Best Automatic Webinar Software (6 Options)

Apr 28, 2022

Course designers utilize automated webinars in order to collect prospective leads and locate participants to their classes on the web. They put carefully crafted webinars in the middle of an ongoing sales funnel. automate the sales processes as much as possible to streamline their sales processes as well as redirect their attention and resources to different activities.

If you're currently using this kind of software and are not satisfied with the tools you're using or want to begin with the most effective tool available to create your own courses This list of 6 top webinar automation platforms for you to contemplate for your course designer to make selecting the best one as easy as it could be.

Jump ahead:

What are the advantages of using automated software to host webinars?

Prior to entering credit card numbers to buy an online course or program and is looking to make sure that they are certain that, when the course is over, the participant becomes a person. They'll be able to do things (or become somebody) completely new and their own transformation will have an impact on their lives.

They're not the best long-term marketing strategy. They're time-consuming , and tiring. There's a limit to how many times in a week or a month, and there's no way to cover all of it. And you can never accommodate everyone's schedule, particularly people in different time zones. While live webinars can be extremely effective for selling classes, they're not sustainable nor adaptable as a method of marketing.

It is, that is, unless, of course, you automate them.

Haley Burkhead, Founder and Director of Recurring Profit is a specialist in helping creators of courses increase the sales of their courses or membership site by using automated webinars, just like she was able to do in her own company. She shares:

In this free webinar that is free for 30-minutes, Haley explains her method and walks you through the no-cost template for webinars she developed in order to help you make an automatic webinar that you can make your own. (Since that the webinar of Haley is automated, by joining it you'll be able to enjoy participating in an automated webinar too! )

What are the main aspects to keep an eye on in automated webinar software

The entire point of having an automated webinar is that it allows it to be accessible at any moment in the day or evening and so that potential clients can attend the webinar at the time that's most convenient to them, which could include starting right away. You or anyone on your staff should not have to be there to facilitate or take part in the event for it to succeed. Even if you aren't attending an event, the webinar needs to be interesting enough to allow people to get drawn through the entire session and eventually become customer for life. To achieve this it is essential that the session includes an interactive element and provide participants with the opportunity to receive answers to their questions. If you can find automated webinar software that makes everything possible, then you're 90 percent towards achieving this.

to assist you with selecting an automated webinar platform to assist you in choosing the right one for you, we've separated those features you should be aware of with the most concentration into four different areas:

  1. Scheduling
  2. Communication
  3. Interactivity
  4. Usability

Full disclosure: This post is a guest post by eWebinar that is the only auto-recording software that is 100% committed to the automation of webinars, and the only one available in the app store. We are, of course strongly biased toward our software, but that's just because we've had the need to deal for a long time with flaws in other programs, and are committed to fixing the issues. However, we are determined to remain as objective as we can when considering different software so that you are able to make an informed decision as you go about picking the best option.


Live webinars are only able plan the event when you're available to hold the webinar. The most important thing is to figure out when it fits in your schedule. When you use webinars that are automated, it's an opposite. Your webinars should be readily accessible at any point that your clients want to see the webinar, which may occur at any time. That's why it's important! Select a software program that gives participants the most freedom in selecting when they can join the webinar.

Five essential questions you need to be asking yourself about the scheduling of features:

  1. Does the software have the scheduling of regular sessions? For instance, having the ability to add an end time, a starting date (with the option of running the webinar continuously) or recurring times for any days of the week (i.e. 10am, 2pm, or 4pm on Tuesdays and Fridays). )?
  2. Do you know how to make the sessions accessible to the time zones of the attendees to ensure that sessions are always at convenient timings during the course of the day no matter the geographical location of participants across the world?
  3. Are they able to provide reliable just-in-time or even on-demand options in order to allow participants to attend a webinar within moments of finding it in an instant of great intent? (This is critical! )
  4. Can people sign up to watch a replay in lieu of taking part in a regular meeting and can observe at any time and even pause, skip ahead, or even view it at two times the speed?
  5. Do you have the ability to allow each of these choices within the same webinar in order that attendees decide the time (and what time and date) they'd like to attend the webinar, so that they will actually will attend? !

It is important to note that the last question is the most significant one of all. Some solutions offer all the above features, however, only a handful solutions allow you to permit each for the identical webinar. For example, some solutions provide webinars that are on-demand, but they're only on-demand and don't allow you to offer scheduled sessions in this same webcast.


If participants are taking part in the webinar, they could imagine or wish to be in the position of having a live chat with anyone. In the simplest case, they'd want to ensure they'll answer their questions promptly. This is a major issue for automated webinars as there is no assurance that you'll be capable of responding to emails in real time. It's not ideal to attend every event to interact with the attendees because it defeats the point of having a 24-hour schedule.

