11 Keys to Effective Online Course Design

Mar 3, 2023

Leigh Metcalf was running a storefront with a bricks and mortar fabric shop and an e-sewing studio in Atlanta at the time Covid struck, bringing businesses that were conducted in person to an end. Leigh Metcalf was looking for ways to bring her company online, but realized that her store thrived on in-person classes.

They were loved by everyone. They were, in fact, the largest part of sales for Leigh.

And then Leigh was thinking, "I've got to get the classes on-line and come up with some method to endure what is most likely to be an experience-based retail disaster experienced-based."

This was possible thanks to the membership-based community Topstitch Makers, which launched in the year 2020 . It was a space for her classes to be offered as well as community and live events! Then, Topstitch has grown into an online company which surpasses Leigh's live workshops along with her online store. Also, the classes Leigh taught in the shop are now available online, and are designed for scale. They include classes that are recorded, such as "Beginner Essentials" and sewalongs that live every month.

If you're only beginning to creating online courses, it's a daunting learning experience. Perhaps, you're like Leigh who is facing an ever-changing market, and needs to develop different ways of conducting business. Perhaps you're a brand-new designer of your own course, who's not done this before, yet have something to share with all of the world. There's a good chance that you've seen stories, or come across gurus with 6-figure launch plans or sales templates you could take. And while those resources might prove useful, you're probably considering "How could I make courses that customers are willing to pay for , and later tell their colleagues about the course?" ?"

That's the crux. This is the subject we're going to talk about. In Mighty we've got thousands successful communities. A lot of hosts find that online courses form essential to their businesses. So, in this post, we'll share some of our tips in order to design effective online courses.

If you want more support for building your community Come join OUR Mighty Community for free to meet new as well as established community experts! We'd like to to know you. Join us for free!

In this post...

     1. Be part of a community

     2. Know your learning outcomes

     3. Know when to steer clear of the learning outcome

     4. Let your students create real-world objects

     5. Which is your ideal candidate for a student?

     6. Design a Statement with a Big Purpose

     7. Check out a course with a class

     8. Let your audience dictate format

     9. Mix mediums

     10. Be sure to leave room

     11. Select your preferred platform

     Are you ready to start?

1. Join a community

Ryder Carroll had struggled with ADD throughout his entire life. When he was growing up and was unable to discover many resources to assist him with managing his thoughts. At some point, the author developed his own way of organizing his thoughts - which the concept was described as bullet journaling. Today, Ryder runs BuJo U that offers bullet journaling classes online within it, where he guides new journalers to master the art of bullet journaling.

The course, however, isn't just a standalone course. Ryder included the course within an active community of 750 members who all are supportive of one another as well as making new connections and growing in their skills.

Ryder's tale doesn't stand out as unique. There are a lot of people love courses THAT ARE part of a community! Community is more than the mere ability to connect to other people. Communities that are based around courses are more suited to getting their hands on their latest skill.


For a better answer, let's examine the difficulties associated with a conventional recorded ( asynchronous ) online class:


  • No accountability, so people quit.
  • No one is there to assist you for you when you're stuck.
  • There is no way to get into the information.
  • It's lonely. It's lonely while you're on a monitor and you attempt to enhance your abilities.
  • The instructor doesn't seem to be engaging. The teacher talks to you, not with you.

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However, what is the result when you include an online community into a course? All of a sudden the issues are resolved. Without changing the course the course itself, the addition of an existing community increases the chances that students attend, do the task, and observe the changes. Additionally, they will have options to be engaged, receive answers to their questions, and find people to connect with.

     Begin your Free Trial

2. Know your learning outcomes

Do you recall the moment you were given a report card when you were a child and it was often a list of the educational results written on it? The report card would include things such as:


  • It is a completely independent system.
  • Focus on the task at hand
  • Completes work within the time that was allotted.

Learning outcomes are also known as. In traditional schools, we'd write with letter grades, so that teachers could inform little Jimmy's parents about the exact grades Jimmy performed in comparison to other students.

The best online courses require that the outcome of learning be present as well. The learning outcomes do not have to be identical to those that appear on your report card.

It could be due to the design of practical learning outcomes. The standard educational goal was aligned with standard assessments. Therefore, you were tested on knowledge acquisition (e.g. What do you think it would take for you'll be able to tell the difference between states? Jimmy could remember all 50 states? ).

