part of the plan you are required to display their branding whenever you email your clients however this is a great option for businesses that are only beginning their journey. The paid plans begin at just $10 per month with 500 subscribers or more. It gives you a variety of premium services such as an advanced segmentation of your audience as well as live chat support.

How it works

When you log into your account, you'll be able to view the stats of your most recent campaign's success. Statistics will show:

  • recipients
  • open rate and clicks per open
  • A number of deliveries that were success
  • All clicks and open
  • Orders in the thousands
  • the revenue from an average order as well as the total revenues.


It is here that you create, manage and import your subscriber list or contacts. You can manually add new subscribers by entering their email addresses and additional personal details on a form. Alternatively, you can import automatically the customer's information using bulk import using an alternative platform, upload an CSV file or copy and past the information of new subscribers.


When you've migrated or established subscribers, it's simple to divide them up in accordance with their past shopping behavior as well as their location, or their personal preferences. It is possible to apply tags manually to your customers in order to deliver targeted messages to customers that share the same characteristics. groups allow you to organize customers based on certain criteria or behavior.

It's also for you to design form forms for registration and sign-up to allow users to sign up in person with their email addresses for your. The process can be completed using HTML forms, pop-up windows which could be embedded into any site or a contact form, which sends messages directly to your email inbox, or a number of interfaces with your existing messaging software.

Campaigns Campaigns

It is the place where you create and then fill your emails, also known as campaigns. You have the option of choosing templates for emails based on the type of message you're using to promote the latest items or making an announcement however, you are able to create new designs and templates using Content Studio. Content Studio.



Ability to customize the amount of work which is also referred to as customer journeys. There are almost endless opportunities to advertise your company or your product to current customers, for example sending a message with a promotion for cart abandoners as well as to gain new customers. For instance, by using Facebook Ads ads (optionally tied to Zapier).



By taking the idea of e-commerce at a higher stage, MailChimp now also offers an online platform to let you "tell your story, connect with others, and develop your company".


Start with only one software; it takes about 15-20 minutes to set up payment options using Stripe (which allows payments with any major credit card) and only five minutes to customize your shop and start selling. Mailchimp software automates the creation of order confirmations and shipping alerts as well as abandoned cart email messages to your shop.

Mailerlite - Simple things

Pricing and Features

It is marketed as a method to "create web-based marketing campaigns and email newsletters your audience will be able to enjoy", Mailerlite offers digital marketing tools to help you grow your following more quickly and generate higher revenues. The MailerLite team strives to "provide simple solutions to complex jobs" which are simple to utilize and provide efficient in design, with award-winning customer support.

It's free to send 12,000 email messages per month, and up to 1,000 subscribers as well as the Growing Business costs $9/month ($108 for a yearly billing) for unlimited email messages every month to up to 1,000 users as in addition to the Advanced plan is $29 per month ($228 when billed annually) and includes unlimited email messages each month and more than 1,000 subscribers, with various add-ons such as prioritised support or secure sites. For more subscribers, you can incrementally pay more; there's a sliding scale at to see how the pricing changes.

How does it work

When you're signed into MailerLite, MailerLite gives you details on the success of recent campaigns and provides statistics on all active subscribers, the amount of new subscribers as of today and for this month, number of emails delivered, as well as clicks, opens as well as CTOR (click for open) and the number of subscribers who have not signed up and complaints about spam or spam, if there is they have any.


Newsletters for email, also known as Campaigns and are divided into segments that are able to be moved and then dropped in the edit. Some examples of block types are Logo + Content article with Background image and Highlight video. RSS lists one product aligned to left and footer.


Once you're happy with your style, you can select the subscribers who are going to receive the mailer by using simple targeting , or using advanced segmentation such as "Signup Source is API' or 'Signup date is before July'.

Subscribers Subscribers

There are four options to include new subscribers. Import from an CSV or TXT format Copy and paste data from Excel or Excel, then add one subscriber, and import it directly from Mailchimp. Mailerlite's Mailerlite platform will automatically delete the duplicate messages after transfer.


When you've successfully imported or added subscribers, it is possible to divide them up so that they can be targeted with greater accuracy. The segments are continually up-to-date lists of your subscribers according to their characteristics and behaviours. They also allow you to organize your subscribers' list based on preferences or actions. Additionally, you can add customized fields for the storage of any other details.

This section also has there the Stats tab. This is where you can examine the average click rate for each campaign, the average click rate for each campaign, the average month-long subscribe rate and average unsubscribe rate per month.