From a sales viewpoint, it's an excellent opportunity you should not miss the opportunity to interact with potential customers in order to address their questions and resolve any objections they may encounter while watching the webcast in addition to taking a decision within the same moment to decide whether or not to purchase your training.

It's then crucial to find software that gives you the best of both options that is the ability to step in and chat live with attendees when you can but the flexibility for responding to messages via email when you aren't able to.

Here are four possible questions to think about when it comes to chat functions of the program that you're considering:

  1. Does it offer the ability to live chat with attendees when you can be notified of most recent chats, as well as an administrator to live chat on mobile devices while travelling?
  2. Are you able to reply to emails sent by guests even if you're not available to talk with them live ( or when your software doesn't support live chat , in a manner which allows you to jump in whenever you want)?
  3. Can the program facilitate conversation with guests through functions like automatic greeting messages, private messagesand even private chat (since people are much more comfortable with asking questions privately rather than in public)? Does it hinder or stop completely?
  4. What does the program do to control expectations of the attendees in the event that you're not in the room for chat (or cannot to communicate with them due to the restrictions of the program) to ensure that they're not leaving with a feeling of unsatisfaction and aren't being heard?

A few softwares support the simulated chat feature, giving illusion that the chat room is live, even though it is not and that an attendee will be able to be contacted by the program, however they are not. It is not recommended to use this option. You don't want to risk losing your reputation.


When you host an online webinar that is automated, you won't take part in the webinar live. It is unlikely that you will be available to interact live with the attendees also. This means your webinar has to be compelling enough to hold viewers' attention even without the presence of your presenter.

An organized, engaging presentation is essential to achieve this. While chat may aid in meeting this goal as well, if you plan to keep people interested until the time of the webinar (which typically is the moment you announce your plan to buy) the program must include interesting elements such as polls, questions, tips and tricks, and more -- which allow them to be a part of the experience. Without these, people will become bored and then leave.

Interactivity serves two purposes. Along with keeping participants entertained the ability to collect data from them provides the ability to gather information from them, like the responses to certain sales questions, feedback about whether or not your webinar has been successful, or details for separating the audience to ensure effective follow-up automated marketing.

In light of these points In light of this, here is some questions you should ask yourself about the capabilities to interact with webinar software automated:

  1. Does the software offer an array of interaction options , like surveys, suggestions for questions as well as guides for downloading, contact forms, downloads as well as more? you have plenty of options at your disposal for keeping your audience entertained?
  2. Does it make sense to include interactions in the webinar or do they overlap and interfere with each other (or are they taking too much time to incorporate when creating the webinar)?
  3. Do they have the ability to respond to the responses of the audience (i.e. "likes) that provide attendees with additional ways to be involved in the event and which, hopefully can be accumulated throughout the time?
  4. Do you have the capability to integrate information you gather from your CRM, or with the software for sending emails to make sure you are able to effectively reach out to participants following the?

Tip: If you're trying to find out if the user experience for your scheduled webinar is enjoyable and interactive in the manner you'd like, you should attend an online webinar that was hosted by the software you are contemplating. Was the program able to keep your attention despite the recording? Do you think you were able to get your questions answered? Did the interaction go one-way and non-interactive, or was it two-way and interactive? Check to see if it's an kind of experience you'd like to offer the clients you serve.


If you've tried webinar software before, you'll know that it's difficult to master. While evaluating the programs, make sure you're confident with the learning process and the difficulty or easy it is to utilize on a regular basis.

Our suggestion for the best method of assessing the ease with which the software for webinars is to use is to register to try it for absolutely free, and make a webcast on your own with no instructions. Once you're done and are satisfied, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What did it take you? More than 10 minutes?
  2. The amount of times it takes you to click to display the available options? More than 10 times?
  3. Do you have to reach out for help?
  4. Do you have to view a video for help?
  5. Do you believe it's easy to keep track of exactly where everything is even if you need to return in the web site to make changes?
  6. Can you imagine what the finished product was likely to look like for your audience as you worked on it? Do you have to guess?
  7. What does the entire experience affect you? Frustrated and confused? Perhaps it helped put you at ease regarding the curve of learning?

This type of task particularly with regard to two different products that are different, is extremely interesting. Be cautious when you are in your evaluation of software as it may impact the choice you make over the course of your existence.

Noting: Although the features that we have discussed previously are the most crucial to consider when choosing automated webinar software however, there is a number of additional features that you have be aware of to determine if you get the features that meet your expectations. There are registration sites as well as widgets for registering (especially when you plan to utilize third-party registration pages), email notifications, integrations (if you're using CRM or email marketing platform) and analytics.