One of the great things of online learning is that the vast majority of them are directed toward practical outcomes for learning. When you take an Facebook marketing course which states "Bring 5,000 visitors a day to your web page," you know what you will get... You want to attract 5,000 people a day to your site! It's not necessary to debate Facebook's algorithm or advertising theory. There's only a route to follow that will achieve satisfaction.

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Students are eager how to do something. Many courses provide some type of improvement, or potential to put something into practise and get outcomes. What students learn from a particular course must be tied to what students need to prove their learning.

3. Learn when to stay free of any negative outcomes to your learning

Then, there's another type of class altogether. Courses are not supposed to be being able to provide clear results for students.

Imagine a program designed to aid you in becoming more aware and in touch to your inner feelings.

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After completing your study, you're not searching for a set of items like The student meditates 5 every each day. You're seeking an experience. It's the feeling of being further in a path that ultimately doesn't have an end. This can be also subject to the interpretation.

In certain kinds of schooling teachers have to share what you know and hope you can be able to do so. Not every student is going to be able to react the same way.

4. Let your students design real objects

We're done with criticizing the traditional educational system in this case. In traditional schools, the pupils usually created fake tasks.

The great thing about the online courses is the ability to make actual work. If your course was titled Creating an Artist's Portfolio which is effective and you were to instruct it, the most efficient method of teaching it would be just instruct your students in the process of making your work. Do it yourself learning. In other words, as experts suggest using methods of learning by experience.

5. Learn what you'd like to learn from your ideal college student

The problem with the traditional education system is that it is many things to do in the classroom. There may be some wonderful students who are enthusiastic to be a part of. But, there are those who aren't interested, and some who stick gum on their desks, and throwing spitballs at them when they're not paying attention. (Not likely to engage in that kind of thing I'm sure? )

If you're developing the course online, then you're creating totally distinct (and better) area. It's impossible to make anyone sit through your course. You can only force them to do it if they'd like!

It's awesome!

Consider this, ensure that you fill your classroom online with those who would like to attend. This is all about finding the Ideal student. An Ideal Student is an enthused, precise individual that your program is specifically designed for.

Be sure to ask questions so that you can determine your perfect Student


  • From where did they come from?
  • What issues do they have to contend with?
  • What are the demographics they belong to?
  • What is their dream and dreams?

Over time, we've discovered that one of the best ways to find Ideal Students is to travel and interview individuals! What's the point of trying to determine the requirements of people instead of asking the questions they have? Most of the time, those whom you speak to may become one of your first students - in the end, if you're designing a program to meet the requirements of the students you teach, they're more likely to be intrigued.

ideal member- member growth

6. Make a statement with the power of a large purpose

After all the talk about the outcomes of learning, here's an inventive way of connecting your learning outcomes and your ideal student. It's part of the process known as the Community Design(tm).

What you must include in this is... the big Purpose Statement. A Big Purpose statement defines the purposes of your community or class will be used for and the benefits you'll gain from the experience. The way to think about it is this:

Big Purpose- New Image

You can try it out for your course!

     Get your Free Trial

7. Consider a co-curricular course

If you're creating an online version of your course you need to know another trick. You should think about co-teaching. A co-curricular course is delivered live. The teaching of a cohort course by way of online learning alters the dynamic of the course totally.

Think about Doug Neill's story of life. As Ryder, Doug had a visually organized strategy that everyone loved. He's a master of visual note-taking also known as sketch note taking. He realized how many users wanted to know the technique.


Ryder began by creating courses but struggled to get an audience. As Ryder began to realize the value of community, immersing the audience on a platform which allowed them to build connections while they took the course. The course was moved onto an online platform known as Verbal in order to create visual.

But Doug has a different idea currently. After recording five courses Doug has decided to release his newest course before an audience that is live! Teaching live, be it through courses, webinars or Q&A sessions, brings his participants together, and lets them be able to take the discussion wherever they need it to take it.

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This is actually what a group course is and what makes it different. If you make a recording of a class in advance, you're giving the audience what you think they need. When you present live and live, you're leaving your class open to the possibilities which may arise due to an unexpected query or feedback.

Here are a few benefits of group courses:


  • The course can be pre-set to your liking. If no one buys the course, perhaps you can tweak it and then try another time! Nothing is more efficient to conduct market research than upfront installments.
  • It is possible to modify your talk to suit the requirements your audience members require in the course of your presentation. Allow questions and feedback to help you. These will make the class more enjoyable.
  • It's an avenue that some people like to find out more about.

