4 Reasons why your business should consider switching from PayPal to a Full-Service Business Partner

Aug 28, 2023

Ecommerce sales are already growing rapidly. To take advantage of the growth in sales, many online businesses are working hard to ensure they've covered every aspect. A question asked frequently is when enterprises should look at switching over from accepting payment through a solution such as PayPal as well as converting to a comprehensive ecommerce platform.

Keep reading to learn the 4 reasons why your company ought to consider switching to PayPal to a fully-service partner like .

1. It's time to sell globally

When you let your customers pay using their preferred payment method, your online store will reduce the chance of second guessing during the checkout process since you're offering shoppers payment methods they're already accustomed to using.

2. You Need to Reduce Cart The Abandonment of Your Website

The high rate of abandonment from shopping carts will directly affect your sales potential. If you're ready to move on to the next phase of development, you must ensure that you're doing everything possible to boost revenue from your store online.

's full-service ecommerce platform was designed to offer your customers with an easy checkout process so that they are able to easily make purchases. Actually, as per a Baymard Institute study on abandoned checkout rates at 26 percent, users have abandoned purchases if the checkout process is too lengthy or complex. With the pop-up checkout feature that allows your customers to complete their purchase directly on your website without needing access a third-party website. This not only helps decrease the amount of steps required to make the purchase, but having your checkout can also help instill more trust in the process by reassuring your customers that they're donating their money to a reputable business.

3. Do You Have the Desire to Provide Branded Check-out Experiences

In addition to the ability to modify the checkout pages by incorporating your company's logo as well as colours, customized checkouts can also constantly update checkout information such as the currency, language, taxes, and pricing depending on the place of your client.

The integrated localization has been designed to make checkout as frictionless as possible. International shoppers no longer have to go through the trouble of converting prices between different currencies or have to worry about manually applying the correct tax rates to what they purchase online since 's checkout system is constantly updating this data.

4. You'll need Merchant of Record Services for Your Online Store

The popularity of PayPal among buyers as well as its the ease of integration makes it a great choice to think about when your online shop is in search of an online payment processor. However, if you're looking to control your entire ecommerce operations from one intuitive website, you're best served by partnering with an ecommerce company that offers full-service such as .