7 Video Metrics You Need to Know in 2021 and Beyond

Oct 26, 2023

The world is expected to watch three trillion online video minutes per month by 2021's end, which is five million years of video each month. This is roughly one million minutes of video per second. This is a huge thing. Since marketers are creating videos, the most important measures of effectiveness in video have never been more important.

This goes beyond total number of views and expands on the basis of how to comprehend the details of the viewer's journey. In this post, I'll review the key videos metrics that you should look into to maximize your video performance.

What are video metrics?

Performance analytics are used to measure the performance of your video. that help you to both understand and measure the impact of your film. This gives you key insight into the overall performance of your video. The metrics typically include percent and average time of view duration of viewers that actually watched your video. Detailed video metrics can change the way you previously measured the effectiveness of your videos.

Important video metrics and analytics to measure effectiveness

Videos will comprise seventy percent of all mobile traffic in 2022. If you're able to achieve such a large percentage, filtering success beyond viewing time is crucial. More important information elements to be analyzed that influence your video strategies. We'll review the key metrics you need to know that analyze and expose how your customers view your videos.

1. View Count

This is by far the most standard metric and it just scratches the surface. It gives you the total quantity of the times your video has been watched. Your viewers will determine the general reach of the video. If you want to generate awareness then to a huge audience, then this is the gold measure.

The thing that can make it confusing with view count is how views are counted depending on which channel(s) that you're watching. For example, on one channel, a view can count at 3 seconds, while on another it counts a view in 30 minutes. This is something to be considered especially when using multiple video mediums. Here are 3 tips to help boost your view count:

  1. Share your video on social media. Make sure you use a specific hashtag for the purpose of identifying the video to your name. Choose to go organic or use sponsored social media ads.
  2. Send your video through email. If you already have a mailing list, send your video out to create a formal campaign for marketing. Add a CTAs to motivate your followers to share the video on the social media network they are on.
  3. Work with relevant influencers. Find relevant partnerships with influencers. Invite them to share your content in posts or stories to introduce your brand's name to their followers.

2. Audience retention

The retention of an audience is the amount of video is watched by viewers. In the beginning, if the quality of your video is weak and there are drop-offs in viewership and drop offs, your audience retention will take the hit. For this to be put into numbers let's say you just posted a video that's eight minutes in length. If your viewers view the video on average for 4 minutes, your Audience Retention for that video is 50percent.

In order to increase retention, begin your film with a strong hook to draw your viewers in. A good hook grabs the attention of viewers instantly, which makes people want to watch more. Here are some examples of how different types of hooks perform:

  • Standard Teaser. You've seen this countless times with hooks like: "And later in this video, I'll demonstrate how you can lose 10lbs within a week".
  • Sneak Peak Start off. Begin your video with a mash of big events that will be revealed at a certain time later on in the video, without giving any details away. Think of how you watch a preview for a tv show or movie.
  • An informative and useful upfront value. This is a straightforward technique that is often used in instructional videos "In this video you're going to learn how to make your own candles."

3. Impressions

Videos impressions occur when an image appears on a person's screen commonly as an advertisement. However, in some instances they're an action-based metric and are determined by a visitor just looking at the video's pop-up.

If your goal is to use your video as an advertising campaign, you'll need to be aware of the impression metrics. Here are some basic ways you would analyze at these metrics measure the performance of campaigns using video:

  • Check the frequency the pay-per click video ads appeared for search queries
  • Find out how frequently ads for videos appear on social media
  • Analyze metric data from the use of websites that are third party such as Pinterest and Google.

4. Click Through Rate (CTR)

It is common to consider email marketing when we hear the term click-through rate (CTR). But in the case of videos, a CTR is the percentage of viewers who click the call-to-action button in the video's the video.

A video CTR gives an exact indicator of the success the video you have created is in encouraging viewers to act. Your call to action should then be relevant to the content of topic, tone as well as the overall look and feel. If the call to action is out of context, it's not going to get a positive response from your viewers. Here are some ways to use CTRs in your video content:

  • Layout and put in your CTA. Make it visually attractive, so it is noticeable. It is possible to place your CTA on different locations in the video. If you make enough modifications, continue with what works.
  • Focus on the engagement of your users first. If your data show drops offs before seeing your CTA then other work has to be completed on the contents.
  • Write compelling CTA copy. It should be relevant to the video's content. One of the last things you would like to do is to confuse your viewers.