Top 6 webinar software that automatizes systems

This is a listing of the top six automated webinar software programs you can think about using to boost the amount of revenue generated by your online training or any other programs. Each of these products is described below in the perspective to three out of four feature categories mentioned in the preceding section: Scheduling, Communications and Interactivity.

We've focused on Usability in the context of eWebinar (our proprietary software) as we feel it's something you should to try before taking a final decision. Once you've narrowed your options down to two possibilities, it is possible to register for an absolutely free trial. You can also create an automated webinar in every product. Check out the questions within this portion of the article for guidance your.

Now, here is the complete list of items with the order they prefer:

  1.      eWebinar
  2.      EasyWebinar
  3.       Demio
  4.       WebinarGeek
  5.       EverWebinar
  6.      BigMarker

Note on pricing: Most courses creators provide a single, online sales and marketing seminar that's automated. This table lists for each item the monthly cost in the event you were to do similar. Certain products don't offer automated webinars at their low tier. Certain products offer discounts when you purchase each year.

1. eWebinar

eWebinar is completely focused on automated webinars. The program was developed completely from scratch to meet this purpose, eWebinar is the only program that is automated on this list, and it comes with all features and is fully compatible with all the specifications that are listed above.

If you're interested in learning the fundamentals of eWebinar, or simply test it by yourself, as an attendee, join our 20-minute on-demand demo , or sign up for a free trial. eWebinar has been rated five stars on Capterra. Check out the user reviews.   eWebinar

eWebinar Visit eWebinar

Scheduling: It is possible to activate all the crucial scheduling functions at the same time in every webinar you run to give your viewers the most extensive choice in the time and date they wish to take part in your webinar. These features are the ability to create a regular schedule (that will show the current duration of the session in the participant's local time zone) and also online-only webinars, as well as webinar replays.

Communication: eWebinar's chat option is the best and distinct feature. It works in a way that you're informed each time you receive a message (by mail, browser notifications or in Slack when you've created an integration). If you're not connected to your PC and you're not connected to your computer, you'll be in situation to swiftly respond through chat admin, which can be accessed via mobile devices (or via the Slack app on your mobile). If you or your group aren't free to chat live, you can reply afterward and the person who attended will get your response via email. The software you use is the sole one that gives this level of flexibility. Chat features are also unique, including automated welcome messages, scheduled personal messages as well as an automatic responder that can be unlimited, staff members that can assist you in controlling chat, and the option to email transcripts of chats.

Interactivity eWebinar offers twelve different kinds of interaction. This is more than the other software, so your webinars are exciting enjoyable, entertaining and fun. Utilize them to collect vital information from your viewers in addition to boosting your webinar's viewing time up to 90% or greater.

The interface of eWebinar is straightforward and simple. It's a straightforward five-step guide that walks you through the entire webinar process. These features are not hidden within accordions or sub-tabs. The user can view all your options in only 8 clicks , and then review your presentation when you are done. A typical time the setup of their initial eWebinar less than 10 minutes, without any instructions.

Pricing & Packages:
  • 14-day trial for free
  • Level 1 - $49/month
  • Level 2 - $99/month
  • Level 3 - $199/month
  • Level 4 - $225/month and up
Other Specific Features to Consider:
  • Only one product is in line with the requirements and meets all of the requirements that are described in this article.
  • The only product which directly connects to and is located on their application store
  • It includes 3 webinar templates and many other free resources specifically designed to aid creators of course.

2. EasyWebinar

EasyWebinar provides live and automatized webinars. This is a great choice for course designers, particularly people who are new to the field of webinar marketing.

EasyWebinar is scored 4.4 out of 5 on Capterra. Read the feedback.    EasyWebinar

EasyWebinar Click here to EasyWebinar

Scheduling: EasyWebinar has scheduled session which allow attendees to replay their local time zones in addition to just-in time registrations.

Communication: They do not offer live chat in their automated webinars, though it is possible to respond to messages from attendees through emails.

Interactivity EasyWebinar provides two kinds of interaction, polls and deals.

Pricing & Packages:
  • 14-day trial trial trial trial trial trial trial is free for 14 days
  • Standard - $78/month
  • Professional - $129/month
  • Enterprise - $499/month
Other Specific Features to Consider:
  • Convert recorded webinars into webinars that are automated through the platform
  • Offers four registration page designs that were specifically designed to be used in sales webinars.
  • Social share incentive to help drive more website traffic

3. Demio

Demio is mostly known for its live webinar service however it has evolved to allow automated webinars. It's most loved by SaaS businesses.