8. Let your audience dictate format

If you're unsure the best way to teach recorded or live courses (AKA analog or synchronous). analogue) You don't have to worry about fashions or what experts advise. Naturally, we like co-taught courses on Mighty. In the end, a pre-recorded course that has a community connected to it can be quite unique also.

It is important to realize that it's up to you to let the demands of your audience decide the best option for them. So, for instance are you addressing an audience of working moms? This is the group that can be unpredictable when they show up for your live training? Perhaps they require recordings of your course. Are you working on intense and hands-on tasks that would be greatly enhanced through real-time feedback during the time the work is taking place? Maybe you should be looking for a live training course.

Utilize the table below to determine the most suitable solution for you. By the way, we should probably mention - you do not have to choose. There are two choices! Mighty allows you to teach online courses after which you can upload the videos to your LMS There's a solution to suit everyone.


If so...

If not...

Do your students have the capability of being self-directed and independent?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Do students require real-time assistance and feedback?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Are your students unable in taking part in an online class due to the way you conduct education or in your daily the way you teach?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Will the students need to work on ideas in groups, engage in discussions, or collaborate?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronization

9. Mix mediums

There are those who like reading. Some prefer watching. Certain people prefer listening. If you're creating an online course you don't need to choose one of these things. If you would rather teach with cameras, you can make an artificial intelligence. Then, you can transcribe your own words and then edit them into an easy lesson (or create a fresh lesson). If you're a professional writer could you include images or videos that can be used to illustrate longer writing lessons?

Mixing the mediums of your course will benefit learners with different preferences for learning as well as help them comprehend the topic. In addition, it can also make the class more accessible to students with disabilities with disabilities who may struggle to use the various formats.

10. It is possible to leave an open area

There's been a lot of discussion in this article about the benefits of live chat. Chat with a community or discussion as well as live streaming to an asynchronous class. Making use of cohort courses for live teaching. As an example, you can add Q&A times as well as "office hours" where students are able to get extra assistance.

All of these are an essential element in the design of online classes that you may duplicate. There should be room in everything you conduct for students to communicate in a way that they can ask questions and determine what they will need to know from your class. The interactions and connections are a crucial part of their journey to learning.

11. Choose the platform you prefer.

Last but not least, a successful online courses require an excellent platform. This may seem odd however it isn't. A majority of what we've mentioned previously need a high-end technology stack to complete. In the end, if you're teaching live courses or creating a community as well as mixing media for distribution of information, you'll require a system that can accomplish all of that.

The solution can be adapted to an online learning platform .

There must be a system that can allow you to create your courses of your own, and offer you many options. Don't forget that in the event that you're selling your program, you need a platform that will handle monetization, sales and also the capability to limit access.

There are typically two varieties of learning platforms online. The first is a marketplace, such as Skillshare and Udemy. These platforms allow you to create your course among hundreds of other courses. Marketplace platforms also have advantages. Your course will appear before an established crowd, which is usually millions. The crowd will show up If you play your cards well you could be able to find their courses.

The downside to an online marketplace is that you have lots of competitors. Your course must be seen in the crowd. It's virtually impossible to integrate your course as a live instruction. They must adhere to the rigid format of these sites. Additionally, the model of monetization that is used on a large majority of these websites doesn't always offer fair. In Skillshare it costs pennies each viewing. That means you'll only gain money when you have a lot of views. With Udemy the company takes a portion of your earnings from people who discover your course on Udemy's platform.

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Another type of platform is one that has a specific space that you control. The option is to create a custom course-builder tool that you could run under your own name and then create your course however you like. The only drawback is that you'll have locate your students on your own. However, the benefit is enormous in that you'll get to take 100% of the earnings and design a course that reflects your personality and the students' requirements.

Are you ready to begin?

If you're looking to begin studying with classes, consider giving Mighty the opportunity! The innovative platform that we have developed for culture can be used to accomplish all of that you mentioned earlier, by bringing classes, communities as well as content and business. The flexible spaces of Mighty mix in live activities, live streaming and discussions forums in addition to messaging and discussions, polls, and questions as well as everything else you're imagining. Plus, the Ideal Students have access to the course via an awesome app that works on every device. You can sell access to your course in 135 currencies, and also through token-gating.

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