5. Play the game at your own pace.

If you wish to get a specific percent of your audience to play for your video, the play rate is the metric that you can use to determine the quality of your video. Play rates are the percentage of visitors to your site who clicked play and began watching your video.

This is an excellent measure of how relevant your video content is to the specific location in which it is placed and also how effective in entices viewers to watch. Marketo breaks down play rate in an easy formula:

 Play Rate =  percent of people who clicked on and watched the video divided by the % of people who visited the page of landing.

6. Engagement Rate

Engagement metrics are generally the most well-known and crucial to measure. This is where you can get know how powerful the video is. The rate is based on the typical view duration and percentage of your video that people actually watch. Another formula estimates engagement rates:

  • Engagement rate = total watch time/total number of video plays ( including replays)
  • Be aware of your viewers' expectations. If an audience member is expected to be informed or watch a how-to video, and instead, is being sold to, odds are they will drop off.
  • Cut out the excess. Make sure your videos are short and to the point.
  • Identify peak engagement points. If there are commonalities as the times that viewers skip or cease to watch, determine what the reason is and then make modifications. C

If your engagement level isn't high at first Do not get upset for it. Keep in mind that the main purpose behind your video over all other things for it to grow in popularity over time.

7. Duration of view average and end time

Don't forget to include the duration of your average viewing. This is the sum of the viewing time for your video multiplied by the number of plays that the video has, including replays. The metric measures the ability of your video to maintain the interest of viewers through the entire video. The metric is typically found as an "watch time" report from the video software and comes with specific time marks.

The most important YouTube metrics to be aware of

YouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine in the world in the world, just behind Google. Where YouTube's metrics for videoshine is when it comes to insights into the audience, views and click-through rates. These metrics are essential for any savvy YouTuber.

  • Youtube offers a detailed report on audience for you to understand the demographics of your viewers. Make use of this information as a reference in creating and perfecting videos.
  • An impression is recorded each time someone sees the thumbnail image of your video. Be sure that your thumbnail is eye-catching and relevant to your video content.
  • When there is a high number of clicks that's an excellent sign that your thumbnail and keywords work. As a best practice keep it in mind to look over previous videos to see if they have anything in common. This will help you determine what is and isn't working.

Key metrics to know

  • Advanced video analytics can help you understand viewer behavior from any location and what devices they are using to watch.
  • Explore your analytics to learn what your videos are doing to be noticed.

Lead generation through video Setting KPIs

  • Play rate goal Find out what the best play rate is for your particular video. If you are using more than one video platform, remember that different platforms measure plat rates differently.
  • Conversion targets: This is the percentage of viewers that become customers. It can be difficult to quantify, however in the case of including videos on a landing page, A/B-testing CTA's may increase click-through-rates so you have an idea of the most effective. If your viewers are engaged with your content more, they are likely to have a higher chance of converting to customers.

Social media video metrics to be aware of

Videos and social media go hand in hand. The metrics of video analytics in social media goes beyond comments and likes. Just like any other metric, you have to focus on what will work for your brand. Always think about what you intend to accomplish by putting your videos posted on social media. Below are some of the key metrics on social media to get familiar with:

  • Reach of the Audience:Reach measures how many users your video was shown to. It alone can help you determine the number of people who will view your video. Although a big audience can be beneficial, reach really only gets more effective when you measure it against other metrics similar to yours.
  • Number of Followers:Keep a close eye on your followers when releasing the video. Make sure that your followers respond to, share and like your posts. Influence from social media can spread like wildfire and sharing content will only improve your ranking in the algorithm. This leads to an increase in your audience. If your audience isn't increasing with each new video, a modification to the content might be necessary.
  • Engagement:This is a huge number. It is a measure of the volume of engagement on social media about your content and brand. Are users having discussions about your video? Are they sharing your video as well as re-tweeting or commenting? Be aware of your intentions with social media with regard to engagement. Find the right balance between creating interactivity and sharing video content.

Wrapping up

We've got a lot of information available to us. There's never been a better time to measure and understand the effects of video. The variety and kinds of metrics may seem overwhelming, remember to stick on the ones that are relevant to your needs. It's not necessary to use each metric, but remain open to results.