7 ELearning Strategies to Beware of

Anyone who decides to create an e-learning course, does it with the best intention.
They would like the course to be fun and also efficient.
However, it's not a requirement to take place.
There is a good chance that at one point or another you've experienced a negative experience when it comes to online learning.
It could be that the course isn't designed to be interactive or, sometimes, it's due to the excessive amount of "bells and whistles" in the course.
It's very easy to fall short in the process of creating a course.
It's helpful to know there are some steps you can take to ensure that your business will not be affected by the same issues.
The most frequent "traps" to avoid absolutely at all cost, starting with...
excessive text Text divided into paragraphs is not an excellent concept. If you can, break large chunks of text using pictures including bullet points icons charts, and bullet points.
pointless Animation - The fact that you are able to create things that move on screen does not mean that it is in motion. It could be distracting.
Random Gamification Use of points and badges to encourage learners through their courses has shown to be effective but only if they are correctly employed. Unintentional badges and rewards appearing in a screen that lacks context about the purpose of the display could be seen as distraction.
Courses are Too Long Courses are too long There aren't many individuals willing to enroll in an online course for more than one hour. If you've more than one hour of content in your class, divide it up into "Part 1" along with "Part 2".
Referred to as GLAD Solutions
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