Formulas and Websites

The form creator within MailerLite lets you design and design pop-up subscription forms which will draw viewers' attention the most efficiently. There's a range of pop-up types that comprise floating bars as well as sliding boxes, and you can choose a time length or duration before the pop-up display.


Additionally, it is possible to make simple landing pages to allow subscribers to sign up or promote old emails in order to increase participation, or create an online survey that will drive customers to engage.


The workflows will send messages based on subscriber's behavior or preference, for example, their birthday or first sign-up. It can also identify users automatically based on their behavior on the site and then use the tags to make groups and segments for specific marketing. It can also sending promotional emails to users who have abandoned their carts.

SendinBlue -- dig into the specifics

Pricing and features

SendinBlue will help in helping you "Be in the same place your clients are and handle all of your digital communications in one place" by combining email marketing , which is a combination of the ability to optimize your sending time, marketing automation CRM , and live chat.

The free plan cost $0 per month for up to 300 email messages each day. This includes unlimited contacts. The Lite plan is priced at $25/month for up to 20,000 emails each month for unlimited contacts as well as email support and A/B test. The Premium plan cost $65/month with up to 20,000 email messages sent to unlimited contact lists that include all features of Lite along with automated emails, Facebook ads, webpages for landing pages, and helpline numbers.

What is the process?

When you log into your account, you will see the dashboard, which contains information for the previous emails. The dashboard shows the name of the campaign, as well as the amount of people who signed up, and the number of recipients, openers, clickers, and subscribers who have not been unsubscribed.


SendinBlue gives the trackable open rate and the number of total tracks open (the users who did not disable Privacy Protection within their email client) in relation to the number estimated of open emails.

Emails (within Campaigns tab)

SendinBlue provides a variety of newsletter layouts, based on the type of content you'd want to convey: an announcement of the launch of a new product and promoting events, or pushing blogs to share content.


There are templates can be picked from the gallery -- they are also available found in the templates section. You can also drag and drop templates to make your own template, or build your own.

Automatization and Transactional

It allows you to create automatized workflows based on a number of factors. Every automation comes with an entry point such as an online purchase that triggers the workflow; some action like sending an email or SMS in response to a specific condition, such as "Is this their first purchase or their first purchase? '.


Each of these elements create workflows that assist to accomplish various tasks, such as welcoming new customers by providing relevant information, providing discounts for an existing customer in order in order to motivate them to engage with the brand, or providing recommendations or upsells to existing customers active.


The are two ways to add contacts into SendinBlue. It is possible to transfer the .csv, .xlsx or .txt file onto your personal computer or copy and paste the contacts from an .xls file. However, you are able to access to these Forms and Landing page functions via this. It is possible to create customized web pages to encourage users to sign-up. It is also possible to create a single contact using their personal information.


The Lists section, in combination with the contact attributes allows you to categorize your clients for sending specific messages. In order to increase open rates it is possible to alter the settings you have set for sending including From Name, Reply-to and Header/Footer per list.


MailChimp, MailerLite, and SendinBlue each of them caters to specific users in the email marketing industry: MailChimp has a breadth of capabilities; MailerLite is lightweight and affordable; SendinBlue is data-driven.

All options serve a different reason, and it's your choice to choose which one will be the most beneficial for you and your viewers. Write with passion!

Research methodology

In our research, we took a look at the most popular four metrics any top email service must be able to provide. When the metrics had been defined and studied, we awarded each of them a score between one to 5 in order to create an overall score that would enable us to classify the metrics. Based on the total score we were able to evaluate and make a decision regarding which ones are the best and warrant additional research.

The measurements These are the 4 steps with detailed explanations of what we believe a top email marketing service should provide:

Speed and ease of beginning

  1. It took an enormous amount of time to set up, including setting up an account and sending the first email?
  2. Was the procedure for performing a more complicated task for example, like creating an online website, clear and concisely laid out?
  3. Does the platform offer a rational and clear way to navigate through the numerous offerings that are available on the platform?

Integration ease and the degree of intelligence

  1. What's the simplest method for connecting the platform to third-party software?
  2. If there's no integrations in place, are they easy to implement? Do APIs are readily accessible?
  3. Are there functions which aren't working? Are you able to easily create an email that appears identical to what you imagine?

Brand positioning

  1. How does the company promote its goods? How can it utilize words and visuals to attract clients?
  2. What types of customers are they trying to lure?


  1. What fees does the software charge? Are there any other processing fees (due to Stripe and similar)?
  2. Are there free tiers or trial? If yes, will you get a full user experience or are there some features that are only accessible to users who pay?

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