An Introduction to the equipment needed for online courses (2023) |

Mar 21, 2023

"Lights, camera, action!"

"Wait! What lights and camera do I need ?"

If you're just getting started with your initial online class, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the technology. Many people are working on it in various ways - how can you ensure that your course is set and running?

It's true that many course creators need less equipment than they think they do. You can actually create a fantastic course from your phone - without anything other than (okay perhaps some headphones to microphone ).

Perhaps you've an amount of money to invest and you're wondering where to focus.

This beginner's guide on tools for online classes, we'll discuss the equipment that you require to create your course. It will assist you in determining what to consider when establishing your online course and provide something that fits your budget.

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        The post...    

    What do I need to create an online course?

    A must-have tool for online courses


      Screen capture software


      Software for teaching courses

      Other Gear

    Ready to get started?

What is the minimum requirement to make an online course?

When you're trying to figure out the elements you'll need to develop an online course like we mentioned in the introduction that you may need less than you imagine.

There are no rules here. So long as you and your students are satisfied with the learning experience and receive the results they require, you're golden.

Some instructors have top of the line video gear. Some create epic, memorable courses with their phone.

You do you.

Here are the essential equipment we'll be covering in this post:


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The most important equipment needed for online courses


If you are in a course that requires being on camera as a person in any way then you'll need a video camera. It's likely that you're making a standard talking head or presenter video where your face speaking is the only thing your viewers see.

It is also possible to require an camera when you're doing something you can't show in front of a monitor. As an example, a cooking course would likely need a camera to video food prep. The painting class could also mean that your camera will be pointed towards your painting canvas.

Here are a few options that cameras can use:

Phones or webcams

Starting from the most budget phones, a webcam or phone provides a user-friendly camera. Thanks to modern technology - most phones come with top-quality cameras. Indeed, many users who use Instagram are making cinema-quality movies using their smartphones.

equipment for online courses - phone camera

If you're looking to use an online camera, the built-in on your laptop might be okay. But do a test. A lot of webcam presenters opt to upgrade to a better webcam, which is connected to USB.

It's going to be about lighting below, but if you only create using your phone or webcam concentrate on two basic things: the light and the mic.

To lighten up, you can get great quality by just standing in front of a window. Windows are a popular strategy to create natural light on video. Be close enough and let that stunning light wash your face.

Or, if you're performing your presentation in the dark or in a dark space You could opt for an ear light to illuminate your phone or webcam.


Camcorders used to be huge, loud things you would stick the cassette tape in - are we dating ourselves here?

But you can now conveniently purchase a tiny, sleek camcorder that will record stunning HD video and fit in an individual's palm.

You would then transfer the video to your personal computer. However, it is possible to hook up a camcorder to function like a webcam.

Go to your nearest electronic retailer for inexpensive cameracorders.


There are many excellent video cameras there, but DSLRs are quite common. The past was when an SLR camera, also known as a single lens reflex - was a essential item for anyone who wanted to be a serious photographer. The camera would have a camera body which could be fitted with interchangeable lenses.

equipment for online courses - SLR

Now, digital SLR cameras provide the same experience. You can switch to higher-quality lenses and all of it can be transferred to a portable flash drive, or laptop. If you're in search of an extremely high-quality course film, you should consider a DSLR camera is probably a must.

Screen-capture software

If you're going to present anything on the screen it is necessary to use some form or screen recording. These are some possibilities for showing screens as part of your class.

Video conferencing

Many people find that video conferencing software will be the simplest way to get screen capture into your course. When you examine the standards in the market such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams, they've got screen share built-in. It could be as easy as making your slideshow in PowerPoint as well as Google Slides and sharing it while you show it.

The thing that makes this an attractive option is that you got everything in one place. Your sound, webcam or cell phone video, as well as your screen sharing are all together.

This conferencing platform also gives you easy ways to record, meaning you can download a recording of your lesson too. If you're teaching live, it's awesome to be able to download an audio recording that you can share with your class following. Like, for instance, a tool such as Zoom allows you to send a password-protected URL of your presentation after the fact.

or, if you're using an awesome LMS like Mighty or Mighty, it's easy to add the Zoom film or live-stream recording right to the course.

If you're searching for the most formal screen-capture software, check out options like Camtasia, Loom, Scribe or the Snag It.


Your microphone is among the most vital aspects. The research shows that the majority of people stay on a video that's scratchy. However, a video that has terrible sound quality that hurts your ears? People are going to leave that so fast that it's just not funny.

The good news for you as a course creator is that it's actually not easy to achieve high-quality sound. Here are some of your possibilities.

Built-in microphone

The most popular choice we'd recommend. Sure, your mobile or computer comes with a built-in mic. But chances are, it's not great quality. It's likely to be located far from your mouth. This means there's a lot of room for your microphone to hear every sound in the background of your room, cars going by, dogs barking, and any other electronic interference.

Try not to use an integrated microphone if you are able to stop to prevent it.


A better choice, especially if you're on a budget, is a headset that plugs into your computer or headphones for your phone or personal computer. A low-end headset can put the microphone right next to your lips, where it's much more likely to be able to detect interference. This results in better sound quality.

And if you have premium headphones, like AirPods. You've included a great microphone in.

First, test to ensure that the headphones are sounding fine. However, the majority of contemporary headphones equipped with a microphones will do an adequate job.

Lapel mic

Another option is small improvement. You might opt for a lapel mic. A lapel mic clips to your collar or shirt, getting right next to your mouth. The company is also building really good condenser mics for lapels which means you'll get top-quality sound.

Picking a lapel mic over your headphone mic is also a way to ensure that you don't have to have things stuck inside your ear - something may be what you prefer.