Demio scores 4.8 out of five ratings on Capterra. Take a look at the user feedback. Demio

Demio Go to Demio

Communications and Scheduling: Chat and Scheduling features are tied to each other in Demio and offer two primary paths:

  1. An ongoing schedule as well as live chat (though you must join each chat to be able to join)
  2. webinars on demand and the capacity to address the participants' questions by email

Interactive Demio has three types of interactions: CTAs (which could be utilized for your purchase offer) and hands-outs and polls.

Pricing & Packages:
  • 14-day free trial
  • Starter - $49/month
  • The rate of growth is $99 per month.
  • Premium. Contact us for more information on prices.
Other features that are worth noting:
  • You can either schedule your webcast or offer it at any time
  • Contemporary design and simple set-up procedure
  • Knowledge base, which includes an extensive document library and excellent assistance

4. WebinarGeek

WebinarGeek is a complete web-based solution for webinars that can provide live and also automated webinars.

WebinarGeek offers 4.6 out of five rating on Capterra. Check out the user reviews.    WebinarGeek

WebinarGeek Go to WebinarGeek

Scheduling There are two choices when it comes to scheduling your webinars in WebinarGeek that are mutually exclusive scheduling repeating sessions within the timezones of the attendees or scheduling only sessions on demand.

communications: Similar to scheduling There are two mutually exclusive options for how you set chat in WebinarGeek Live chat only (with emails advising you of any the latest messages) OR questions of attendees being sent via emails.

Interactivity WebinarGeek offers four types of interactions: CTAs as well as polls, info boxes, and questions.

Pricing & Packages:
  • Free 14-day trial trial
  • Starter - $22/month
  • Premium - $67/month
  • Advanced - Contact for pricing
Other Features Notable to Note:
  • Make a live webcast, and then build an automated webinar
  • Consistently editable experience across emails and on the registration page
  • Simulated chat provides attendees with the illusion of watching an actual live webinar

5. EverWebinar

EverWebinar is a tool for automated webinars from Genesis Digital a company that also produces live webinar software called WebinarJam.

EverWebinar is evaluated at 3.8 out of 5 stars on Capterra. Review the comments.    EverWebinar

EverWebinar Visit EverWebinar

Scheduling EverWebinar supports a recurring schedule which includes sessions that are in the participants' time zone session, as well as sessions that are just-in-time. replays.

Communications: EverWebinar does not have live chat. Attendees are able to send inquiries to the email address you have provided in replays, however only for.

Interactivity EverWebinar contains seven different kinds of interactions , such as handouts, stickies surveys, offer and announcement banners and handouts.

Pricing & Packages:
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Monthly Plan $99/month
  • Annual Plan - $42/month
  • Biennial Plan - $34/month
Other Notable Features:
  • Import recordings of live webinars using WebinarJam and then use them for evergreen webinars
  • The templates for registration pages are available in the library and have the ability to split the templates into tests
  • Simulation of live chat, simulation of sales notification

6. BigMarker

BigMarker is a webinar platform and virtual event platform that is an industry leader for live webinars as well as events.

BigMarker is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on Capterra. Read the reviews of users.  HTML0 is a BigMarker. BigMarker

BigMarker Go to BigMarker

Scheduling BigMarker allows a recurring schedule with sessions held within the location of the attendees, or in just-in time sessions. replays (though replays need to be created as separate webinars).

Communication: BigMarker has public, live chat that allows users to send messages by Slack or SMS of recent messages. The company does not provide the option of responding to attendees' concerns through email after the event.

Interactivity : BigMarker offers eight kinds of interactions: Handouts, polls, and questions and sticky notes. It also provides chat messages, attendance tracking, as well as after-webinar feedback.

Pricing & Packages:
  • Trial for free for 7 days
  • Starter - $99/month
  • Elite - $189/month
  • Premier - $399/month
  • White Label - Contact us for pricing
Other Notable Features:
  • Slack integration allows you to reply to chats in public.
  • Emoji audience reactions
  • Attendance monitor surveys and after-webinars


No matter which software you decide to use for your webinar and we'd like you to are willing to accept (if you haven't already) the power of an automated funnel to sell webinars. One of the most difficult challenges that creators of webinars are faced with is figuring out ways to boost the number of sales and revenue they generate when they've reached their limit in terms of what they're able to achieve on their own by sheer determination. Automated webinars are a proven way to push past these boundaries to achieve higher goals as well as revenues. And that's not even mentioning the benefits of time-saving!

We at eWebinar we're driven by the growth of our instructors as well as course creators. We've have put together this complete guide to help you get acquainted with the automated webinars available with our platform, should you opt to test us. We encourage you to join this live, 20-minute webinar for a better understanding about eWebinar , and to discover how it operates. When you're ready to sign up, simply sign-up for a free trial and begin. We look forward to helping you with your goal of simplifying your life and increasing your profits!

This post was first seen on here