The best news? Lapel microphones aren't expensive. You can think anywhere between $12 and $100.

Desktop USB condenser

Another option in this middle price range that is the preferred choice for a lot of podcasters, is a desktop USB condenser. In contrast to a lapel microphone, that is attached to your shirt, a USB condenser microphone sits on the desk in front of you. It easily plugs into your computer, which is great. And usually, it will be able to attach to your desk via a clamp.

equipment for online courses - condenser mic

Condenser microphones for USB give you amazing quality and audio podcasts, particularly in the event that you place your lips close to the microphone. It's a disadvantage that you'll need a huge microphone to use in your photo.

This bugs some people but others are fine with it. It is important to determine what style of presentation you prefer.

Shotgun mic

The final option some creators use is a shotgun mic. The best thing about shotgun mics is that they are able to produce high-quality audio in a distance. Usually, you would sit behind it on top of a camera, they can even be connected directly to a DSLR. If you're recording using a laptop or phone You can purchase a stand for the shotgun mic.

The best thing about shootinggun mics is that it solves issues you face when using a lapel microphone or with a USB desk.

When you are moving around using a lapel mic, the mic will pick up static and popping. Shotgun mics don't.

And, if you are not a fan of the look of a condenser microphone from a USB on your photo, shootgun mics sit back out of your way and are virtually invisible to viewers.

The drawback? good shotgun microphones are among of the more expensive choices in this selection. To get one that is able to do what it is supposed to do then you could be looking at anywhere from $50 to $250.

Program for courses

The final thing you'll need to create an web-based course is a type of course software. There's an array of choices available, however the very best course software options will let you do three main things include creating courses, charging for courses, and host classes...

Naturally, those who choose to use the top of them have plenty of amazing alternatives. But , let's get into that below!


If you're teaching an online, traditional course, then a learning management system is pretty vital.

 - Graphics - MC Courses Paired Dark

Learning management systems are an outline of a course that is interactive. It shows you the units and lessons of the course and let users switch between the lessons and units. It also has features such as making sure that a lesson is complete, evaluations, and commenting on individual lessons A good LMS is the key to making Asynchronous course accessible for students.

Live stream

On the other hand, if you are teaching a live course - AKA an online course, you will require an online streaming service! It should be able to connect to the camera, microphone, and other tech to give your students a great experience!

 - Graphics - Courses and live streaming - Galaxy DAO

Some course platforms, like Mighty has native live streaming built in. But, unfortunately, they do not all offer the feature. Therefore, if this is something you value make sure you choose the right platform.

Live streaming directly onto your course platform is second to none. But you can also integrate using videoconferencing software like Zoom.


A major component of online courses will be hosting it. Except if you're delivering it via YouTube that is great but not very good A modern platform for courses can provide you with a great place to host your class.

This makes it easy to serve it up to your customers, ensuring your members have an unforgettable experience. You can know it's going to appear when they try to find it.


There's a reason why YouTube is a problem. Google Meet and Google Meet just can't keep up with a course platform. A good course platform will include a point of sale included. This means that you can develop offers for students, gate content and courses, and most importantly, you will transfer the funds directly into your Stripe account or your bank account.

Find things such as straightforward landing pages, rapid sales process, as well as options to sell your courses in various currencies.


One final topic we'll be talking about here is community. At Mighty We make it possible to incorporate a community into every course.

It's likely that many people who buy online courses don't finish them. When you're stuck, it's difficult to get help.

Adding a community to your course means a group of people going through the same experience and often asking similar questions. Your students will receive support and follow-through as they progress through the course.

Perhaps the best part is that they'll come away with their friends!

Other Gear

Let's complete this with some other gear you might think about - but do not necessarily NEED.


Also, as we stated earlier, if you don't have money for lighting it is possible to get amazing results using a window. Place yourself in front of it facing the wall. Then, set your camera or phone facing your.

If you're presenting in a dimly lit space, then the next most affordable solution for lighting your video would be a ring light. Ring lights have become popular over the past few years with streamers as well as video creators because they are basic, usually small lighting which can aid in creating professional looking videos. Ring lights are typically inexpensive!

Ring light that circles your faceand creates an softer glow than if you were to point towards your head with a flashlight (which we don't advise).

Last, but not least when you're searching for higher-end lighting, you'd be thinking about things like soft lights, light boxes as well as backlights. There's an entire art of lighting videos, which will not be discussed here.


The last but certainly not last - but certainly not least, you may need the help of a stand. If you're giving a presentation using your smartphone, you'll need an unshakeable video stream. Video that is recorded with a handheld device can be unstable - not to mention the arm can get tired when you've been doing it for a long time. The placement of it up on a window or table can be done if you're on a budget.

Or, if you're building your own rig, you could want to invest in an appropriate tripod. They can be designed to suit any camera is in your possession, whether you're using the screw-on base on a DSLR or clip to phones. The tripod can be a lifesaver for course designers and might be worthy of adding to your "to purchase" list of gear.

Are you ready to begin?

If you're eager to get started I hope this short guide to equipment for online learning has helped you. When you're done with your day, there's no need to overthink it. Between modern tech and software for courses it is possible to build an empire of courses from your mobile if wish!

If you're looking to begin building, and give Mighty the chance! We've got everything you require to create a synchronous or asynchronous course - that's recorded live or pre-recorded. Our Spaces are flexible and offer an incredible learning management platform, native live streaming, amazing member profilesand integrated live events. Not to forget a robust community engine, with discussion and chats, as well as messaging and much more.

It's easy to build selling pages and market your course. And you can charge in one of the 135 currencies available, or even using token gating. The app is beautiful to run on any device, so that you could run your entire operation from your mobile should you wish to.

And it's totally free to trial during 14 days! No credit card required.